
Friday, 26 November 2021

Having a look at Grimsby.

I fancied going out for the afternoon. Not necessarily for a walk, but just to look at something different. I haven't been to Grimsby in a long time, also don't know much about it apart from the fact that the main industry is fishing. I used to go to a chemical factory there with a tanker, and pick up loads of sulphuric acid. 
I found a quiet car park and put £2.50 in the machine for four hours. I took an old and battered Grimsby street map with me, one that I used for trucking. 
I set off for the Fishing Museum, following the signs through the shopping area. This lady was feeding the gulls. Lots of them came swooping down. A bit like those you see following a tractor ploughing a field. 
This boat is moored next to the Museum, there is a walkway to get on to it from inside the building. 

At the reception there is a big screen showing views from all around the area, and some of the exhibits inside. It's a slide show which changes every few seconds. 

I wanted to go into the museum and was quite happy to pay the entrance of £6, pensioner rate. I wasn't allowed in because I didn't have any plastic to pay the fee. I offered cash but they don't accept it. Oh well. Never mind. 

There is a big Clock Tower at Grimsby Docks so I went to get a picture of it. Years ago groups used to do abseiling down it for charity. Apparently they stopped it and they can no longer do that. I went to the security gate at the entrance to the docks and asked if I could go to the tower to take a photo. The security man said no, it's not allowed. 
I decided to go down a street which might get me a bit closer, without actually going into the docks. The street was full of fish factories. The gulls were circling, looking for some scraps. 

It took me over a bridge which goes over a railway line, so I was able to get a bit of a view. There's the Clock Tower. 

Coming off the end of the bridge I found myself getting close to some boats. I think I found the back way into the docks. I took a few sneaky pictures. 

That's one heck of a boat. It looks really big from the side. 

Now look at it from the front, isn't that amazing. I'm not sure what you call this kind of a boat. It's like two boats joined together. I've just found it on Marine Traffic. It's a crew ship, it's last port of call was Denmark. It's a high speed craft. 
Here is another one. Checking on Marine Traffic one of the photo's shows a close up. You can see the words Technical Marine Support, and there is a picture of it docking up to a North Sea oil rig. 

This is a trawler which was built 40 years ago. 
I'll finish this post here. I have some more photo's and a video which I will put on tomorrow. 
I'm glad I went out today. I've just looked out of the window and it's been snowing. Maybe a day indoors tomorrow then. Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend.  ilona


  1. Glad that you managed to get some close up photos Ilona.That boat that looks like 2 joined together is amazing!.I have never seen one like that.The pic of the lady,feeding the seagulls,looks like me every morning feeding the ones that visit me...although I am 90 odd miles way from the nearest seaside place!xx

    1. It's amazing how far seagulls will travel for some food.

  2. I wonder how much money they lose because you did not have money. The boats are amazing and it was a nice fishing place you saw. It good to go out while you can,

    I lived so near to London before I moved 4 years ago and we were lucky not to pay for transport, I went to London each week and found so many interesting places in small. I use to go on my own I found the best way to do it, now I cannot go out much but the memories are so good.
    Keep walking IIona. Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. I did have the money in cash, I did not have a plastic card to pay, which they stipulated.

      I am always looking for opportunities to go out.

  3. Did you get that article I sent you a few days ago Ilona? Things sometimes go missing I've found.

    H x

    1. Hello H. Is that the one on human rights, the long one? I've saved it in my favourites folder. I find those type of documents are rather hard going, it takes me a while to digest them. Thanks for keeping in touch.

  4. Hello Ilona,
    Yes, it is. Sorry, I didn't think. If you have time just read the very last paragraph, that will tell you all you need to know.


    H x


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