
Thursday, 22 October 2020

My home made art gallery in pictures

Hello. It has been a lot of fun putting together my art collection. My bedroom is now my art gallery. The room looks tidy, you should see the rest of the house, what a mess. Please enter. 
If you have been reading my blog you will have possibly seen some of these before. 

These two are very heavy. They will hang but I thought it best to prop them up on the bed. 

I made the bedspread. There are 625 squares, all sewn together by hand. 

I covered the fitted wardrobe with a sheet and a curtain, attached to the top with big heavy duty market stall type clips. Some of the pictures are quite heavy. 

Janet came to see it at 2pm, and Lynn came at 3pm. They both liked it. 
I made a video but waffled on a bit too long and the battery ran out before I had finished, so I will try again tomorrow, and try and make it a bit shorter. 
I tried the extra large picture option but some of the edges were lost, so I've had to change it back to the large option. If you click on a picture, it should open as a slide show. 
Hopefully a video tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Really liked looking at your artwork, It inspires me to try some of my own.

    1. Yes, please try something. Even producing something small gives a sense of achievement.

  2. What wonderful fun! You have such joyful and colorful artwork, I enjoyed looking for things I have seen before. I had forgotten the tennis racket!
    I am so glad you thought of doing this.

    1. When I unwrapped it all it was like discovering something new all over again.

  3. Wow great stuff and some pieces. Very colourful and arty well done x I have seen quite a few of them from your videos x

  4. It looks wonderful Thank you for taking the time and thought to showcase your art for us blog lookers and more !!

    1. I am hoping one or two of my friends will come and see it. By invitation only.

  5. Amazing art work displayed in great location your home.

    1. Very convenient in my home. Pity it's not permanent. Just trying to make the best of the situation.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, it is, about ten years worth. I sold some at an exhibition two years ago, but the numbers are creeping back up again.

  7. Exceptional Ilona, well done indeed. I will look forward to your video.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Pam in TX.x

  8. Very pretty. I wish you would do a tour of your home. Is it a two story row home? Love from USA

    1. Some of my rooms have been on my videos, but only as backgrounds. It's not a good idea to show too much, for security reasons. It's what we call a semi detached, an upstairs and downstairs. I am in a row and joined on one side to the neighbours house. We are well spread out.

  9. Very nice artwork is eny for sale? Thank you

    1. I am often asked that. I sell a few things, locally to people I know, and only when I am ready to let go of them. I store it wrapped up so it remains in good condition until the time comes. I don't do distance selling, not going to get into that, too many regulations, too much work. Thank you for your comment.

  10. I love your very individual style, and am sure your favourite colour is "vivid rainbow"! I look forward to seeing the video of your personal art gallery. Jeanne

    1. My individual style seems to be constantly changing. I like experimenting with different materials, to see what works and what doesn't. I like to discover my strengths and my weaknesses. I know I don't like doing messy things with glue and paint. I like circles, spirals, geometric shapes, landscapes, flowers, and trees. I love lots of colour, but then I like to go in the opposite direction and use black. I like contrasts. Actually, reading through this reminds me of the connection between art and life.

    2. Thank you for your lovely reply! I relate very well to your creative nature, ideas pop into my head and the end product evolves as I work at it! Find it difficult to follow a pattern, am very frugal, beautiful works need not cost a whole lot! I have been reading your blog since you built your garden house. Jeanne

  11. Wow! looks wonderful all set out, I guess it took you awhile to display your art work. colourful and good to look back at all the different designs, techniques etc. Thank you.

    1. Thank you. I will re do the video today, it was a bit too long yesterday and the battery ran out.

  12. Thank you for seeing YOUR ART STUDIO it brings back lovely memories, lots of pieces I have not seen or forgotten. It will be lovely when life gets back to normal and you can see everything in a hall and people will be able to see the talent you have. Thank you for taking the time to display your treasures.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  13. When you see it all together like that - wow! It has real impact. Thanks for sharing your art gallery.

  14. It's a very colourful display, thank you for showing us your beautiful works.

  15. Just goes to show how busy you have been in the craft department. Looks great all in the one Gallery. So colourful.

    1. Yes, always something on the go. Housework just does not cut it with me, ha ha.

  16. Your exhibition is amazing. What a lot of work just setting it up. Did you have to dismantle it so you could go to bed?

    1. No. I was going to put up the camp bed in the spare room so I wouldn't disturb it. I want to leave it up until Sunday in case anyone from the Crafty Club might want to see it. I removed the two big pictures, and the bed cover, then put back the pillows and duvet's which had been dumped in the bathroom. I was able to sleep in it.

  17. Oh my goodness that is wonderful. It's the sort of art gallery I could happily spend time in. It looks amazing

  18. Inspirational, Ilona. Your ‘can do’ attitude to life and art is a tonic. Thank you!

  19. I can remember some of those lovely pieces from when you did an exhibition at Burton on Trent and if I remember rightly,you sold some to people who loved them and gave all your profits to charity!.What a caring person you are!.Is the shop in your village still showing local made crafts for Christmas presents?.Maybe some of the smaller pieces could be sold there.Im sure that people would love them!xx

    1. Things have come to a halt regarding selling small gift items in the village shop. The lady who is organising it has had some family issues to deal with. I am waiting to hear from her.

  20. Very colourful Ilona. I enjoyed the gallery visit and thank you for sharing it here.

  21. Replies
    1. Thanks Jac. You won't see me at the other place we usually meet up at. Have given up with it. Hope your walking goes well.

  22. Wow, what an achievement Ilona! All different yet recognisably your style - bright, colourful and often drawing inspiration from the natural world. A shame to have them packed away - could you rotate them around your house after the exhibition? Vicki

    1. I have one nail in the wall above the fireplace and another nail near the dining room table which is my work station. I hang things there for a week or two. Textile art exposed to dust is difficult to keep clean so I wrap it up and put it into storage. The big pieces on top of the wardrobe, and smaller pieces in a suitcase. I might want to sell them one day.

  23. Your art gallery bedroom is wonderful Ilona! Creativity in abundance! You have inspired me to do something similar in my spare room when I have built up enough to show. You are an inspiration! I look forward to your next video when it is up. :)

  24. what a creative mind you have!! Amazing!!

  25. I love the one with the Christmas trees.

  26. Wooow Ilona. So many beautiful things. Some I remember from videos I have been watching, as I found you recently, I'm not precise, but three months ago?? I'll check that!!
    If those marvels were mine, I would transform at least an entire wall of my living room, into a permanent art gallery. They all worth it. I must say, you have quite different styles and tasts, from recyling materials, to felted landscapes or beautiful patchwork. Thanks for sharing those beauties with us!!
    All the best and keep going. Stay safe!!

  27. I hadn't realised you had made so many colourful things.
    What next I wonder

    1. I have some projects on the go at the moment, something will happen with them eventually.

  28. Lots of hours represented in your gallery! Beautiful! ~Andrea

  29. Absolutely beautiful Ilona. You are so talented. I love seeing them all, I can remember most of them from your posts when they were being created. Superb!!!

  30. Such a joy. Everything so colorfull.

    Carolina from Portugal

  31. Fabulous to see it all together, great idea!

  32. Hope you are very proud of yourself, Ilona. You're such a talented gal. Lovely to see your art work displayed....thank you xx

  33. Thank you all for your kind comments. The video is ready now.

  34. That patchwork quilt bedspread is amazing! It must have taken years!


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