
Sunday, 3 April 2022

Down the plughole

 Someone from our Heritage Group posted something on our facebuck page about remembering the Falklands War, April 82 to June 82. I see quite a lot of memorials of past wars talked about. Yes, these atrocities should be remembered. They should also be a reminder that we should never put ourselves in that position again. 

Conflicts can never be resolved by physically attacking each other. They will go off the boil from time to time, but will continue to simmer until the next flare up. It's like the shifting of the desert sands, or the changing ferocity of the sea. The calm before the storm happens with predictable consequences.  

We are in danger of spending too much time preoccupying ourselves with the past, and diverting our attention away from the current situation. The bravery of those who lost their lives should never be forgotten, and there will always be memorials. At the same time we shouldn't take our eyes off the ball, and must be prepared for what is to come. It's a precarious balance that needs to be taken into consideration. 

People think they are coming out of a two year long sleep. We've weathered the storm and now we can live our lives again. That's a comforting thought, and we all need some morsel of hope to cling on to. For what is life without hope. 

Putting aside the pockets of war which are going on in several countries, there is a bigger war which involves everyone, everywhere in the world. People don't recognise it as a war because they are willing to comply with whatever instructions they are issued with. Now we have the internet it is easy to find out what is happening in other countries. Admitted some of it will be propaganda, but increasingly a lot of news coming through these channels can be verified. 

There is a plan to suck us all down the same plughole. We have to decide whether we want to go there or not. There should always be choices, but there are those who are in the driving seat because of their vast amounts of money. They have elevated themselves into such God like positions that they can railroad us all into subservience. They have  not been elected to take over all of our lives, they put themselves there. 

They have built up such a tight infrastructure with their so called 'partners', that it is going to be hard to break that down. There are links everywhere between world leaders, politicians, the media, and the rich and famous. Those that fit the criteria and who can add money to the pot are welcomed in. If we lay down and accept every plan that they come up with we all go down the plughole. 

Be awake, be observant, and question everything. Look at the advertising that is being wheeled out now, it is all going in the same direction. Life will become more difficult for us, they will make it that way. Every new law and new rule, is designed to help them achieve their goal. They are not doing this for the good of their health, or our health, they are only doing it to increase their power.  

Slowly one by one people are waking up. Even politicians are saying I want no more of this. This article about George Christensen is one example. 

Outspoken Queensland representative for Dawson, George Christensen (LNP) gave a farewell speech to Parliament on Thursday. He gave reasons for leaving and ripped into the toxic erosion of  the Westminster standard of good governance in Australia. He criticized the political response to C, saying, we've blown up freedoms, bodily autonomy, medical privacy, human rights, many businesses and jobs. It should never have happened and yet some of it is still happening. More details of his speech is here. 

Posts like this don't come easy for me. I didn't have a privileged education, had to leave school at the first opportunity to earn a living. I write from the heart, it's how I see it. 

Thank you for popping in. Enjoy your Sunday. We have sun so I shall be going out for a walk. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Ilona, you might not have had a privileged aducation, but you have been developing / gifted with a privileged amount of common sense and empathy with which you are a blessing and inspiration to many.
    Thank you for all and everything you share with us, in the way you do.
    Love and blessings,


  2. What a well written post. What depresses me is how few people saw what happened for what it really was (is). Our most fundamental human right is the freedom to choose what happens to our bodies. If we lose that then we’ve got far greater problems to worry about than 'C'. There's a data / information harvesting war of sorts for sure. Which has been largely won. The infrastructure is pretty much in place for all manner of things to be implemented to erode our freedoms and rights to personal choices. Keep your eyes on the horizon.

    1. I know you are keeping up with developments, as I am. We cannot let our guard down. It's not going to go away.

  3. Well said Ilona. I agree with all you said. Love your blogs and videos. Thank you x

  4. What a cracking speech from George Christensen and how sad that he was not able to be present to support his wife during childbirth. Thank you, Ilona, for including this on your blog.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. Yes, it was a heartfelt speech. The man is sticking by his principles. It's a pity there aren't more joining him. Maybe they will when the going gets tough. Maybe the penny will drop and they will do the right thing.

  5. Hello lovely

    "Theirs not to Question Why, Theirs but to do or Die" a quote from Lord Tennyson comes to mind.
    When the cavalry of old was told to go to battle and not told why.
    This my lovely is the world we are living in now
    All aspects of the utter craziness that's going on in the world now are
    grown from Control and Greed of the so called 'Heirachy' of leaders of the world. Or should I say "so called Leaders". It's an utter shame and fills me with so much sadness and anger that a few groups of 'no it alls' that profess to do what is right for us(utter bollocks) can pitch one against the other. How dare they use their own need for Greed ruin the majority of lives. Be that through War or Control. I feel for every one that suffers at their hand, be it through War or whatever tactics they use to control us. Sod the Heigherachy of this World we are living in. I shall go my own way be it right or wrong in the eyes of others I shall do what is best for me. And I shall Pray for my Children and Grandchildren.

    Hope you are well. Much love as always x

    1. This has been coming for a long time. You and I, and quite a lot of others, can see right through the bullshit that is being pushed at us from all directions. Everything is happening for a reason, to beat us into submission. Sadly a lot of people will comply with whatever is asked of them. A very rude awakening is coming.

    2. Exactly!! All eyes need to be wide open now.
      I'm glad I'm on my way out rather than my way in , I worry for the next generations.
      On a lighter note, if you ever fancy walking in the south of the country please get in touch, you're more than welcome to use my place as a base. Take care x

  6. What you don't have is freedom from consequences.
    That's what people talk about when they say that they want freedom.
    They really mean that they'd like to do something without consequences.
    To have yin without yang, or light without shade.
    For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. This cannot be avoided.


    1. I don't know what you mean by this. I accept all the consequences of my actions, whether I choose to do something, or choose not to.

  7. Another great post on the topic, Ilona. I have nothing to add really. Some here who put out their arms several times without question are having their third and fourth bouts of the ailment. They would still put out their arms again and still blame abstainers like myself for their woes. They are clinging to the wreckage of their delusions no matter what. I can't see sanity emerging any time soon at this rate.

    1. I was just speaking to someone who is getting over the bug. She has said they called her for the fourth, she had to delay it until she feels better. I said if the first three didn't work why are you having more. She said, it doesn't last very long.


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