
Sunday, 9 October 2022


Hello. I made this video yesterday. I wonder how long it will be before most of our country is covered in rubbish. It's like an epidemic, people don't care where they dump their trash. Our countryside is turning into a mega rubbish tip. Eventually there will be nowhere nice to walk. I do despair.
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Sad. So much of that stuff is reusable. I see firewood for my stove, clothes that could have been washed and donated before they were ruined, plastic bottles for my children's bottle people art, now too ruined to use. I see a few possible planters, two galvanised buckets and a barrel. I see some paint, maybe enough to touch up a wall, or for a community art project, now ruined. Two expensive plastic child's cars, maybe only needed a charge, or you could take the bodies off for a project, now ruined by being outdoors. Catrin.

    1. There was a lot of useless and damaged junk there as well. Some of it looked like it might have been dumped elsewhere and moved to this location.

  2. So so sad!!! It takes no more trouble to do the right thing. They are sneaking about to find a place to dump stuff in secret. 😡😡 Same thing happens here in the US.

    1. It makes me think that we are all going to end up in a massive rubbish dump.

  3. Replies
    1. It is. At the moment we have private rental landlords wanting to get out of the rental market and sell their property. Tenants leave their junk behind and the house has to be cleared for selling.

  4. I was thinking along those lines today, thinking about how many of this and how many of that I use every day and then multiply that by 330 million, the population of the US. Take any example, say toilet paper which comes wrapped in plastic. That is a lot of plastic that goes to the landfill. Of course you are talking about the sleazy people who leave their garbage along the road, that is even worse.

    1. I like your use of the word sleazy. They definitely are, and worse than that.

  5. People who who do this really are the scum of the earth and the problem is it’s not just a small minority of people either. Whole areas in rural and urban areas are already huge rubbish tips.

  6. This has made me so angry! Some people are just despicable! Did you report it Ilona? I would like to think that the culprit is found but I doubt that they are

    Amanda, Cheshire


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