
Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Wanna be in my gang

 I have to say this. There are some horrible nasty bitchy people about. They huddle together in their cosy little groups, exchanging tittle tattle about those who have the foresight to see things differently. Gossiping in full view of their victim only exposes their own limitations to digest information of a more intricate subject. The reason that they follow each other is because it is a comforting place to be. Safety in numbers, and the anonymity of the internet. 

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I am, if people reveal their real name. Now how many accounts is it that you have opened under an assumed name? This comment that you left the other day has amazingly updated to your new name.

      Looks like we have another case of Ilona mysteriously deleting a dodgy post. Had second thoughts?

      You have moved on a bit on your trolling journey. You are a troll and not worth bothering about.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Another Anon who will not reveal their real name. I don't have to address anyone's point. How many more times, this is not a forum. I do not invite debate. It is a record of my life, what I do, and what I think about. If you think differently to me go and find another blog.

      I am not going to waste my time getting into endless discussions and arguments. This post will probably be deleted when it has served it's purpose.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Hello MsJen. Is that Jennifer? I allow comments because I have a lot of lovely people visiting me. I would not want to deny them the fun of a bit of lighthearted banter, with me, or with each other.

      Whereabouts is this ELSEWHERE you speak about? I don't think I mentioned this place.

      Why do you assume I am worked up? I am rather enjoying this little altercation. It's fun. I think you are a little bit weird by coming here to have a go at me. Have you nothing better to do?

      Excuse me while I go outside and wash the car. It's raining and I feel now is a good time to do the job. Toodle pip.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Not mistaken. this comment came in under the name Janner. Now you are Melz. I keep all comments for future reference.

      Awaiting moderation
      Melz commented on "Bike ride with Brenda"
      2 days ago
      Looks like we have another case of Ilona mysteriously deleting a dodgy post. Had second thoughts?

  3. Hi Ilona, I just had to comment after reading this. I absolutely love your little blog! Your past posts on saving money are so super helpful and inspiring, especially since I am a mom of four. I completely believe in lifting others up since this world is full of so much negativity and we really do need as much positive energy as our souls can possibly pour out right now. Your unique, unapologetic authenticity makes me smile because I too am a “free spirit” and dance to the beat of my own drummer. After all, we are only here for a limited amount of time so why even try to “fit in”? I feel like as long as I am loved and accepted by those who matter to me and will be with me not only in this life, but in whatever awaits after this life, that is really all that matters. So I say dance away Ilona, be you, your beat is perfect for you and anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t matter anyway so they don’t really count. When my little ones come home talking about kids or friends whispering about them or being mean to them at school or on the playground and I tell them not to worry one bit and just be kind in return because all they really want is their reaction. Plus with people like that, it will unfortunately be some other poor kids day to be miserable the next day and sure enough it always is and life just moves on. Take care Ilona!

    (Georgia- USA)

    1. Your comment is a breath of fresh air. Thank you. ilona

  4. It's your blog and you have every right to express your ideas and opinions on it. If people can't handle that, they just need to move on and read something else. The internet safety net of anonymity encourages the ugly comments that we often see. I enjoy reading your blog everyday whether I agree or not. I don't feel the need to make hateful comments on my own, or anyone else's blog. Keep blogging!

    1. Tittle tattle gossip, that's all it is. Nothing better to do.

  5. I note that no one has come forward to say I was right all along. Even though there is enough evidence now to confirm that the whole farce was all about control. That's fine by me. Some people will have a very rude awakening. The virus may have fizzled out but there will be another pandemic along soon.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. My dear girl, you WERE right all along. I feel despair that most people will never be able to see it.

      H x

    3. I agree with Helen M., and also Mrs. Cheap above.
      Keep standing your ground, Ilona.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This pandemic hasn't brought out the best in people. Don't forget we've slid into the dystopian world of seeing healthy people as diseased, all of the time. It has become the norm to view others as biohazards. Our children have been treated like plague carrying rats for several years now. I have hated what the lockdowns and propaganda did to friends. I've hated the disregard of single people. I've hated the criminalisation of social lives. I've hated the lost opportunities for young and not so young people to build or change their lives, and I hate this feeling, somewhere between anxiety, depression and a grinding underlying fear of future regret on all that has been lost. Lost quality of life is essentially what it is. Many people took the moral high ground. As much as people claim that they’re taking the vaccine for altruistic reasons, they’ve mainly done it because they’re either afraid of COVID themselves (fair enough, it should always be their choice to make), or they want to be able to do something like going on holiday. So it’s really the personal benefit that they’re thinking about, rather than other people. Many people can’t accept that people can look at the same information that they did and make a different decision.

    Birds of a feather have flocked together, claiming they were acting for the greater good, but then when the fuel supply problems came to the fore and people were piling onto forecourts stockpiling fuel there was plenty of evidence right there, that most people don't act for the greater good. Sorry, I digress a bit but the point I am making is that it has brought out the worst sides of some people. Judging others readily, berating people for their choices, and being intolerant of anything that isn't the mainstream view has become something we've been encouraged to do.

    1. Hi Karen. People have lost two years of their lives, and for those who have suffered anxiety and depression, the end of it is a long way off. Thank you for your comment.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hi Ilona, I enjoy reading your blog. I agree with you whether a person is vaccinated or not should be their decision and not any governments.

    In the US we had 50 different ways to handle the pandemic. The Governor of Georgia ordered a lockdown for approximately 3 weeks in April of 2020 after that he lifted the lockdown and recommended the elderly and immune compromised people continue in lockdown. We did not have a vaccine mandate, mask mandate or vaccine passports here.

    People shout follow the science not because they possess any scientific truth but as a way to shut people up and end debate.

    I believe there were effective alternate methods to treat Covid like the anti-bodies, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. We stopped hearing about Sweden here after they decided to not follow the herd.

    1. Hi Jack. There was never any science behind the lockdowns, masking, and distancing. All put in place to flatten the curve. The whole chaotic mess was orchestrated by modelling. A fact now coming to light. They ignored hundreds of independent scientists, in favour of those who pushed the Government plans through.

  10. I have been called pathetic, among other things, for deleting comments. The question I would ask is, what do you think about Main Stream Media, who cherry pick the bits that only fit the official Government spin. What about all the damage that lockdowns, masking, and distancing has caused. Why don't they publish details of all the deaths that have occurred through mismanagement of the situation. They were quick to publish pictures of people in hospital with covid, pointing out that this person was not vaccinated and how they now regret not getting it. Will they now do the same for people who have been injured, or are now dead through having a needle stuck into them.

    Now the focus has shifted onto a new catastrophe, will the last two years be pushed into the background. Those people who are still struggling with their damaged bodies are they to be left to make the most of what life they have left.

    Never mind about me deleting comments. There are more important things to think about, like what has the Main Stream Media not told us about.

  11. I am thinking about the term, losing the plot. Trying to work out what it means. Have I lost the plot? No I don't think so. I am very much into the plot. I duck and dart into numerous rabbit holes, and the plot all makes sense now. The plot engineered by the WEF is ticking along nicely. Drip by drip the landscape changes. Alert everyone to a major incident, like a plague, tell them what they must do to keep themselves safe, and make everyone responsible for everyone else's safety. Genius. Then throw the masses some crumbs of hope, ease off on the rules, and smile when people are getting on with their own lives. Create a sense of relief, then hit them with another bombshell. The world is going to end, so get them back into lockdown, pump out more rules and restrictions. Get the buggers under control.

  12. Sometimes i agree and sometimes not, but i keep coming back to get different points of view and it has made me think of things in new light, pandemic has been scary, yes ive had injection, but dont think you should make people have it, that should be their choice, not sure what id do if i had young kids now and have to make decision for them, that would put a bigger perspective on things for me too. Shocked about the truckers which to be honest i would not have read about apart from on here so thank you for that. So worried about the current conflict and how its escalating, i am very anxious, which is coming out as not being able to make decisions, as in how can i even think about life changes when there are people at war, will be there next, whats going to happen arrrr my brain just switches down to be honest, and i have just been taking half hours at a time, lets do this, then lets do that, and im okay most of the time. Middle of the night is the worst if i wake. My heart breaks for all those fleeing, families with no where to go, i dont even know why its all happening really. Keep having opinions ilona, i dont always agree but it makes me think a little more deeply about topics x havent commented for a while but its Julie T

    1. Hello Joules. I am a bit concerned that reading my blog is causing you so much worry and upset. I would hate to be the cause of a mental breakdown. Sometimes people cope with emotional stuff by ignoring it. By switching off and walking away. I have to do that if I see or hear anything about animal cruelty. It reduces me to tears and a great wave of sadness fills my head until I can't function properly. To protect myself from this I have learnt how to avoid it happening.

      The reason why I write as I do is because it is not shown on Main Stream Media. People are not getting the full picture. To make informed decisions there needs to be a balance of all available information.

      Always always put yourself first. The Government have drummed it into us that we are responsible for everyone else. We are not. Your own health is your priority. You, me, or anyone else is not responsible for what is going on in other parts of the world. Stop watching the television and reading newspapers. These media outlets will never give you the full picture.

      Get yourself outdoors as much as possible. Fresh air is good for you. Eat healthy food. If you feel it is all too much to cope with, chat with friends, or if you need to, ring The Samaritans. Don't forget, you are special.

  13. "Question everything" is my motto.

    If anyone says that YOU have lost the plot, Ilona....THEY are the ones who have SO lost the plot. Do they not realise this?
    God help us.

  14. An interview with Lord Sumption. He has a brilliant mind. Here he talks about covid and lockdowns. Plus other topics.

    1. I just watched this, Ilona. Brilliant interview - we need to hear more from people like Lord Sumption, measured and reasonable, instead of the emotive, inflammatory rubbish that the media and a lot of the public thrives on. We haven't enough mature people in positions of power and influence unfortunately. I will pass this on. Thank you for posting the link.

    2. Lord Sumption has the knowledge and intellect to dig deep behind the facade of the Main Stream Media. He is a very valuable asset to the humanistic way of looking at situations. Long may he remain with us.

  15. I remember, years ago, a friend of mine came under verbal attack by some local gossips. They were like kids in a school playground, openly sniggering together whenever they saw her, but she never reacted and never hid away. She'd walk past them with her head held high. I asked her if it bothered her and she said, 'No, while they're talking about me they're leaving someone else alone, so let them get on with it'. A great example of the difference between maturity and childishness.
    Liz from Wales.

    1. I was that child. I was frightened of those who bullied me. I was pushed to the back of the bus queue by the gobby one who demanded that she had first choice of front seats. I found my voice when I realised I had choices.

  16. Thanks to the reader who sent me this link.

    I watched it last night. Mr Icke is on the ball again. He is pretty good at working things out. I bet he is a whizz at crosswords.

  17. Liars the lot of them. Ha.

    The end of Britain's most dangerous terrorist organisation. A great day for freedom.

    SAGE stands down, signifying the end of the covid pandemic in the UK Governments scientific advisory group has faced criticism for modelling, which has been repeatedly shown to be wrong.

  18. Yes, I do wanna be in your gang ilona. I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Lord Sumption. Very much the balanced and sensible view you'd expect from a former senior judge.

    1. Good, that's you signed up then. We are growing. I feel I am among friends.

  19. I live in the USA on a cattle farm down in Georgia. I greatly enjoy your blog, especially your info about living frugally, your meals, your art, and of course your photos and descriptions of your walks!!! Keep at it and just ignore the trolls and gossip mongers!!!! Thanks for sharing your life and many helpful thoughts. I even enjoy seeing Macy and hearing of all your walks!! Mary Ann


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