
Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Early post

More nonsense bollox this morning. Our leaders puppets are full of it. They don't live in the real world. They want you to believe that they are doing the best for our country. It's a smokescreen. They make announcements knowing full well that their hands are tied, and they don't have a cat in hells chance that they can bring about change. They know they can't because they are being led. Yes we are planning to do this, and we'll do that. Empty promises and they do nothing. All a distraction to take attention away from what is really happening. 

It's the same in other countries. There has to be a link there, to destroy the fabric of the country you are supposed to be looking after. Destroy the lives of the people you are supposed to be caring for. The man we have at the moment has not been elected by the people. He has been shoe horned into the position by those who seek fame and fortune.
There is hope. Good, decent, honest people are being reinstated on social media. Truth and freedom fighters will not give up. 
I am busy today, getting on with my own life. You should do the same. 
Lots of love.   ilona 

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