
Friday, 7 October 2022

Something funny going on.

 I remember pantomime dames. Usually fairly rotund men with big red lips painted onto massively over made up panstick faces. Big fluffy costumes with lots of lace and ruffles and stripey jazzy leggins with clumpy shoes. They speak loudly and strut about the stage. We all laughed at their ridiculous antics.

Is this the next generation? Effeminately dressed young men showing oodles of flesh wearing massive wigs. 

Is this entertaining, or teaching the kids about something they are not mature enough to understand? Take a look at the US web site or the UK web site.  Drag Story Hour UK Ltd is registered at Companies House. It was incorporated on 15th March 2022, so a new company. Two others were started in Cardiff and Bristol and both have been dissolved.
“Self-acceptance and self-love are what lead me to do drag. Once I learned how to embrace my femininity, I wanted to explore that and express it in a creative way. Drag is the perfect outlet for me to do so. Through DQSH, I hope to be a positive, queer role model for kids. It’s important kids know that it’s okay to be different. Diversity is part of what makes humanity beautiful, and I’m just one example or facet of what that looks like.”
Pictures are appearing on the internet of these story time performances, and they ain't pretty. They look more akin to something that should be on a night club stage. 
They seem to be pushing an agenda, almost pushing the kids to choose their own gender. If they are steered into transitioning and then discover that they made a terrible mistake, there are going to be a lot of damaged young adults about. And they are going to be dependent on drugs for the rest of their lives. 
I had quite a sheltered life until I left home at 18. My childhood innocence stayed with me until I found my feet and became confident about exploring the person I was meant to be. 
I think this new trend is doing a lot more harm than good. Can we please get back to the innocence of pantomime dames. Pushing sexuality onto kids at a young age is like a cult indoctrination. Leave them alone to develop naturally. 
Tummy rumbling, breakfast time. We'll catch up later. Toodle pip.    ilona


  1. I wonder....where do Drag Queens come from? Drama Kings?

    1. I don't know. The word drag has lots of meanings. Verb, to pull something or someone along forcibly, roughly, or with difficulty. Working 9 to 5 can be a drag. Drag text across a computer screen. The drag of a current. He took a long drag on his cigarette. I couldn't drag my eyes away. In the context of this post it is the slang for going about in women's clothes.

      Just to be clear. I have no qualms about people wearing whatever clothing they like. In the right place and the right time dressing up is a fun thing to do. I especially like Grayson Perry because it is part of his artistic persona. Perhaps it did come from Drama Kings

    2. Drag comes from stage directions developed during Shakespeare’s time and is short for ‘dressed as a girl’. Women were not permitted on the stage as the time so all female roles were played by male actors dressed as a girl or drag for short.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I don't post threats from people who are too cowardly to reveal their name.

  3. Something on which I agree with you totally and for the same reasons.

    1. The school curriculum seems to have changed out of all recognition since I went to school.

  4. Thanks so much for the photos of the truck fest! Haven’t ever been to one, now if we get one near Phoenix I will go ;). Hilogene in Az

    1. Yes, go and have a look if there is one near you.

  5. Drag Queens are as old as time right back to the Greeks and Romans , they always dress better and have amazing makeup and hair ...makes me feel a bit of a female failure at times

    1. Nothing wrong with drag queens, I like them. Their costumes and makeup are immaculate. I have been to see Funny Girls twice, and the Lady Boys also twice. They put on a good show. But in my opinion it's not suitable for children.

  6. The whole idea is to have one gender incapable of giving birth. Then they will supply babies to whom they think are worthy from their genetic baby banks. Think this is unreal, well it isn't and it's coming.
    I wish the world would wake up and smell the roses , most people are unaware of what is coming in the future.

    1. I am getting to the point where nothing surprises me any more.

  7. I 100% agree!!! This is pushing an idea, not letting young children ease into life and discover for themselves what is out there and how they feel about things. Innocence is slipping away…

    1. A child has the whole of its life to learn about everything that is happening around them. Why the rush to push this. They call it story time. I remember Grannies reading to their kids. let's get them back into schools.

  8. I find it quite horrifying to think adult themes like this are being pushed onto young children. Let them grow up first!

  9. I agree, I have said this for years. I am afraid for our children. JMC

    1. Children are children for only a short period of time. Let them enjoy their early life without any pressures. There is plenty of time to learn about the adult word as they grow older.

  10. I remember when drag meant ordinary men dressing as women and living as men in everyday life. Now it seems to be part of the gay scene. If it is pushing a sexual agenda on very young children then I would say let children be innocents for as long as possible.

    1. I see little children playing in the park and think why would you want to spoil their fun and games.

  11. Many cultures have had 'men in drag' throughout the ages for entertainment purposes - mostly because women were not permitted to perform in the arts of the theatre (Shakespearean plays being a good example). Moving into the 1970s, many British comedians used this style for laughter, examples being Dick Emery, The Two Ronnies and others but the point is that it was for comedic value.
    The real and essential point is that it was for adults. My opinion is that children do not need to have this sort of thing in their lives at this point, they need to be having a sound education in maths, English, physics etc to be able to cope in the real world.

    1. Thank you. You got the point I was trying to make, that this sort of dressing up is not appropriate for small children.

  12. what ever happened to something being age appropriate for our children, when I was growing up drag shows were something for the over 18's, I have no problem with diversity I know alot of gay people and they are the kindest people I know, just want to live their lives and dont have an agenda to push, this sexualising of our children is dangerous, agree with the other people posting here. let kids be kids learn about life in an age appropriate way so they can make safe choices when they are adults, and have some life experience to base decisions on,
    cheers from Australia.

  13. just posted to you as anonymous about age appropriate, and ended post cheers from Australia, sorry didnt realise I was posting as anon, have no problem being accountable for what I say, cheers Elizabeth from Australia

    1. Thank you. It's up to me to weed out those who come on just to cause trouble. Your comment was carefully worded so it passed the test.

    2. Disappointed to see my posts on money were deleted. No idea why you thought they were okay and then deleted them.

    3. Roy, I was disappointed that you poked fun at Briony. Quote ; 'Thanks for my morning chuckle, Briony'. She made a serious comment, no need to laugh at her. It made me doubt the sincerity of your other comments.

    4. Fair enough. It seems people can express all sorts of crazy stuff (handing out babies🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) but you can’t poke fun at the crazy idea. Her comment is completely ridiculous. My comments on money were factual.

    5. Gosh that was a serious comment, and I thought Briony was making a joke, which was why I said thank you.

    6. The evil that is happening in the world goes a lot deeper than people realise. You've heard of eugenics I presume, and the experiments that went on in the war against the Jews.

      Briony says she wishes people would wake up, they are unaware of what is coming. I agree. Dismiss what you see and read about as pure fantasy and you run the risk of being caught unawares when the shit really hits the fan. And it will. The truth is coming to light right now. Every day more is revealed. People will be shocked about how they have been taken in. The whole thing has been built on lies. The promise that the treatment was safe and effective was lies. Get \/axxed for others was a lie. The \/axxx was never tested on preventing transmission. Everybody knows that now.

      I should have left your money comments there, because the whole aim of the globalists is to crash the economy. We will have nothing and be happy, so says a certain person who thinks he is God.

  14. I think the message is wonderful….it is okay to be yourself….just be nice to people. Things have changed so much….to me vastly for the better.

    1. But people are not nice to each other. The whole idea of this is to turn people against each other. Wait until things start taking a downturn. There is no going back unless people wake up now.

    2. I disagree. I do not think the whole idea of the drag movement is to turn people against each other. I truly think it is all about acceptance.

      I want listening to Naomi Wolf on Mark Steyn. I suspect you might enjoy it.

  15. I also think drag queens are about acceptance. I do believe that we shouldn't hide our children from anyone living a different life and we as parents and grandparents should also be on hand to explain and talk about diversity.
    However when I read stories like this
    I do think that line has been crossed and I wonder if that's what you are writing about?


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