
Saturday, 3 April 2021

Visit to Angie's bench.

It was a bit chilly when I set off for a walk today, even though it was sunny. I was quite surprised at how cold it was, so I thought a jacket was needed. I walked out of the village and headed for the track. Just at that moment someone pulled up in a car. A woman about the same age as me got her two tiny Yorkie dogs out, and as we were  walking in the same direction, we started a conversation. She said she was going along two field edges, then turning around and going back. She didn't walk very fast so I slowed down so we could chat. 
Amazingly she said she used to be a lorry driver and a bus driver. She showed me a photo of herself sat in the driving seat of a bus. What a coincidence. We had a lot to talk about. 
It was a fun chat, she had been married three times and was now happily single. We both agreed that we weren't looking to start a relationship again. I thanked her for her company, and she said, yes it made a nice change. 
I got to the bench and was pleased to see that Trevor had been there. He had planted some flowers in the pots, filled up the bird feeder, and left two containers of water for  the dog bowl. I stopped for ten minutes, put my jacket in my rucksack, and enjoyed the sunshine. 
I spotted this tree and liked the way the branches were curly. Pity I couldn't get the whole tree in the picture, it was the other side of the hedge. 
I don't know this man's name, I didn't ask him, but I often see him walking his dog. If we are walking in the opposite direction the dog spots me from quite a distance away. He runs towards me then stops, then turns round as if to say is it alright if I carry on. I wave to the dog so he knows it is me, and it's ok to run towards me. We always stop and chat for a few minutes. He said he had toothache, and was waiting to go to the dentist. That didn't stop him chatting. 
Six miles added to my total today. Looking at the forecast earlier there was talk of snow, but now I see it has been changed to three days of sun. Well that would be nice. 

I hope you are having a good weekend. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. How good to meet two nice people and have chats along the way on your walk. The bench looks pretty with the flowers. I bought a memorial bench for my husband which is in a park a block from my house, and I like to see people sitting on it.

  2. Your walk was like lovely this morning and nice people to chat to.
    We had a bench put to Radipole (Weymouth) when my husband died unfortunately it was damaged. But it's a lovely idea and the one at yours is well looked after.
    Have a nice few days IIona.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈

  3. Its a sunny but cool day here in Leicester as well.Just the sort of day to put my jacket on and sit in the garden a read my book.Angies bench is beautiful and I do think it is lovely of Trevor to keep it looking so nice and thinking of the animals as well.What a coincidence to see another lady lorry driver!.I must say that you are the only one I know and you both must have had lots of things to talk about!xx

  4. Best Wishes this Easter x


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