
Wednesday, 3 February 2021


 Hip Hip Hooooray. I have an energy bill, it came in the post today, has a bar code on a payment slip. Tomorrow I will pay it at our visiting Post Office at the church in the village. The man gets a small payment for every transaction he makes. We need to use the facility or we'll lose it. Our little Post Office is a lifeline for the elderly people who don't have transport. 

Toodle pip.    ilona


  1. Well done - a victory for the little people.

  2. It always pays to persevere.

  3. Other half got a rat on the other day , he received a little check before xmas and he wanted to pay it into his bank account , he had run out of paying in slips for the post office . got online to his bank to find that he must now pay them in digitally on his phone , not happy as he doesnt wish to bank on his phone at all , but he has the wrong sort of phone anyway . So now he has a cheque he can do nothing with

    1. I would suggest you go back and explain to the company and try and get a new/ different way to pay it in like Iiona did. If enough people rebel against this automatic changeover they will have to keep other means going/open. I have missed texts recently because companies have sent them via smart phone technology and i have a pay as you go. Halfords for example sent me a text saying my car was ready and i just didnt get it. Its frustrating but I cant afford a smart phone and dont want one. I also had a mental health support worker who insisted on texting me because her 'txts were free' and she laughed when i said I have to pay 10p a text to reply and could she stop doing that but actually call me. She said she had no time for that and she hadn't heard of anyone 'who still pays for texts!'. I stopped working with her of course after that...

    2. Another example of being coerced into using smart/computer technology is cashless parking. I found a that the two machines in a Gloucester car park weren't accepting cash one day and the parking warden was there. I asked if i could give her the money and she just said that there was a second option on the side of the machine, cashless parking via an app. I said I didn't have a smart phone. She just didn't care and the conclusion was that i should just move my car to another car park with possibly a working cash accepting machine.

  4. So pleased you can pay your bill at the little post office.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈


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