
Sunday, 28 November 2021

I don't get it.

 I am feeling sorry for those people who come back here day after day, week after week, and month after month, with the same old claptrap of why they are right and why I am wrong. My comments are dwindling because I delete all the negativity. OK I let a few through, just to spice things up a bit. It gives me the opportunity to say my bit, but most of the time I can't be bothered.

They must have very sad lives if they feel the need to keep coming back when their views are at opposite ends of the spectrum to mine.  Why would you bother to keep going to a pub when you don't really like those people who go there. You would find another pub, wouldn't you. 

How sad it is that people find fault with my life and nitpick it to pieces. What a waste of time and energy, when they should be ignoring me and getting on with their own lives. 

It is natural to gravitate towards others with similar interests, because that is where you will fit in with like minded people. Why do people feel the need to keep going back to a place where they know they are not wanted. I don't get it. 

Thank you to the many new like minded readers that have found my blog and are comfortable coming here. You are welcome. Thank you to the long time readers who respect that this is my space and they can move on if I talk about something they are not interested in. I am reminded of the song, If you don't happen to like it pass me by. 

We have snow on the ground here in North Lincolnshire. I have a dog walk this afternoon, that's if Billy wants to go out. 

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.  ilona



  1. I always drop in on you every day because you are a bit different and quirky with your own views which some times I agree on and some times I don't.your views do not make me like you any less as I like you as a person I can tell you are an animal and nature lover.the camping expeditions and walks with pictures taken are very interesting also the penny pinching is great advise for a lot of us on low incomes.if people can't accept were all different but also have things in common they should look on other blogs not yours.i think there are many backstabbers on this internet hiding behind the screen with their sad lifex

  2. I know you have deleted my comments, even innocent ones about the northern lights.

    My honest take on it is that I really like your blog, I love your photos and posts about travel and dog walks. Yesterday I learned about the moon art and was grateful for that.

    I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum on views to do with covid, but you already know that.

    Your comparison to a pub, it's also to do with the beer on offer, you wont enjoy them all.

  3. very well said, my thoughts exactly, i take joy in continuing to succeed in ignoring negative stuff.

    1. I make up my own mind what I read we are all different. I enjoy reading your blog and since I have had the stroke I think about life quite different now. You give a lot of pleasure to people IIona and I know you care about peopl.
      The sun is out and I am going to have a very short walk.
      Hazel 🌈🌈

  4. I drop in most days, have a quick read - love to hear about your cats, dog walks, camping trips, walking and food budget. Anything not to my taste I skip over but I wouldn't nit-pick over a difference of opinion. Our snow here was short lived - sunny here today but very cold - my 2 rabbits adore this weather, they're out in their runs as we speak soaking up the sun!

  5. Please don't let the trolls get you down and stop your blog; like Jo dorset I pop in most days to see what interesting tips and trips are on here. If people don't like this site then they are free to steer clear. I like your common sense attitude and the variety of topics you cover especially your food hauls and your walking videos. Amanda x

  6. I browse various blogs. A few of them have views that are the complete opposite of mine and they openly mock people who think differently. I simply move on and don't go back. The people you speak of are bullies, hoping to wear you down. I have no doubt that they spend a great deal of time also doing the same to others. I suppose they are to be pitied really, except I can't seem to find it in my heart to do so.

  7. Dear Ilona, you parctise what you preach and I have a lot of respect for that. Take care gul.

    1. Sorry, should be gal (I will never get the spellings right).

  8. Michelle
    That’s not it at all! I follow your blog , regularly , and I like it . I like your art , your common sense ,, your trips……. I completely disagree on some points , and I wrote about it , once or twice , but I don’t see that as a good reason to stop following you ! Of course I think I’m right! Is not everyone? But it is certainly not a good reason to stop reading you , and to enjoy it .
    Keep well and healthy!

  9. My life is different than yours but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy your blog. I admire your independence and energy!
    Continue on!

  10. I drop by to read your blog every day. Sometimes I agree with your comments, other days not so much. Your views and comments are maybe not the same as mine and my life is different than yours, however, everyone is entitled to have their opinion on everything in this crazy world we live in.
    It would be a very boring place if everyone thought the same.
    My parents taught me....."If you can't say anything nice about a person or thing, don't say anything at all".

  11. Stop making attention-seeking posts and you won't get attention then (whether from those who agree or disagree with you).

    You also seem to love all the drama..

    1. This is exactly the type of sarcastic nasty comment I am talking about. Throw out some bait and the sharks will circle. How about you just ignore me, or is this how you get your kicks.

    2. I am astounded that Bart has the audacity to tell you what you can and can't post. That takes a special kind of arrogance.

    3. And both of you clearly don't see the irony and hypocrisy of your posts.

      It's like someone wanting to write stuff on twitter but anyone disagreeing isn't allowed to reply. Your blog is effectively a form of social media - if it wasn't you wouldn't allow messages at all as you wouldn't want responses. If you want responses that only fit your ideas then you can continue to block certain comments, but don't moan when not everyone agrees with you, especially when you express opinions on divisive topics.

    4. Here we go. My blog is my diary, my thoughts, and what I do. I am happy to allow people to join me if they are respectful of entering my space. I am not inviting people to attack me. This blog is a room in my house. I only allow those through the front door that are of a friendly nature, and can join in a friendly chat. You obviously are not one of those people.

  12. I pop in and read most days. As in real life or on my blog I don't comment publicly on anything political or Covid related. I can cope perfectly well with others having different opinions to mine, but have no interest in getting embroiled in an online bunfight and feel no need to justify my views to anyone else. Life is too short. I have worked out what I think and follow through with actions that are right for me. Sometimes I learn from opposing views and other times it clarifies why I don't hold certain beliefs. Arilx

  13. I love your blog. I wish I was there to walk the trails and visit the old towns. My mother said she missed all the paths she could walk in England but not here in America.

  14. I often pop in, so long as you've got all your clothes on of course! Actually that was very arty.

    1. Ha ha. I would say that my undraped body is a lot more attractive than what I am dressed in today. I look a scruffy bod.

  15. My friends and family all have different views but we all respect each other. Some are pro vaxxine others very anti. Some won't go out without a mask others have never put one on. A few don't believe there ever was a virus and its never existed. But we all mostly respect that each of us thinks differently. There are no arguments about it. We remember the love and support we give each other, the long time precious friendships and support given in times of need. Its sad that some feel a need to belittle other people's views both in real life and on forums.

    1. I am pleased that your friends and family feel this way and hope that most people do. Sadly, someone that I have been friends with for well over twenty years has been really vile about what should happen to people that don't agree with the Govt's policies. This is a friendship that has now been shattered and I know will never heal.

  16. Ilona you are a fabulous lady don't let spiteful and quite frankly nasty people get you down. You speak the truth if they don't want to listen then that it up to them but to be nasty well.... it speaks volumes about them. Hang on in there you have followers of which l am one thinks you are fab. l love your blog and read it everyday. Take care and stay safe and keep on bringing the truth to the table. All the very best Lee xxx 😘

    1. Sometimes I think why do I bother, then the next day I think, I have to bother.

  17. I am a long term reader. I happen to agree with a lot of what you say, but if I didn't, I would have the skills to articulate it in a way that's respectful. Unfortunately some people are incapable of rational intelligent dialogue and that I think is when insults come out. It says a lot about a person when all they can muster is bile and insults.

    1. Thank you. Nobody has to agree with me at all. I just don't need to know what they think.

  18. They keep coming back because some part of them knows that what you're saying is true, and when they argue their only trying to convince themselves

  19. Hi Ilona I started reading your blog as I'm an avid thrifter but I was delighted when I read you share the same views as me on the current situation.
    UK Column News is very good if anyone wants to see the facts behind the headlines.


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