
Monday, 12 April 2021

Looking for views to photograph.

It's been a fabulous afternoon for a walk. Blue skies and a light breeze. I am constantly looking around for interesting pictures, even though I walk the same routes over and over again. It's amazing to discover something you haven't noticed before. 
A derelict barn. Would make a great conversion to a house. Plenty of land around it with access to a road. 
Watering the turf fields. 
A very small woodland area. 
Fascinating how they have ploughed deep furrows with flat tops in this field. 

Crossing the last field. They have run a tractor over it in a straight line to mark out the public footpath. It goes straight to the gate on the other side. 

An interesting sky can make an ordinary tree look pretty amazing. 
I got home at 6.45pm, seven miles walked. Dinner was a quick macaroni cheese, three minutes in a pan on the hob. Just as I finished it I saw the red sky behind the houses opposite and had to go to the churchyard to get a pic. Wow, it looked like it was on fire. 

I am having a conversation with someone about cameras, so I'll cut you loose, and catch you tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Love photo number 6, the two trees and ploughing. Worthy for a calendar.

  2. I like the way your photos have made something beautiful out of what could be considered as rather mundane (except for that amazing sunset). It just shows that if we open our eyes and really look around us, there is always beauty to be found :) xx

    1. I am beginning to see things differently, by taking a second look. Stopping and studying scenes more closely. It certainly is an interesting exercise.

  3. Beautiful pictures! I always look forward to seeing your adventures.

  4. Great photos. The flat topped ridges are the potato planter lines. Those field photograph well.

    1. Thank you. Spuds will be the next crop then. Makes a change from turf.

  5. As Sansthing said,those photos could be something from a beautiful country side calendar.I love the barn.It would make a wonderful home,just fields and trees...knowing my luck after 2 years they would build a big housing estate right in front of it,lol.That last photo really does look like the sky is on fire.Thanks for sharing them with us,xx

    1. The barn is on a private estate, so hopefully it will stay as it is.

  6. These are wonderful photos. You have a good eye! I enjoyed this post very much. Thanks! As for walking, I'm afraid my attempts have fallen by the wayside for a while but I hope to get back to it soon. Your blog is an encouragement.

  7. What a great crop of photos! I agree with the comment above me--they would make an excellent calendar.

  8. Great photos! You could print these onto cards and sell them. Another fundraiser for charity? Or make a little side business out of it. :-)

  9. Beautiful photos. I used to take a lot of photos of sunsets. I love it that no two are ever the same.


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