
Saturday, 27 August 2022

Dick Emery Bank Holidays

Saturday Fun Day. It's a Bank Holiday weekend. Get yourself a coffee and don't spit it out while you watch this. Dick Emery, comedy genius. 
They don't make 'em like this any more. 
Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. Thank you, a lovely clip. In real life Dick Emery owned many motorbikes. He said in an interview that he loathed the character 'Mandy' (the blonde 'oh, you are awful but I like you'). I always adored 'Hello Honky Tonks' and his flamboyant fashion. This show is sadly a bygone era - no swearing but innuendo.

    1. It's a shame that light hearted entertainment has been derailed by the politically correct brigade. I love a bit of smut.

  2. You are right. They don’t make them like that any more ….for which I am very grateful.

    1. Pray tell us what makes you laugh? Share your humour.

    2. Hmmmm good question. I find the following people funny: Clive James; Bill Bailey; Kevin Bridges; Ricky Gervais; Tina Fey and one of my favourites Eddy Izzard.

      I find the comedy of the 1970s and 1980s cringeworthy. it is based on stereotypes and the laugh tracks aren’t for me. But humour is a personal thing

    3. I have heard of Clive, Bill, Ricky, and Eddy, but not the others. I used to go to stand up comedy nights at pubs and clubs, but stopped going. Their comedy was like a secret language. It was boring to me. I am quite interested in why Eddy is now wearing frocks.

    4. Probably because he wants to.

    5. Cross dressers fascinate me.

  3. So funny, i enjoyed it very much.

    1. Dick Emery was a genius character actor. Taking the micky humour is frowned upon today, sadly.

  4. Loved this especially when he played the Hettie character - 1970s comedies are some of the best, Elaine (Oldham)

    1. I have been watching some Cissy and Ada comedies, remember those two fat ladies. Roy Barraclough and Les Dawson. Hilarious.

  5. I am perhaps being very old-fashioned but have you heard of the game 'list your 12 dinner guests', they can be characters alive or dead and it is up to the person to imagine a dinner party with the twelve. In my time it has been highly amusing with people wanting to sit Jane Austen next to Richard III and so on... what would they talk about? Just a bit of fun. Who would be your twelve dinner guests Ilona?

    1. I have heard of that game. I don't like dinner parties, but I would meet people on a one to one basis. I would prefer all men. Freddie Mercury for starters

  6. You are so right...they dont make um like this any more!.Bring back the old fashioned comedy,Ken Dodd,Ken Goodwin,Mike n Bernie Winters...I could name many more,xx


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