
Friday, 18 February 2022


I am eating my lunch and had to stop  for a minute to wipe my eyes and wipe my nose. This interview is so emotional. Briony talks about what makes her sad. Well this makes me sad. This lady is trying to run her business to feed her family. She did a kind thing by making a donation to the truckers to pay for some fuel to keep their trucks warm. For this she was vilified, and called horrible names.  
This is the result of a dictator following instructions from his boss. This dictator, like all the others, show no humanity towards their citizens. There is something very sinister and evil going on, which is turning people into monsters. 
I will repost part of a comment I received, to illustrate my point. 
 Hypocrite.  Who cares if you are unvaccinated. Who cares if you get COVID. Who cares if you are hospitalized. You have not shown one ounce of compassion to the families of those who’ve died of COVID. Only compassion is for the random person with adverse reaction to the jab touted by the conspiracy clan. I now know why you are called Meanqueen.
I hope you have a good weekend. The wind is raging here. The Summerhouse is safe. 
We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. There is a new kind of "righteous anger" in the world that is so destructive and it completely bewilders me. I have personally seen people who have vilified members of their own family. I know that it's easy to become swayed by people in power but it's tremendously important that we look to motives behind things that are happening. Creating fear and animosity to separate humanity into false groups is becoming the easy way to control citizens. If the powers that be - government, media or organized groups - decide to condemn a person then it seems that those who have declared their allegiance will follow blindly.
    The situation that you're speaking of is despicable. It reminds me of the Salem witch trials where a few made accusations and the crowd blindly carried out murders of innocent people. There once was a common bond of compassion but that has been eroded by government overreach, media hysteria and groups that have no consciences. A division between "us" and "them" is very dangerous because people may not see the true agenda that is in the works.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write this. That is a fair assessment of the situation.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with what lizaellen posts. It's a sad indictment of today's world when an icecream shop has to have security guards. That message you received is vile.
    Keep up your good work, Ilona.

  3. What a lovely person Tammy is. She still finds it in her heart to be loving and caring, despite the hatred that has been directed at her.

    And that unpleasant comment directed at you, Ilona, comes from someone who is incapable of showing empathy and trying to understand there is always more than one side to every argument. But then we've all been subjected to state hatred so perhaps it's not surprising. lizaellen's comment above says all I want to say.

  4. I hope the Canadian citizens stand strong. Trudeau is becoming more of a dictator. We shouldn’t be surprised. In the past he has expressed admiration for Castro and China. We all have to pray.

  5. They are now threatening to remove truckers dogs and hold them hostage.

  6. I have been trying to figure out what is going on in Justin Trudeau's head. I found a video of an early interview his mother gave. Margaret married Pierre, there was a 30 year age gap, and they had three children. The marriage broke up, she was unfaithful, she left him to bring up their three boys. In a later video she talks about being diagnosed with bipolar. Have a look at her body language and see what you think.

  7. As a Canadian who lives near the area, things are a little more complicated than it might appear on the surface. The protesters (many of them are not truckers) have been trying to cause the maximum disruption to the dowtown (business and residential districts) for the last 3 weeks. Peaceful protest is fine but there is a limited time before the rest of the population gets fed up with situation. Most people here support the covid public health measures advised. The measures are lifted and reintroduced as required. The protesters are angry with the Federal Goverment but very few of the public health restrictions are under its control. These are enacted at the Provincial Goverment level

    1. I'm not sure that you understand what the protest is about. It doesn't matter if they are not all truckers, it doesn't matter that some of them are vaccinated and some of them are not. It doesn't matter what public health measures are in place. This is a protest about freedom of choice. For an individual to decide whether they want to take part in an experimental gene therapy. These jabs should not be mandated, health passports should not be mandated.

      People getting fed up is a minor irritation compared to where all this is leading. Do you want to live in a Communist country, where you are not allowed to live a normal free life? Do you want the state to dictate everything that you can and cannot do? Public health restrictions will be meaningless when chemically induced immunity is shot to pieces after the 5th, 6th, 10th, jab, leaving the body unprotected. This is not about keeping everyone healthy, it's about control.

    2. Agree. There's a stand to be made and pushback on a large scale is essential. Whilst it's hugely inconvenient I'm sure, if these mandates aren't outright rejected, we go down a major dystopian rabbit hole. Psychological manipulation is an art form and depends on an insidious drip drip drip of repetitive "reasoning" laced with fear. Getting people to accept new rules and regimes is now almost dependent on convincing you that it was something you wanted all along deep down. The peer pressure tactic is something we advise our children against succumbing to, yet it is being applied to us all now. If chaos is created, at some point many people will be relieved if more control is applied because it is exhausting, and every day life can be pretty stressful anyway. And those who push back just have to be publicly characterised negatively regardless of the validity of their concerns on whatever subject and will be seen as irrelevant. A hive mind is not a healthy human concept! A destabilised and exhausted population who just want some "normality" are ripe for accepting measures that may appear to confer that. A society that segregates people for refusing unneeded medical treatment is a tyrannical, dangerous and dystopian society and that in itself should be enough for anybody to realise that something is very wrong.

    3. Thank you Karen. You have made some very important points in your comment.

  8. Oh, I love that lady Tammy. What a good heart. To think people would attack her because of a donation she gave. I agree, this is about power grabs by government.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. To understand why I think like I do, I need to go back to the beginning. I declined the invitation to get jabbed, because there wasn't enough evidence to show that it worked. It didn't make sense to me that doctors were instructed not to try other treatments, and to wait until the jab appeared. Big Pharma put that in their contracts when they sold it to Governments. It has since come to light that the alternative treatments work as they have been used in other countries with good results. We were promised that the jab would work and was safe. During that waiting period thousands of people died, many could have survived.

      People thought it was the Governments incompetence, that they handled the situation incorrectly. What has come to light since is that it was all planned and the same thing happened in other countries throughout the world.

      Also what has come to light is that the virus was never as bad as the Government and mainstream media made it out to be. The scare tactics they used were to put people in a state of fear. The pandemic was engineered to get people to comply with their orders. They spent billions on the campaign of lockdowns, testing and mask wearing, leading to everyone getting jabbed. Not once, twice, thrice, and now some countries are administering the fourth one. If this doesn't ring alarm bells I don't know what will.

      Oh hang on a minute. There will be some more alarm bells to come, but by that time it will be too late. That's why it is so important now to get the message out. People should be free to decide what they put in their own body. Those who choose the jabs must be clear about why they are taking them. Getting vaccinated should be about doing the best for your own health, that's the only reason to do it. Governments are using it as a weapon, saying you won't be able to lead a normal life unless you get a prick in the arm. I disagree with that. Once someone is hooked on drugs they become dependent on them, and they are never free.

      Freedom comes about from saying no, that's what the truckers are about. I believe most of them have been jabbed, that's their choice. They are fighting for the future of Canada, as a free country. They can see where it is leading. That is why I am in support of the convoy, and thankfully others are waking up to it around the world.

      Governments all around the world have a duty to listen to the concerns of all their citizens. Now tell me why all news about the current situation has not been mentioned in the Main Stream Media. Why people, many of them experts in their field, have been banned, deleted, blocked, and called conspiracy theorists by anyone following the official narrative. It's funny now that two years later the theory is no longer a theory, and the conspirators are the Governments who have taken everyone for a ride.

      As regards global warming, I have no opinion on that one way or another. I don't know enough about it. I won't be joining their campaign. All I can say is that after programming everyone to be fearful of covid, the next campaign will be getting people to believe that the world is going to end. There will be more extreme weather reports, causing disruption to travel. That will pave the way to move over to electric cars, digital currency, and mass surveillance through passports.

      People may feel the need to protest about climate change, they should have the choice to do that. But is is such a complex issue which won't be solved in the next ten years. At some point the climate issue will merge with the freedom issue, because not everyone wants an electric car or a new fangled boiler in their home.

      So why is this happening? As I've said before, Governments are puppets to Big Pharma and Big Tech, with the exception of China and Russia. They will do their own thing.

      I hope that has answered your questions. I am pro choice and taking responsibility for oneself.

  10. as a British born Canadian I have to comment, like unknown you are only seeing part of the story. You didn't see/hear about one of the "protesters" throwing a bike at one of the police horses. You didn't see/hear about some of the protesters pushing over one of the reporters to the ground. Why are these "protesters" keeping their children up front and centre amongst all this chaos. It is not a place for children. There is a lot more going on than you are seeing. Has it been handled badly; yes. Is it about the truckers....NO! What it was intially about is now only a small point. These people need to go back home; earn a living and get on with their lives. At the next election vote someone else in that's the common sense way of protesting. Oh and by the way I am not a fan of Justin, but honestly the leaders of the other parties in Canada would be no better!

    1. Because they have nobody else to look after their children, and they are taking part in this to secure the freedoms for their children's future.

      I did see an elderly lady with a stroller pushed to the ground. She was caught up in the jostling.

      By doing nothing and waiting for the next election will be too late. The harm will already be done under the dictatorship of Trudeau. Once they give away freedom they will never get it back.

      All the truckers are asking for is to stop mandating, make everything a free choice. No forced jabs, no passports. All he has to do is come out and speak with them. Instead he repeats the same old mantra as taught to him by his boss.

    2. Gill, I understand that this situation must be difficult to live through. There are things occurring that appear to assign wrong to both groups - it's a situation that isn't easy to predict. But waiting for freedom is never an answer because freedom isn't a gift. It may become necessary for people have to take chances, strain the boundaries and shout to make a point. No one hears a quiet voice.

    3. @Gill, I love it when people who don't live in a country are experts on the situation there.

      I was asked by a patient last month what I did when my unit was closed. I said we'd never closed. "Oh, yes you did. The CBC said there were no surgeries being done". Er no. We were open every day and there were reduced numbers of OR theatres and only priority surgeries were being done. Tonsils are not high priority, cancers were.

      But hey, why beleive the dreaded healthcare workers.

    4. What do you expect 50, when main stream media only cover one side of the story. When they massage the numbers coming out of Number 10, to fit the official narrative. When the truth has been buried for so long. How does the other side of the story get out there.

    5. Gill, I am a Brit living in Canada for many years. Also in Ontario. I have been following this all very closely for the past few weeks. I am a retired RN, Midwife and Nurse Practitioner of 46 years -just saying this so you know I'm not prone to flights of fancy. Do NOT believe MSM -the CBC is owned by the government. Trudeau has spent over a billion $$ to buy it. It's government controlled. You can google that as a fact. There are numerous videos on you tube to show that it was an elderly Indigenous person with a WALKER that was trampled by the police horse -and NOT a bike being thrown at the horse. You can see the actual video on you tube too. Together with a 78yr old 4'10" man that was thrown to the ground by 2 police officers twice his size, handcuffed and dragged away by them. The photos of the police -dressed like storm troopers holding batons and machine guns was horrifying. Please open your eyes- I know I have these past 2 weeks. I've been following the Parliamentary debates for 2 weeks- Justin Trudeau never, ever answers a direct question and has walked out 3 x when challenged. We know he went into hiding when the truckers arrived and he has consistently refused to meet with them-what kind of leader does that? The original intent of the truckers was to protest at the vaccine mandates for them, together with the 14 day quarantine on return back to Canada for those not vaccinated. For 2 years the truckers have been crossing the border with none of these mandates. Bear in mind over 90% of truckers are vaccinated and also that mandates will shortly be lifted for all of us. So why bother at this late stage of the game when it wasn't required before? It has now morphed into much more than this and it HAS become a control issue by the PM The truckers have been threatened with Children's Aid investigating them (in theory their children could be taken away from them), bank accounts/credit cards/insurance have been frozen. What happens down the line if we disagree with the government -they could do this to anyone. Also credit ratings have been affected -there's so many things they have been threatened with. I am totally horrified and sickened by it all. This was a peaceful protest -as I said do not believe what you hear on MSM - I have watched numerous sources and on the ground sources and the only violence I have seen was that committed by the police. Enacting the Emergency Measures Act
      which has only been used 3 x in the past(WW1 and WW2 and during the PLQ crisis in 1970) BEFORE any other measures including meeting with the truckers, was undertaken, shows a deranged and despotic PM.
      In the past few days I have been ashamed to call myself a Canadian. Never, ever did I envision this in our so called democratic country. I fear for the future of my g'children. It really has opened my eyes. It's so important to do our own research.
      Yes, I'm triple vaxxed and yes, I support the truckers- I went on a local protest convoy last week-well organised and peaceful. I have also written/e-mailed our local MPP and MP , Doug Ford and a big letter of complaint to my bank-the TD -which froze personal accounts of people who donated to GoFundMe.
      And finally, I totally agree with the truckers taking their kids with them to participate -why shouldn't they. The kids were NOT upfront and centre-never saw one anywhere near the protesters. They were either playing in the bouncy castles or the road rinks. there were no children seen during the hold-the -line protests. I've also taken my g'kids on protests e.g.. in support of our library. It's never to young to learn about freedom of speech/ freedom of expression etc. It's a good learning curve for them on democracy - well it was, not now.

    6. Thank you Zoe for taking the time to write this. I have copied and pasted it into a new post, (21st Feb), because it will get buried here. Your views are important, and are valuable in terms of presenting a more balanced picture about the current situation. I hope it will encourage more people to speak out about the real news, not fake news which is manufactured by Governments and MSM.

  11. Here you are. Proof that Justin Trudeau is working for the World Economic Forum. He is being groomed by Klaus Schwab as a future young leader. Video made in 2016.

  12. Footage is coming out of the police going into the crowds on horseback. It is plain to see that they deliberately steered the horses into the crowds with the intention of pushing them back. A journalist was sprayed in the face with a pepper spray and in the commotion people fell to the ground. In my opinion horses should never be used like this. I wonder what their next tactic will be. So many people now are filming what is going on. I hope these clips are used as evidence in a court of law.

  13. The fact that the horrors going on in Canada aren't even mentioned on the main stream news is alarming.

    1. The corona virus is the biggest news story in the world, and the truth has been supressed by every main stream media television and newspapers. I am watching a video now, and the horrors that Australian people are going through are far worse than Canada. Countries are at different levels of restrictions, but they are all heading towards the same end. We are literally fighting a war.


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