
Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Go Truckers.

I had an email from one of my followers, thank you Kelly, she asks for support for the Truckers Convoy making it's way across Canada in protest of mandatory jabs. I am happy to support them because I agree with their campaign to stop this madness. 
The issue here is not about health, it's about control. Once they, (the very rich people who think they are God), have people in a perpetual drug induced loop they know that they have total control of their victims. There is no need to jab everybody. Only those who are vulnerable with pre existing health issues should be offered jab protection. And only with informed consent, and that means not being bullied into it. 
Truckers, especially those on long haul, spend many hours, days, and even weeks in solitude in their cabs. Insisting they get jabbed is not about keeping them safe. And if anybody thinks it still is about health they really need to wake up. 
Truckers from the USA are driving north towards Canada in support of their colleagues. If they are not allowed to cross the border they will block the border. It is scheduled to come to a head on the 29th. They are prepared to stay as long as they need to, until Trooodoh backs down. The support for this is growing, there are many videos documenting the biggest convoy ever. They will bring the country to a standstill. 
From Kelly's email. . . . 
The government has set mandates for all truckers to be vaccinated and
GOD BLESS THEM, the truckers have said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They are saying
and doing what the rest of us have been too afraid to say or do.There is a huge movement right now where  thousands and thousands of truckers and supporters are making their way from the West Coast of Canada to Ontario to the capital city of Ottawa. They are trying to confront our Prime Minister and send the message that we are free to choose whether to vaccinate or not and is mandate for vaccines is not going to be accepted by the people.
I don't think people realise the severity of what is going on. This is a complete takeover of our human rights, not just show a pass to get in a restaurant. Once they get people hooked in they will have to ask permission to do just about everything.  
Freedom Convoy 2022 Support, have a faicebuck page. Go there if you want to support them. When the freedom rally's that we have in our major towns and cities are shown not to be working, when our Government is pushing forward with their own reset agenda, then maybe we ought to take a look at what they are doing in other countries. 
It is worth noting here that there is a campaign to bring violence to an otherwise peaceful rally. What starts out as a friendly gathering does sometimes descend into anarchy. The same people have been filmed at several events. Perhaps a convoy of trucks would get rid of that problem. 
First carers, then nurses, then doctors, now truckers, who's next. How can people still claim that this is a health issue. After all the lies that have come out surely people don't believe the bullshit that has been spouted from every Government in the world. I despair. 
Best wishes. Stand together whether jabbed or unjabbed. No mandates. I am not your enemy.  ilona


  1. Everyone fighting this tyranny has my support. It beggers belief that so many people have no idea what is really going on in this world right now.

  2. The fact that parties were held in D Street at the beginning, without apparently fearing catching the virus, should make people wake up at last, surely.

    I hope the American truckers are successful in their mission.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. They're not American-they're Canadian truckers!!!

    2. The protesters are both Canadian and American truckers. Working together and supporting each other. So why do you feel the need to nitpick, Zoe?

    3. I wasn't nit picking! I'm a transplanted Brit living in Canada and Canadians are so often lumped in with Americans-it's great to see Canadians actually being the instigators of something like this. This convoy started on the west coast of Canada,is picking up more truckers as they travel across Canada and truckers from the States are joining in solidarity with them. They are passing through where I live in Ontario tomorrow and I will be out in support. I just wanted to give CANADIANS credit for starting this initiative.

  3. From day one I have 100% agreed with you. And I still do. I also think this is all coming from the Bilderberg group during their secret meeting every year in Germany. First control the money, of course they have that. Then control the people - what better way than to make us all sick or think we are going to get sick, and then say the vaccine is the only thing that will save us. I truly believe the next will be control of the food -- and that has already begun. It will only get worse. Please don't think that I am a conspiracy theorist. It's just that I am 72 years old and, like you, have seen a lot of changes - some for the good of people but some just to control us. I pray every day for my grandchildren. What does their future look like? I hope and pray that I am wrong. But I don't think so.

    1. Claire, every single one of your words above could be mine, with the only difference being my age which is 66.
      Thank you!

  4. I'm surprised how very quiet you've been over the whole Boris breaking covid rules and lying about it, especially as you were so strongly against said rules.

    1. I'm glad you asked this. I was going to do a post about it, but held back because everyone else seemed to say a lot about it. Would one voice make any difference? Well here goes.

      Those who attended the parties obviously knew something that we didn't. Why did they think it was safe for them to break the rules? Weren't they afraid of catching the virus, and passing it on? If no, why weren't they? It looked jolly suspicious to see them enjoying themselves in each others company. No masks, no distancing.

      It's not the fact that they did party when others were not allowed to meet up with friends and loved ones. It's the fact that they knew something that we didn't which is important. It is now well known that they have lied all the way through it. Do these lies extend to the actual severity of the virus? We all know that fear has played a big part in their drafting of the rules. That the rules are changing on an almost daily basis, that they appear to be plucking new rules out of thin air in the pretence that something might work. I get the impression that they see it as a game, and the rules can be broken by those who know the hidden agenda rumbling away in the background.

  5. I am completely in agreement with this protest Ilona and wish them the very best. They have to push back and keep pushing back against this checkpoint society. It is unbelievable to me that people are expected to sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice to the extent of taking a medication that they personally don't need and may have unknown side effects that have long term health consequences, and people are genuinely calling them selfish for not wanting to do that.

    1. There is only one reason why someone should take a medical procedure, and that is to better their own health.

  6. This is bound up with the food supply chain issues - control the food, control the people. They're trying to demonise the truckers; been following a lot of this on Youtube channels I watch. Control of everyone, everywhere, by distraction and whatever insidious or plain sight method they can think of. There's more to come, I cannot understand how people don't/won't realise this. I too despair.

    1. Good to know you are up to speed with this.

  7. Any Government or establishment has their population 'prisoner' if they can control the wealth and the health of the citizens. The health system in the UK - the NHS - is on it's knees and I do believe that the plan is for a tiered system - privatise the NHS and most of the UK population will be unable to seek treatment due to lack of funds; the enforced immigration into Britain is also a well-planned agenda, some of the said immigrants will be taking the jobs in the NHS and care work. As to wealth, I think the plan is to destroy SMEs and for businesses to be run in a communist style; I am afraid that many people will then be reliant on state benefits - UBI is being piloted in Wales - but to access this the individual will have to adhere to rules and restrictions on their freedoms and choices including shopping, travelling, car driving and socialising. This is the plan, in my opinion, but I hope that more people will resist and fight back; the virus and jabs were a cover for this agenda but I predict that a new lockdown will be tried due to 'climate change'. Obviously I hope that we, as a planet, do not go down this route as once it is in situ it will never be reversed. Amanda

    1. The situation is veering towards total state control. You only have to look at China to see where it's going.

  8. Things are pretty bad in Italy at the moment. This video highlights what is happening there. Democracy has completely broken down. Watch now before it is taken down. English sub titles.

    Yes the situation herewith in Italy is crazy, we need help from outside. Without the jab we are not allowed to enter the bank and the post office, we can't access our own money and pensions.

    In Italy we need the green pass, for work, for cigarettes, for a coffee and soon for food..... please help!!!

    1. Watched and shared; thank god we have the internet (for now). Worldwide collapse is underway, it's been planned for a long time. Panem et circenses.

  9. Re the "fear" element - some data analysis on risk of death from COVID that I saw late summer 2020 estimated that at any age catching COVID doubled your risk of dying. Hence the marked increase in risk for older people. However, I think that the continued concentration on "case numbers" as opposed to people with actual symptoms hasn't helped with bringing any kind of perspective to this

  10. A new video about the convoys by Inspired.

    Information on the routes they are taking.

  11. Here in the US I am convinced that our government wants us to be ignorant, afraid and dependent. The time for passivity has ended and these truckers are standing up for their right to medical autonomy and for their right to make a living without inane, intrusive, unnecessary - and in the US so far, illegal government restrictions. Too many government restrictions (national and local) have historically pertained to making more money for the government; now they seem to be aimed at controlling citizens on the most basic levels. I hope that this convoy will be huge enough to be seen from outer space. I'm so proud of all the women and men who are standing up and creating unity that no government seems to want.

  12. I live in Italy and am certainly not a "no vaxxer" and have had my mandatory 3 jabs! That being said I am shocked by the italian government's mandate that the over 50's will be obliged to have the vaccine. That masks, "green passports" are obligatory to enter just about anywhere including the workplace, and it was being said that non vaccinated persons would only be allowed to buy necessary goods in any shops, supermarkets etc. I think this last mandate has now been dismissed. This control seems to me to be way over the top and it seems as though we took one step forward and now it's 3 steps back! A truly frightening situation and not because of the "virus".

  13. More news about the convoy. Thank you from a reader who sent me this.

    As you are probably aware, there is a massive convoy of truckers travelling across our country on route to Ottawa. As it crosses into Manitoba it has already grown to over 50,000 trucks and is already over 70 km long. Soon it will arrive in our nation's capital. Other convoys from Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes are already arriving. And countless concerned citizens, like myself, will be joining them on Parliament Hill.

    1. Great article. Thanks for posting. Well worth reading.

  14. The first convoy has arrived in Ottawa, and Trooodoh has gone into hiding.

  15. How on earth is this huge convoy travelling & we haven't heard a peep on UK news?! All rather fishy don't you think? 🤔


    1. A media blackout has been put on the event. Everything is censored by those rich people with money who think they are God. The only way to get real news out is through people using their phones to record and post their footage on the internet. They don't want us to know what is going on in other countries, because we might get some funny ideas and try and copy them. We are like mushrooms, they keep us in the dark and feed us with shit.

  16. Troooodoh is calling the truckers a 'small fringe minority'. This convoy is gathering momentum, it is set to become international. Other countries are joining in. Oh how I would love to see London gridlocked with big rigs.

  17. Isn't it great to see them all? So inspiring! The mainstream news is pathetic in it's silence. Do you wish you were trucking along with them, ilona?
    Eliza from Wales.

    1. I would love to be in the middle of it. I remember nights out at truckstops and lorry parks. I always socialized with the truckers. It was great that I was accepted as one of the lads. Drink a pint or two and talk trucks. Those were the days.

  18. Love what the truckers are doing, a 50 mile long convoy being cheered all across Canada and not a peep in the media. I see Trudeau has gone into hiding claiming he's conveniently been in contact with someone with covid.


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