
Thursday, 30 July 2020

The Priceless Benefits of Not Belonging

Hello. I have had this in my draft folder for a few weeks now. I collect yooootoooob videos, ha ha, especially those which strike a chord with me and have a meaningful message. I am too lazy to write an introduction, but if you watch it you will see what I mean about it being meaningful. 

There are those who are happy to go with the flow, who will look for something or somewhere or someone to belong to, and there are those who are happy to go it alone and do their own thing. As you know if you have been reading my blog, I am very much a free thinker, I value my freedom. My mind is my own, and I will always make decisions which will give me the best outcome. At times I have stumbled, but I always get back on to try again. This video was published in December last year, the message is still applicable now, and I think it will be for a long time. Listen carefully to the words. Grab your own piece of freedom now, before it disappears. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Very interesting. I think that I've become more like this as I've gotten older. Similar to what he says, I am happy to be Canadian and since I reap so many benefits from that belonging I am happy to conform to the law of the land and to conform to certain social norms - but - in my personal life I am free to do what works for me as long as I am not harming others.
    I have never been a "joiner" and hated group projects at school and at work (since I always seemed to end up doing the bulk of it anyway) so I now very carefully choose who I socialize with and how I participate in larger organizations.
    I have also never been afraid to do things by myself or go places by myself and I think that helps a lot. I know many women who still won't go to a movie by themselves or go to a restaurant alone - this sort of thing has never bothered me - in fact there are times when I much prefer doing things by myself.
    A thought provoking post Ilona.

    1. Thank you Margie. I know a lot of people who prefer to lean on someone else, who look to others for guidance and support, and are too afraid to strike out on their own. It's all down to personal choice.

  2. What a simple and thoughtful message, Ilona.Coincidentally, I’ve been reading a lot about self-actualisation recently, I think as a kick back against the events of the last few months and being told to ‘do this, do that’ and feeling offended that, as a sensible woman in her mid-fifties, I am quite capable of making decisions for myself, thank you very much! Ultimately, I have a good grasp of what I need to do to stay fit, healthy, fulfilled and happy and if I want advice, I’ll ask. I find I am minding my own business, living an increasingly sImple life and continuing my passion for ‘life long learning‘, writing, the natural world and arts and crafts. Sometimes I think my world might be shrinking, but actually, I realise my freedom is expanding! Thank you for the clip, Ilona. And best wishes to you!

    1. Thank you Denise, you are my twin. The events of the last few months, as far back as the beginning of the year before Covid, have gone kind of crazy, and to understand this you have to dig deep. You also have to have an enquiring mind and the ability to read between the lines. Yoootooob is your friend.

  3. The fact is, I like my own company. I like to go places alone. When I go somewhere with a group, I must go at their pace, see the things they want to see. When I go alone I can take my time at areas that interest me but maybe not others. I enjoy quiet. I never understood why people feel they must fill up the silence with tv, cell phones, music etc. When your are alone in silence, you can feel at peace with the earth, feel more a part of it. It lifts your spirits, it centers you, it makes you feel alive. I feel bad for others who do not enjoy this. I think we should enjoy others, but also enjoy our selves and feel comfortable in our own skin, in who we are and what we think. It is so freeing to follow your own road and have the confidence to do that.

    1. My head is nodding, I am agreeing with everything you say. I will not walk down the street looking at a screen. I want my whole body to be part of the surrounding area I am in, not with my head off somewhere else.

  4. I am with a partner who also likes his own company, as do I, and it works for us but only because we are of the same mindset. Of course we have to compromise because we want our relationship to continue to grow, but at the same time we understand our individual need for space. A very thoughtful blog, and thanks for posting.

    1. Thank you for reading. You are in a good place, you and your partner seem to be on the same wavelength.

  5. Very thought provoking video ilona.
    I’m someone who does need peace and quiet and my own space ...but not all the time. That’s where my problem lies. I do enjoy being in company but it has to be with the right people and as I get older that doesn’t get any easier. x

    1. I am struggling because my thoughts on the current situation are at odds with most people. I am actively seeking out those on the same wavelength as me, and it is getting harder. I feel a massive gulf is opening up, which simply can't be breached. Very sad to watch it happening.

    2. You have said it in one sentence....seeking out those on the same wavelength and its getting harder.This is just how I feel.It think that is why I am happier with my own company and not being part of a crowd that has nothing in common with me.Although it does seem in Blogland there are a lot of like minded people!And I have got Flis to call who is very much on the same wave length!.And my Family...Im still working on my sister,lol...and my cats!.Today is spent looking forward to party night with Hubby,Guinness n sister is convinced we are swingers, today is hopefully going to be a great day!.....Of thread,but you must be used to me by now,lol..someone was dumping a big pile of astra turf...I think its call that...fake grass!.My sister had rang to tell me,so I walked round to back of her house,knocked on the house n asked if it was ok for me to take it.They were delighted that I could make use of it.So now,in my little garden at the front of my house has a free new lawn that wont need mowing!And the cats love laying on it.I was well chuffed!.Have a lovely sunny weekend!!,xx

    3. That was a great find. As much as I don't like the astro turf it does have it's uses in small gardens. My front garden is now a wild flower meadow. I am not mowing it just yet. I will do eventually when it becomes scruffy, but it isn't visible from the road so I don't think the neighbours have even noticed it.

  6. thank you - food for my mind within this post

  7. I have a saying I tell myself occasionally - "the pleasure of not going". As I have gotten older it has been a bit easier to politely decline invitations to places I do not wish to go. I never have liked large parties/gatherings, I'm not good at idle chit-chat. Attending my son's wedding with hundreds of people was torture (he has no idea). I do have friends I see occasionally (they don't live close by) but usually in small groups of 2 or 3. Anyway that was a good video. There is also a book called "Fitting In is Over-rated". I also wanted to recommend a channel to you called Prepper Princess which you might find interesting. She has lots of tips on saving money etc. and is of a similar mind-set.

    1. Thank you for these recommendations, I will take a look.


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