
Monday, 28 November 2022

Plodding around.

 I haven't been to London in quite a lot of years. If I was to go I would travel on the train. Although as an experienced driver, my reflexes are not as sharp as they used to be and I have turned into a steady plodder. I try to read the road signs, not wishing to make a mistake, although turning around in a car is a lot easier than backing an artic into a side road. 

I read that they have extended the emissions zones in London, so there are a lot more areas where a driver has to pay to drive through. How that works I do not know. This system is alien to me, living up here in the sticks. It must be so confusing for those who have to drive through and around London. I suppose there are signs everywhere warning that you are entering an area that requires a payment to be made. I don't know if it's possible to do a 'u' turn if you hit one of these signs. I imagine a screech of brakes when suddenly faced with a 'pay as you go' road. 

If you don't take note of these signs you could end up with a fistful of fines coming through the post, like this lady did

There seems to be a plan to get cars off the road. Make it so unaffordable to run a car that we all give up. Fuel costs increasing, maintenance costs increasing, insurance increasing, and now they are bringing in a scrappage plan. It looks like it is all being pushed towards getting rid of diesel and petrol, and pushing forward onto electric cars. I think I will have stopped driving by then. You will see me bombing around on one of those electric buggy's. I believe you can get plastic covers for them, like a little tent on wheels. 

Catch ya later. ilona 

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