
Monday, 21 June 2021

Strewth, give me strength !

This transgender person from New Zealand has been selected to compete in the women's weightlifting team at the Tokyo Olympics. He/she/they is a biological male who now identifies as female. Whether they still have their bits, I don't know, but how is this fair to all the biological female weight lifters? Reuters News Agency are tweeting this story. 

Nothing is fair in this world any more, common sense has gone. The thought police are after anyone who mis-genders a person. We are not allowed to say what is obvious, so best to keep our mouths shut in case we offend someone. That's woke for you.
Welcome to this barmy New World.   Ilona 


  1. I'm struggling to understand the non-binary description. Where a person does not identify as either male or female but are in a relationship with either same sex or opposite

  2. Yes absolutely bonkers. The sports thing is very unfair but there is a real safe guarding issue going on. Do you know about girl guiding and their position on inclusivity? It beggars belief.

    1. I have no knowledge about Girl Guides, having never been one.

  3. Mean queen,you are so right,it is so unfair,let's hope there is a really strong female who can win!

    1. Well if I was competing in the same event, I would withdraw.

    2. I think that is the only answer

  4. The world is getting crazier and common sense has been thrown out the window. P.S. I haven't commented on 'winning' because your package is still on it's way to CA. So glad the other two ladies didn't reveal what was sent. Love the anticipation of a gift coming from England. Patty McDonald

    1. I don't know what transportation mode they used to get it there. I posted it on the 8th so I would have expected it to be there now.

    2. Hi Quiltingwith the farmerswife,I was so lucky to be one of Ilonas winners,and I was so chuffed with what she sent me!.That is why when I said Thank You to Ilona,I didnt say what I had delivered to me,I didnt want to spoil it for you!.You will be thrilled when it arrives...I know I was!xx

  5. I'm totally old school. Can't be doing with it. Disgusting.

  6. I think you are muddying the waters here.

    Has a person got the right to live their lives the way they want? I think my answer would be yes. If they wish to be in a same sex relationship, be known as they, him or her, that's their decision and something they can do and it's no concern of anyone else.

    However does a transgender person have an unfair advantage in competitive sport, and will this effect others? I think in this instance it will.
    If casta semenya ( not sure of spelling) cannot compete because she, born a female, produces too much testosterone and that gives an unfair advantage then surely that sets the precedence.

    1. This is not about being gay, or about relationships, so I don't know why you brought that into it.

    2. Can I just make it clear, that there were comments earlier which I presume you have deleted that referred to the way people were living their lives. Hence me bringing it up. I think a comment about an unfair advantage in a sports competition is very different to a comment on how someone lives their life.

    3. You accused me of muddying the waters, then you went on to say, Has a person got the right to live their lives the way they want, you then mentioned same sex relationship. So you went in the wrong direction and the others followed. I left your comment in because you did address the issues that the post was about.

  7. Comments have been deleted for going completely off topic.

  8. As I understand it, she is a former male weightlifting chamption who now identifies as a female (still with male bits I believe) and is still a weightlifter. She will have to have testosterone suppressing drugs for a while to lower the levels. However, she will have the advantage of having the muscle and bone structure of a male and the already superior strength. Some of the women are obviously not happy at having to compete against her, but they are being ignored. These women train extremely hard and I imagine the best they can ever hope for is a 2nd. Perhaps there should be a trans weightlifing team.

    1. I read that also. That is why I think it is unfair on the other competitors. Maybe they need to look at the rules.

  9. oh now i know what the word woke means i actually didnt know,i agree id withdraw too.Louise

  10. This is so unfair having a transgender female alongside biological women. Everyone is entitled to live the life they want/need but I am getting fed up of biological women being side lined.
    Women have fought hard to get on an 'even' playing field with men. Then along come transgender women kicking out the legs from under.

  11. I don't think the effects of this will hit home until all the leader boards for these sports are headed up by "Not Women". Then the backlash will occur. Would love to know if any Saudis will be competing against any of these "Not Women" as theirs could possibly be the biggest backlash.

  12. I find it curious that the feminists are strangely silent about men (who identify as female) competing with women. Women's sports are now effectively dead. What female would want to train hard all her life only to have a man, who identifies as female, easily beat them? It's not right. This world has gone mad.

    1. Hi Kathy there are loads of us speaking out. I know one feminist who secretly is gender critical but works in academia and is not allowed to voice or write her opinions in public as she will face disciplinary measures. Thankfully some of these cases of wrongful discipline/dismisal are now being overturned. I think things are beginning to change but it's slow, small victories are making a difference. Yes we are living in nutty times but hold on it will get better.


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