
Thursday, 28 July 2022

Bugs are the way forward

 The WEF would like to change the way we eat and what we eat. That's why they are steering us towards a plant based diet, followed by an insect based diet. It's all to do with climate change and the push towards zero emissions. What will we be eating next. 

They want to cover the land with solar panels and wind farms. They are buying up land to get rid of livestock. They are making it too expensive for farmers to buy fertilizers and fuel for their farm machinery. That is why the price of food is going up. They want to put farmers out of business. That is why farmers in Holland are protesting, they are being thrown off their land. And it will happen in other countries too. The UK Government have offered, nay insisted, that farmers here should retire. They will be paid to retire and give up farming. 

The WEF say everyone in the world should be on the same level playing field. There is a massive gulf between those who have more than they need, those who have what they need, and those who don't have enough. This has always been the case since the year dot. 

Their plan is to level it all up. Everything that is happening is part of that plan. They are working towards taking control of food production in all corners of the earth. In some countries huge amounts of people are dying of starvation, it has always been the case. In other countries excess food is being thrown away. One of the ways to even things out is to allow thousands of people from the poorer countries to move en masse to the richer countries. This is the plan that is being played out right now. Those who have all the money are using it to bring their plan to fruition. 

The only way they can move forward is to get people to comply, and how they do that is through fear. As it has been demonstrated over the last two and a half years. The very rich people need to keep up the fear factor, because it brings more money in. Which then leads to a digital currency that they can then control. This is why it is important to keep spending cash. They need to keep people hooked on their handheld gadget, because through that they can issue instructions. Scan this, scan that, to get the benefits which they will allow you to have. They want you to become a slave to that thing you carry around with you. 

They will stop at nothing. Can't see a doctor when you need one? They don't care if you die. Get your medical help from a screen, then treat yourself with whatever you can buy from a chemist. Can't afford fuel for your car? They want you to give up your car. Can't afford bus fares? Then get a bike or walk. Can't get a train ticket, they are on strike. Can't fly to other countries? Pilots who have been jabbed are not guaranteed to get you to your destination. Those who haven't been jabbed are being sacked. 

Pages to look at from the WEF web site, so you can see where this is heading. Once you know you can take control of your own life. Make changes if you have to. Your life was always in your own hands. It is not theirs to take away from you. 

Which countries are affected by the current food crisis

Ten ways companies can help tackle the global food crisis. 

The global food system is in crisis.

Nations must act together urgently and with solidarity.

Off the top of my head, all before breakfast. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Hi Ilona, A possible book recommendation for you: 'Under the Sky we Make: How to be Human in a Warming Word' by Kimberly Nicholas... it's an eye-opening read. Maybe worth a look as I think you might find it interesting? All the best, Steph

  2. 100% correct Ilona. Keep telling the truth.

    1. I tell it as I see it. No matter how hard I try to think of a reasonable explanation of what's going on, I can't find one. It all slots into place.

  3. Have you changed over to E10 petrol, Ilona? I've stayed with the E5, although I have to pay for the premium stuff now. I feel worried that it may adversely affect my car, even though the manufacturer says it's okay. H x

    1. I don't think our petrol pumps offer a choice. They are all E10. I think the more modern engines can cope with the change.

    2. I've noticed that our local Morrison's doesn't offer E5, but the BP, Sainsbury's and Jet, in the next town, do. There has been some speculation that the higher alcohol content of the E10 corrodes your engine, and reduces the lifespan of your car, so that in the future you will have to exchange it for a bike!! Not sure if this is true, but could fit with current events. Also heard you get less miles to the gallon with E10 than with the old E5. Have you noticed your MPG going down, Ilona? H x

  4. If all the farmers gave up their land for building where would our veggies come from? We still need farmers to grow them because we couldn't get all our nutrients from insects (yuck). I feel the WEF have got their theories wrong.
    I also like cash and rarely use my bank card.

    1. A lot of people are now starting to grow their own veg. Allotments will come back into fashion. People will have to buy locally because they won't be flying it all over the world.

  5. A very bleak future if we allow it. Sadly many people won't see the truth or blame one another or anything except whats if front of them. Ireland has taken of a lot Ukreinian refugees and not all are geunine anyone with a Ukrainan passport was allowed and its causing a lot of problems here as we already have a housing shortage for years yet they found places for these people very quickly and left our homeless on the street. They are given social welfare very quick on arrival and there are problems in some small towns here with some males of African and Arab nationalties. Now the government has had to put a cap on it but the damage is done. I just try get on with my life budget best i can and stopped listen to nation news and msn a long time now its not the truth but to scare and gain complience. Some people are now going around indoors and out with masks where its not required . They look miseable and scared because tv and radio ads has told them that we don't who covid or other illness viriuses etc so they now they are scared and masking here is up again despite a recent heat wave and still quite warm. That book sounds very interesting Steph i may google it. I think too many are lost causes these days and these are peope i avoid. Linda from Dublin

    1. There are great divisions of cultures and beliefs in all countries. Some people believe whole heartedly that countries should take in anyone who turns up asking for a house and benefits. Others believe that borders should be enforced and people should have to go through the proper immigration channels if they want to go and live somewhere else.

  6. The powers that be don't care if people starve. They want to pile us all up in a heap in whatever countries they designate, to be picked off by disease, etc. while they have the rest of this lovely world, with all the best food and fast transport everywhere, unhindered by the rabble. A utopia for them, a very scary prospect for the rest of us. You could tell which way this was all going listening to the Downing Street briefings at the beginning of the lockdown. Glad you're getting out on your travels, Ilona - as well as being fun for you and a pleasure for the rest of us to read about, it's a small act of rebellion.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. The Governments make up the rules as they go along. As long as they are not compromised in any way and can go about their daily life without us getting in their way.

  7. Hi Ilona, I repeat what Lizzy K posted above to you...keep telling the truth. I look at my young relatives and wonder what their world will be like if the WEF reaches their goals. Hope you have a good day in jolly ole' England! Nancy from Northern California

    1. My nephews and cousins have children. They will not have the freedom of a happy life that we have had. Their world will be very different. We have to fight for them.
