
Monday, 11 November 2019

I didn't forget.

Remembering all those who have fallen.

ilona xxx


  1. What a beautiful tribute the bench is.I dont think that I have ever seen one done like that and would be proud to have something like that where I live.Has it been there long?.The poppy wreaths are lovely as well and I bet you had a good turnout in the village.Love and respect to each and every man and woman that fought for this country.xx

    1. I have seen the same benches in other places. A standard design I think.

  2. Handsome bench that says it all without words and beautiful poppy wreaths. In church yesterday we honored veterans and 20 veterans stood up when asked, 19 men and a woman.

  3. Beautiful bench Ilona, we have something very similar in our village. I think everyone was out in force yesterday for the service it was lovely to see all the families together and the scouts, guides etc. we had our 2 minutes in between the singing of pleasure. Hope you tad a good weekend.
    Hazel c uk

  4. One of the most important days in the calendar, to honour and remember with dignity those that fell and those that were injured. A poignant day.

  5. As I walked my dogs through a woodland today I thought of the people who fought for our country-Everywhere looked particularly beautiful-the sun was shining and the wind blowing through the trees seemed heightened somehow - I am so grateful x

  6. Lovely. Thank you.

    And Iona, I suspect you know this, but maybe some readers do not.

    A couple days ago was watching a special on t.v., and they were discussing England during the war. They pointed out that some (much) of the wrought iron fencing was a bit of a odd shape for wrought iron fencing, and pointed out it had been so designed that it could be "lifted out" of its sockets and used as stretchers for any injured during the bombings.

    I hunted up a couple examples

    1. Hi Suzy,I didnt know this so I will watch your recommendations.Its always good to learn something so thank you!,xx

    2. Debi, I was very interested to see the tv special. It seemed like such a practical and sturdy sort of solution for a sad /horrible event..(injured in bombings). I hope who ever "invented" the idea got some sort of recognition.

  7. I love the bench,we have war memorials in most towns but I like the a bench to sit and think!

  8. Lovely tribute. I love the bench too.


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