
Saturday, 1 May 2021

Happy Mayday

 Good morning. The sun is back, that's a relief. I had a little potter in the garden yesterday in between showers, that was all. No walking. I did some washing which had to be brought in and draped over a drying rack. I shall hang them outside again today. There is a heavy knitted hoodie/long jacket which my friend gave me. I want to add some colour to it with some patchwork trimmings, or maybe some embroidery, haven't decided which.

I found some more rope, it's white and clean, so I am making another bowl. I fancied making a lined tote bag so I cut out the fabric last night, maybe I'll sew it together today. I found a pattern on yoootooob which looked pretty simple to follow. I don't normally follow patterns, but in this instance I can't be arsed to make one up myself. Brain fog. 

If the weather stays dry I will be off out for a walk this afternoon. I finished April on 348 miles, so I am ahead of target. How have you done? How is your walking going? This is where members of the International Walking Group check in so we can cheer each other on. 

Pics from the archives. I know, it's not autumn but I like these. Local park. 

It's a Bank Holiday weekend, enjoy. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers!
    My walking has improved in the last few weeks and since last week I have been able to do my daily 6 kilometre walk again :>)! So very happy with that.
    Today I reached a total of 240 kilometres and that feels so good.
    My pelvis and left leg still need more time to gain strength, but walking slowly is also a perfect way to keep going and in good shape, thysically and mentally. Especially in these dampanic times.


    1. Thysically should be Physically, but I guess you understood already :>)

    2. Hello Jeanneke. You are doing really well considering the struggles you have had. Your numbers are going up so that's a good thing.

  2. Hi folks! Well this month we had a few snowy(!) days but a few sunny days also; so i've been really enjoying getting out for a few slightly longer walks. Total for April was 30miles, which i am pleased with. I have increased my target for walks by 500 steps, to just over 3miles. At the moment gardening is taking precedence but looking forward to some good outings next week. gillian

    1. Hello Gillian. It's been a real mixed bag of weather. Being flexible about the times when you walk sorts out that problem.

  3. Hi Ilona and fellow dog walkers! April was a lovely month here in the US desert southwest. Lovely temps, occasional very windy days, overall perfect weather ;). I walked a total of 86 miles, so almost up to my 3 miles per day goal. Now the temps starting heating up so walks will be in the early morning.

    1. Hello Hilly. You have a plan to cope with temperature changes, good thinking. Good miles achieved.

  4. Hi, I managed 104 miles in April hoping to increase numbers as the weather and life improves. Enjoy everyone. x

    1. Hello CC. Wow, that's a biggeeee. Onwards and upwards. Well done.

  5. 140 miles in May for a total of 481. Still having Achilles tendon issues, but luckily I can walk relatively well once I get started. Doing the exercises my primary care provider gave me helps, I think.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Hello Sheila. We are at the beginning of May, so I think you mean April. Look after your feet and they will look after you.

  6. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers. Love those pictures Ilona, there is something so calming about beautiful scenery and those gorgeous colours of nature, I find. Lovely. I also have to say I had a bit of a chuckle at "can't be arsed and brain fog" hahaha, sums it up for me at the moment also :) Nevertheless, I have kept up with my walking (read sanity time) and clocked up 188 klms for April, which by my reckoning comes to 832 klms of my target of 1930 klms. Happiness is seeing those numbers steadily increasing and the enjoyment of being out and about. Stay well everyone and keep on walking!! Joy, Central Vic Australia

    1. Hello Joy. You sound very chirpy, the walking must be working for you. Outdoors and fresh air is best for us all.

  7. Morning everyone on a gloriously sunny day.
    I am still behind on my target though I’ve done better than last month with a total of 82 miles for April.
    The total for the year so far is 296 miles so a way to go!
    Good luck to you all for May.

    1. Hello Sue. You're on your way. Very good miles.

  8. Good morning Ilona and fellow walkers. Managed a reasonable mileage in the end this month as the weather slowed work in the garden so 105 miles for April and 436 so far this year. Good luck for May! Vicki

    1. Hello Vicki. You are way ahead of me as usual. I admire your stamina. Our star walker. Go girl.

  9. I wondered if it would be worth you adding all the miles together each month and then walking around the world? See where you all end up. Start at London or even Hull, and off you go. At the end of the year it would be interesting to see where you all got to collectively?

    1. A good idea, although I think it would be a guestimate number. People have their own way of calculating their miles, some in steps, some in kilometres, some walk, and some run. My maths is not up to adding all those up.

    2. PS. If someone wants to set up a spread sheet and record the information from our monthly reports, they are welcome to do so.

  10. Hello all! Mileage for April was 70, for a total so far of 260 miles. A bit behind the goal, but the year is young!

    1. Hello Lesley, well done. Keep going, never give up.

  11. Hello - 149 miles in April for a total of 531. The weather's been lovely and I've been working hard in the garden taking advantage of it. It's meant less dedicated walking time, but I'm still moving and easily averaging 10,000 or 11,000 steps a day while lugging about plants, soil, sod, etc. Love Gill's idea - I wonder how far all of your walkers will go, collectively, by the end of the year?

    Missed several of your recent posts (out in the garden too much!) and was just reading back through some of them. I also want to browse a library to choose my books. Our local library has been "half" open over the last year after the first wave of covid (when it was comletely shut). In other words, you can place holds on books by choosing through the online catalogue and then go and collect them, but they've also had a very small section of curated books on special shelves open for "browsing". Only a small number of shelves though, and the books are selected by the librarians according to subject areas that are most often borrowed - not of interest to everyone though! They recently opened more of the regular stacks for open browsing, thank goodness, though I've not had a chance to get in there since. Have to wait for a rainy day perhaps. :-)

    1. Hello Alison, thanks for the catch up. It's good to know your thoughts and ideas.

  12. Missed posting for March so two months was 281 miles with yearly total of 512 pretty happy with that 😀Lisa NSW

    1. Hello Lisa. Brilliant, you are really getting stuck into the challenge. An inspiration.

  13. Oops, a bit late, sorry. My total for the year so far is 103 miles. Slow but steady.

    1. Better late than never, just don't drop out. I will be disappointed if you do.

  14. Hi Ilona, a bit late, sorry. April was 96,5 miles. A total of 374 miles for this year. Enjoy your bank holiday.

    1. Very good guusje. You are beating me. Enjoy your Bank Holiday.

  15. A bit better this month than previous!.I did 59 miles in April and enjoyed every one of them!.With visiting my Mam daily does restrict me slightly because I always spend 3 to 4 hours there,but knowing that she is well and also chatting with people who are in their front gardens is helping my mental state as well.Well done to every one here!xx

    1. Hi Debbi. You lead a full life, any walking is a bonus. 59 is good.

  16. Hi sorry it's late. Walked 88 miles in April (389 to date).


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