
Friday, 12 November 2021

Glass of Port chat.

Good morning. This one came out of the oven late last night. Lets have a chat about decision making. How difficult is it to make a decision, do we have the right tools, does it need to be a quick decision or can we take our time. I do a lot of pondering, mulling things over, trying not to make the wrong decision. Sometimes it happens and I need to re think my options. It's normal to make mistakes. 
Whatever we decide to do we have to take full responsibility for the outcome. Sometimes circumstances are out of our control, therefore we have to be prepared to take a different route to get back on the right track. 
When there are choices we have to consider all options. Some people can do that quite quickly, others will need time. If one is not comfortable with making a quick decision it should be put off until such time when things become more clearer. There is always the option of doing nothing if the choices available are confusing and don't present a desired outcome. 
Previous experience of life's ups and downs are a good benchmark for decision making. The whole of life is a learning curve. Some of the information we receive will stay with us forever, some of it will be lost over time. 
Every day decisions have to be made. Yes, consider all options, but don't get bogged down if the answer is not immediately apparent. Give yourself time. 
Personally I go with my gut instincts. Sometimes it works out fine, sometimes not. I take full responsibility for my actions, and I always have a plan 'b' in mind
The decision I have to make today is whether to go out. It doesn't look too good out there, windy with a threat of rain, but I really would like to go out today. I will have breakfast then decide. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good day, whatever you decide. ilona

1 comment:

  1. I do take a lot more time making decisions since I have got older.I way up the pros and cons of the situation,then ponder a bit more....then think again,lol.But I dont want to make mistakes,like I have done in the past.Every thing I do has been carefully thought through,Circumstances change in life,so maybe what was a great idea 25 years ago is not such a good idea now.....a bit like me thinking that I can still do the splits and roller skate,lol.xx


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