
Thursday, 2 December 2021

Just saying

Here's one I prepared yesterday. How long before this happens here? Other countries are already working on this kind of approach. Austria and Australia, next Germany. Others will follow. All countries are floundering around in the dark, watching each other. Let's try this? Maybe that will work? Don't forget, it is still an experiment. 

The Greek Prime Minister has made an announcement.

Οι συμπολίτες μας άνω των 60 ετών που δεν έχουν εμβολιαστεί θα πρέπει να κλείσουν την 1η δόση έως τις 16 Ιανουαρίου. Θα έχουν απόλυτη προτεραιότητα. Διαφορετικά, κάθε μήνα θα επιβάλλεται διοικητικό πρόστιμο €100, το οποίο θα βεβαιώνεται από την ΑΑΔΕ και θα χρηματοδοτεί το ΕΣΥ.


Our fellow citizens over the age of 60 who have not been vaccinated will have to close the 1st dose by 16 January. They will have absolute priority. Otherwise, an administrative fine of €100 will be imposed every month, which will be certified by the AADE and will be funded by the NHS.

Full article here

The Greek Prime Minister is a member of the World Economic Forum. All his qualifications are in finance, not in health. Just saying. 

Please note the threats in this poster. Failure to keep your vacccccs up to date on an ongoing basis will result in your passport becoming void. Two jabbbbs already done, four more to go. So you have to earn your freedom over a period of time, perhaps for ever. How many per year is that? Pick a number, it will be whatever they decide. It is still an experiment. 

News coming through this morning. My copy and pastes will not left align. One day I will work it out. 
Britain has bought 114 million vaccine doses despite reports most Omicron cases are mild. Tory MP Sir Iain Duncan Smith: "The Government is worried about being caught out not acting quickly enough. We are bogged down in this EU precautionary principle."
Professor of Immunology Kingston Mills discusses 114 million booster jabs being ordered by the UK government to 'future proof' the country.
Ursula von der Leyen has urged the EU to consider mandatory Covid jabs.

As always, you must do as you think fit. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. The poster you show is from Ireland, so not applicable to the UK yet!
    However, I feel that not being vaccinated is selfish to the core!

    1. I know it's from Ireland, and I've been called worse.

    2. 'Divide and conquer'. I've been warning about this for years. Works every time.

  2. It's complete insanity. You don’t know if someone is infected or not based on their vaccine status - hence the pointless of mandatory vaccinations to produce vaccine passports. It's purely and simply digital ID this is the true agenda. Nothing to do with Covid.

    1. Exactly Karen. Jabbed people are just as much a risk to me, as I am to them.

  3. I'm with you ilona it's all to control us. .have a good DAY meanqueen hope you are WEll today
    All the Best Levi x

  4. I notice the poster wasn't spell checked before going to print! oops

  5. "Privileges will be granted" - I find that chilling.......... Norway is considering further measures too, I read.

    1. They are treating us like children. If you don't comply then you don't get any sweeties. More countries will look at segregating the jabbed from the non jabbed. That is the plan, to turn us against each other.

  6. I'm fully vaccinated my choice BUT I think this is disgraceful.
    Nobody should be fined for refusing a vaccine or any other medical treatment. Absolutely disgusting thing for Greece to do. Medical vaccines should be a matter of personal choice and to specifically target one age group is appalling.

  7. I prefer fine over mandated vaccine, anytime.
    I make my own decisions apart from the government's.
    Always done concerning my life and health and wellbeing.
    Love from The Netherlands,

    1. They will have to catch me first if they want to fine me.

    2. Jeanneke Fine people? I have never known a 'medical procedure' to be enforced before - a smear test or a mammogram? No, I would respectfully remind you that the 'government' is to be a servant to you and not the other way round. Best wishes. Amanda

    3. Amanda, you misunderstand Jeanneke's use of the word fine. She is talking about the Greek Government who are going to fine people if they don't get jabbed. Jeanneke is our friend.

    4. My true apologies to Jeanneke and thank you Ilona for pointing out my mistake.
      Sorry Jeanneke. 🌹❤ Amanda

    5. Thanks for explaining my possibly incorrect English Ilona.
      And for your understanding Amanda. No worries.

  8. I've had two jabs and won't be having any more. I was so I'll after my second jab. Came out in a terrible rash and triggered a serious rheumatoid arthritis flare. This has been inviting but of course my GP will not link it to the jab. It has got so bad now that I have had to have my wedding ring cut off due to knuckle swelling. I will not be having any boosters . Evil stuff. My advice is do not bother, I wish I hadn't.

    1. With you there Linda first jab ended up in hospital they thought l had a blood clot in my leg as it was so swollen then l got a shingles rash on the same leg. Coincidence? Methinks it was the jab. 2nd jab ill for 3 days not doing it again. It is looking like we will have to have booster jabs every 3 months l'm not having anymore l bet you any money in the next few years there will be long term health implications from these experimental jabs. No one is going to control me we need to stand up as one against this. I know not everyone will agree but we still have freedom of speech. Best wishes all xx

    2. Just been watching the news Germany are making jabs mandatory and if you haven't been jabbed they are banning you from everywhere except essential shops. The world is going mad this really has to stop. I am finding this situation where government control really really scary. If you don't do as you are told you will be punished for following your heart surely this cannot be right in today's world. Freedom of choice and knowing your own mind is slowly but surely being ebbed away. We must stand up to bullying and tyranny otherwise we will not be able to have the life we want.

    3. It is very scary, but still people can't see it. They want to be controlled. This is beyond my comprehension. Do they really want to live in a Communist country.


  9. I'm genuinely interested in, if not the vaccine, then what? What is the alternative.

    1. If the point of passports is to reduce the spread then then surely they'd be better to be purely be based on people having a negative test, regardless of their vaccine status. I am not advocating this by the way, this is not my personal solution, I am merely trying to figure out what on earth logic it could be based on.

      Vaccine passports don’t make any sense and won’t stop spread when all it does is act as an exemption for testing for someone who can still be carrying/transmitting the virus. If stopping the spread is the end game (which it clearly isn't, but bog standard official narrative wishes us to believe that it is) and you’re going to exempt vaccinated people, you may as well not bother with them at all.

    2. Gill, if you have been following the links on the research page, you will have a lot better understanding of it. It's not a vaccine in the true sense of the word. They should not be jabbing healthy people. Anyone who has had co vid will have built up natural immunity. The alternative is protect the vulnerable. Herd immunity happens when everybody catches it and it fizzles out because there is no where else for it to go. And one last thing, the vax passport, and lockdowns, are not about saving lives.

  10. I have just remembered the film 'Logan's Run' in the 70s - sound familiar? Best wishes Ilona. Amanda x

  11. As usual nobody can do as they want to health wise. I know there's always a virus. Some are worse than others. Never before the crazy virus came out there was no out tests for it and how many people had it. How many people recover from it? More than those who died. Social media is rampant and requirement of jabs get people against each other. "Why haven't you got your jab?" "It's none if your business to know." Walk away. We've had a neighbor do that. Arg!!! Life goes on!! Cheerio, Iola!

  12. Some thoughts.
    Forcible injection of people? Strap them to gurneys and inject against their will? Quite hard to pull off against 6m people and a very ugly job for police/army. Would they do it?

    Refuse entry to shops including essential and food? Starve people into compliance? Deny the right to work and earn a living? Doesn’t sound like a ‘public health’ measure.

    If you don’t have freedom over your body you do not have freedom.

    1. Theres a story in the news today about a man in Italy, using a false arm for his vaccination!!

      Also 55% of people testing positive with the new south Africa variant are double jabbed. If ever there was a good reason why "passports" aren't a good idea.

  13. Here's a thing. I read such awful comments on other people's blogs from those who think differently to me. The name calling is starting to get really nasty. I will not lower myself to their level. I will not poke fun at them, not question their mental capacity, and not dictate how they should live their lives.

  14. Forcible injection of people is assault. The Government would rather fine us into submission first.

    Amanda, Sussex

  15. I am being bombarded by comments from Boris the Troll. There is no reasoning with this person. They have two personalities, all sweet and smiley, oh poor me, how can you do this to me, then they go in for the kill. Easy to see through.

  16. It's all about big pharma, making money out of scaring people witless. Why can't people see tbis?? Today I went shopping and stood there at one point, looking at all the folk wearing masks. It was surreal. Like an I the only thinking person still alive on the planet? When I see another person without a mask I feel an overwhelming desire to hug them as a fellow thinking, normal human being.

    1. I was quite pleased to see that a lot of people weren't wearing masks yesterday at Tesco, and there was nobody on the door checking. I do feel sorry for those who are still scared and are still wearing them. It's their choice.


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