
Saturday, 31 December 2022

It's your life.

That's it folks, the last day of the year. I won't do a 'let's look back at 2022', piece. I think most would rather not look back at the farce that has been played out before our very eyes. 

This caught my attention in the so called joke news this morning. I won't add my own words to the article, except to say, why not finish off the year with the biggest load of bollocks ever written by a main stream journalist. 

I see 2023 as more of the same. The good thing is people are beginning to wake up to the reality of the situation. The pennies are dropping and people are scrambling to save their own skin as the truth emerges. Even John Campbell has had to eat humble pie and apologise for getting it wrong. He who pushed the official main stream narrative. Well at least he has the decency to grovel, and do a 'u' turn. A bit late now that the damage has already been done. 

I hope that one by one all the perpetrators of these horrific crimes against humanity will be brought down. All the dots will be joined, as each stage of the plan moves forward to the next. This might take some time though because there are those who will struggle to understand the depth of depravity of those who are running the show.

A large proportion of UK residents are still living in fear. Our Government, under orders from above, and with the cooperation of the Main Stream Media, will continue to spew out bollocks, as will the leaders of the other countries. They are all in it together. 

Sadly people are only too happy to hand over their lives and go along with whatever they are told to do. There will always be followers and leaders. It's about time the followers wake up to the tyranny that is in our midst. 

As always, YOU decide what you want to do with your life. YOU take control of your future. YOU say no when it doesn't feel right. YOU take responsibility. 

For those who don't want to click on the link, this is what triggered this post.  

I wish you all a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to 2023 with optimism. We can't change anything that has already happened, but we can change how we look to the future. I am up for the challenge, are you? Best wishes.   ilona 


  1. As you say complete and utter bollocks

  2. I look forward to reading your blog. I’m not crafty, apart from knitting and crochet, but I admire most of your creations. I like the posts that make me think. It is good to be challenged. Happy new year Illona, I love a new year, new beginning. Fresh start.

    1. Hello Anonymous. It's a pick n mix blog. Pick out what interests you and discard the rest. Best wishes. ilona

  3. Yes, I saw these articles about Witty. And I have been following some other reporting about the excess deaths that points the finger squarely at the mRNA vaccine and not the virus. I am sure there will be a high price to pay in avoidable deaths from lockdowns, vaccine, shutdown of the NHS of which this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    1. Hello Will. Keep your eyes and ears open, there is more to come. Best wishes.

  4. Happy New Year Ilona. I'm still here reading your blog after nearly 15yrs. You can always count on me.
    Wendy (Wales)

    1. Hello Wendy. I think you deserve an award for that. It's nice to know you are there. Best wishes.

  5. I am a heart patient and I did not partake in the ouchies on purpose. I was also thankfully able to keep all of my appointments for checkups and testing during the past two years. I question everything. I know I won’t live forever, but I’m trying to make the best choices for myself while I’m here. Always enjoy your posts. I’m looking forward to doing a walking challenge this next year because you have inspired me. Happy New Year!

  6. Happy New Year Ilona and I’m sure you’ll make it a good one. Yes I saw the article - all very predictable I feel. I wouldn’t trust any of the potions Doctors like to peddle simply because I know the majority are bedfellows with the pharmaceutical companies. I wouldn’t go near a hospital in the current climate either. Too many incompetent and uncaring staff.

    1. Hello theboatgal. I was spitting feathers when I read the article. How very dare they twist things around. I am watching a discussion between Aseem Malhotra and Bret Weinstein. They are discussing why doctors went along with it for so long and didn't say anything, even though they knew it was dangerous. Thankfully a few are coming forward now. Best wishes.

  7. Happy New Year Ilona. Thank you for all your news and views throughout 2022. I look forward to 2023 and your blog. Also the walking challenge. I've slipped badly behind of late as I've been struck down with whooping cough, at the grand old age of 70!

    1. Hello Anonymous. Oh dear, that was a bit of bad luck. Like riding a horse, if you fall off you get back on and try again. Good luck next time.

  8. Since my 3rd jab I have felt out of sorts - I am sure there was something wrong with it - I haven't risked a 4th - Enjoy your evening Ilona - and thankyou for your very interesting blog x

    1. Hello flis. If it's any consolation, it has been discovered that not all treatments are the same. Now do your own risk assessment and ask questions, then make your future decisions based on what you learn. Best wishes.

  9. My partner was diagnosed with colon cancer about three months after his first jab. Luckily they caught it in time. Coincidence? I don’t think so! And it will never be reported on MSM

    1. Hello Anonymous. This is the grey area. More tests, more data, and more analysis is needed. From the work that some doctors are doing at the moment, I would say that some answers will be forthcoming in the future. They are not going to give up. These are committed people who are determined to dig out the truth. I hope your partner is on the mend.

  10. Happy new year Ilona, love your blog and your attitude ;). Hilogene in Az

    1. Hello Hilogene. Thank you for visiting. Best wishes.

  11. Hopefully we will never be like other cultures who have been persecuted for speaking out and even now do as they are told.

    1. Hello Marlane. We are strength in numbers and must stick together. If it doesn't feel right, it isn't right. Best wishes.

  12. A very happy new year to you, I am sure you will it make a good one. And thank you for your blog.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Hello Hilogene. You are my favourite visitor. Best wishes.

  13. A question was asked on twittter, Do you know of anyone who has had a vaxxxxx injury? Over 2000 replies. And people still troll me. I will not shut up. The amount of people dying or injured with life changing problems continues to rise.

  14. Sadly we made wrong choice, now I travel to visit my husband daily in a care setting, totally paralysed from huge stroke soon after the... Devastating..

  15. Thank you Ilona, for your good common sense

  16. Thank you Ilona, for your common sense among all the stupidity


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