
Tuesday, 3 October 2023

Read Debi. (edited)

 Debi Evans writes a very good blog for UK Column. She writes about all things medical. 

Debi Evans (SRN, PG Cert Autism) is UK Column's nursing correspondent. She is a past advisor to the UK Department of Health.

Toodle pip.   ilona


There is no reference to autism in Debi's blog. I suggest people go back and read the whole thing before they put two and two together and make 659. Those who jump the gun and make wild assumptions contribute nothing to the conversation because they have already made their minds up. I am not interested in your crazy accusations and sarcastic rhetoric. You come back here time and time again spewing your disgusting bile. You should be ashamed of yourselves. 

Thank you to those who are open minded and wish to educate themselves. I will always be here to help and support you. 



  1. Thank you for the link, she is a new source to me, probably since I am in the USA. The UKs new internet censorship bill will soon go in to effect, it says if for example Rumble doesn't comply with censorship that if the owners of Rumble step foot in the UK they can be arrested. Free speech adios.

    1. The internet censorship is a worry. I censor what I allow to be published here, but it is my blog, it is not a forum. I could very easily close all comments if I wanted to.

  2. A former government adviser on autism. I'm interested in her views on autism as some people once believed this was caused by the mmr vaccine given to babies. Will have a read.

    1. It's good to get your reading from lots of different sources. Debbie is well qualified to write about such matters.

    2. I was wondering if the nurse and former autism advisor to the UK government had an aversion to vaccine in general.
      I wouldn't be thinking she is knowledgeable in vaccination MMR or Covid.
      She is a health care giver. I would liken her to a bit like a lorry driver. She will be an efficient and effective driver but wont be able to put an engine together and sort out the fuel. A bit like healthcare givers and the scientists who work out the drugs and vaccines.

    3. Anonymous. I suggest you watch UK Column News, and read their web site. It will tell you everything you need to know. No point in comparing a health giver to a lorry driver, two different jobs.

    4. Sorry its Betty, not anonymous. I did mean to put my name in the previous post.
      I'm not comparing a health giver to a lorry driver. Just showing the comparison. A lorry driver provides the service to drive the lorry. However its unlikely they will know how the engine fits together.
      A nurse does the nursing but doesn't make the drugs or the machines that are used to carry out that treatment.

      We are all cogs in a big wheel.

  3. Absolute rubbish that vaccines cause autism.
    Then again if you are easily persuaded to believe conspiracy theories you’d probably believe that. There is no scientific evidence what so ever that vaccines cause autism.
    That is clutching at straws and gives parents an excuse to blame something for their child’s autism.

    1. Perhaps you could share your qualifications, and present your evidence, to support your claim.

  4. Vaccines do not cause autism, it is something you are born with.
    Genetics has a part to play in this, sadly people look for something to blame , which is an insult to autistic people.
    Autistic people need acceptance and understanding, and blaming vaccines is a cruel assumption to parents and carers.

    1. Perhaps you could share your qualifications, and present your evidence, to support your claim.

    2. Oh lord, don’t tell me you are one of those people who believe autism is caused by mmr. I wonder if Ms Evans believes that. Let me see if I can find out

    3. I know nothing about autism.

  5. No one knows why people are born with autism. There is some evidence to support a genetic cause. My personal belief is many of these children are born with a leaky gut and are intolerant to lactose and gluten. Children who are born by caserean, not breast fed and on antibiotics before they are two are more at risk. Everything twe need now is rubbish with many pesticides on our fruit and veg. I believe through my own research that vaccines don't cause autism, but could be harmful to children with a leaky gut and a poor immune system. My son did regress badly after vaccine ,but can't say it was vaccine that caused it . Many factors at play.

  6. I do agree that we need to accept autism rather than see it as a negative. There could be a spiritual reason as well, which was predicted years ago and referred to as indigo children. They are here to break down institutions as education and government need to change outdated ways of working. That's these children's mission and autism in a way protects them from the harsh reality of earth where they are able to withdraw into the safety of their own world.

  7. Nothing we see is ever black and white. More love and compassion is what the world needs.

    1. There are pockets of love and compassion, but they are increasingly hard to find.

  8. Has anybody bothered to read Debbie's blog? The comments are focussing on one word, without looking at the full picture. People come out with all guns blazing ready to shoot down anyone who presents a different picture. Fear and hate are destructive emotions, and some people are obviously thriving on that.

  9. Information is available from autism support groups and medical research sites about autism, and it’s the same explanation all the time . Autism is a something that people are born with.


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