
Monday, 12 December 2022

Mau Mau

Mau Mau is 12 years old. He has been wandering around the village all his life. He is an outdoor cat. He has a home but prefers the great outdoors, like me. I keep in touch with his owner via our village page and text messaging. He has been here to see the garden and summerhouse where Mau Mau sleeps. We agree to share him. 
The last few nights have been freezing cold and I worry about him. He has a snuggly bed on a chair in the summer house. I go out to check he is alright, and he comes to the house for food. Last night it was freezing cold. I went out several times but could see he didn't want to move off the chair. I took some food out to him. 
This morning he was waiting at the back door. All cats have now eaten and the house is warm. Mau Mau is sitting at the open door thinking how lovely and warm it is in here. I tried closing the back door a few days ago, to keep the heat in, but he was distressed that he might be trapped, so I had to open it. He needs to know that there is an escape route. There is a second door to the outside which has a cat flap in it. He can come and go through there. 
I am hoping that eventually he will not be scared if I close the back door. It will take time to win his confidence. 
I was having a conversation with a woman in the pub the other day. She was telling me how her cat goes across the road and spends time in a neighbours house. The woman was quite angry because she loves her cat, and has spent money on looking after it. She is angry with the neighbour. I said, you can't own a cat, they own you. As long as it is being looked after is the main thing. Cats will go wherever they please. She was miffed and left the table to sit elsewhere. 
As a side note, don't forget to put food and water out for the birds. Break the ice on the water bowls and add fresh water. 
Now the cats have been fed I can get my breakfast. There will be a video coming along later. 
Toodle pip.   ilona  

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