
Tuesday, 10 October 2023


 First Major World Politician Apologizes To the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, We Were Wrong’

Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to the unvaccinated for crimes perpetrated against their human rights by the government during Covid lockdowns. “I can apologize right now. I’m deeply sorry,” she said, “for anyone who was inappropriately subjected to discrimination as a result of their vaccine status, I’m deeply sorry. For any government employee that was fired from their job, because of their vaccine status, and I welcome them back if they want to come back.

I was lucky, I didn't lose my job. I just had to take all the nasty comments thrown at me. I am still alive and healthy.
Goodnight. ilona


  1. Major world politician? She's basically the governor of a province with about 4.7 million inhabitants. Compare Florida in the US, with 22.7 million. She took office on October 1, 2022, well after many restrictions were lifted in Canada. She's a politician, currying favor with the conservative voters in her province. Like you always say, politicians will do anything to stay in office.

    1. It only takes one to lead the way. Let's see how many more will suddenly get a guilty conscience and follow suit.

  2. I wonder if her comments are actually heart felt or she is just due for re-election? In my experience politicians only apologise when backed into a corner and not through some sense of duty or realisation of wrong doing.

    1. The enquiry into the Governments what's app messages has begun. More revelations will come to light over the coming weeks.

      Covid inquiry has started to publish some of Boris Johnson’s / Dominic Cummings WhatsApp’s ⬇️

      “We got big problems. CABOFF is terrifyingly shit, no plans, totally behind pace..” πŸ‘€

      Cummings to Johnson 12 March 2020

  3. It was the unvaccinated employees losing their jobs, that was perhaps a step too far for me.
    I still feel it's too early to tell of the effects covid or the vaccine will have on our future health.
    If knowing what we know now, would a different decision have been made? Perhaps but sometimes you have to make a decision based on the information at hand.

    1. It's a shame that the information which was pushed out in a hurry in the first place was based on lies and computer models. To mandate the jabs to everyone was totally the wrong thing to do. It wasn't about keeping people safe, they were following orders.

    2. There you go again. It was all about control. They didn’t want to keep us safe they wanted to control us πŸ€ͺ🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  4. I worked in admin for the NHS at the time when the vaccine first came out. We were subjected to bullying by line managers to have it and made to feel very uncomfortable if we objected. Told we were being selfish and putting not only our colleagues health but the patients health too. Altogether horrible.

    1. Horrible and cruel. An attempt to force people into submission.

    2. My son is a nurse. There were only two of them that didn’t have the jab. Their jobs were almost lost. Since then, guess who are the dick nurses, yep, all of the vaccinated. He code well but suffered endless bullying for it

  5. You keep saying they were following orders but you never say whose orders ?

    1. Easy answer to that. Who benefits most from the whole world taking a treatment that Big Pharma insisted on everyone taking, even though there were alternative treatments available. Big Pharma of course. It's all about the money.

    2. But it isn't an easy answer. These pharmaceutical companies are publicly traded on various stock exchanges, which means that any member of the public can purchase shares in the company. Certainly company bigwigs--CEOs, etc.--reaped major bonuses as a result of the success of their vaccines, but the majority of increased wealth would have been paid out to shareholders, like your neighbors and friends and family, or to pension plans that invested pension funds in the company, or any number of entities that have invested in pharmaceuticals. Any one reading this today, can purchase a share of Moderna for about $105 USD. Moderna stock increased in value by nearly 400% following the development of their vaccine. Imagine if you or I had purchased a number of share in the company when it went public years ago. My point is that anyone can invest if they have an appetite for risk.

    3. A public company has an obligation to it's shareholders, to make money. If they don't they go bust. The money they make from the sale of their products and services is astronomical. It's a business, they have to keep coming up with new products. The wheeling and dealing that goes on between various global companies in dodgy stocks and shares deals is bankrupting the country. It is all about the money. This is why I am not a gambler.

    4. A company develops a product. An investor reads and learns about the product. The investor decides that the product seems likely to do well. The investor buys 10 shares at $1 per share. The product proves to be wildly popular. The company makes loads of money, driving up the value of the investor's 10 shares, from $1/share to $100/share. A $10 investment is now worth $1,000. The investor decides to sell those 10 shares, receiving the $10 initial investment, as well as $900 profit.
      Where does the $900 profit come from? It comes from the company's coffers.

  6. But they have admitted the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission or infection. So how can being vaccinated keep patients or anyone safe from healthcare workers or anyone? You can still pass it and catch it. People refused unvaccinated visitors but why when it doesn't prevent transmission?

    1. Not sure where you live, but here in the US we always understood that the vaccines wouldn't completely protect us from getting covid. This information was shared widely in the media. We were told that, just like the annual flu vaccines, covid vaccines would provide us with some immunity from the disease and, in most cases, would help to mitigate the most serious outcomes, like hospitalizations and deaths. We were told that other covid protocols, like masking, hand washing, and avoiding crowded events and venues, were still important safety measures, along with the vaccine. We were never told that the vaccines would 100% prevent us from contracting covid.

    2. We are now better informed. There are more vaxxxed people catching the virus now, than unvaxxxed.

    3. Anonymous above.
      I am in North Lincolnshire in the UK. They lied about all of it. There are numerous videos to be found of leaders all over the world promising that it was safe and effective. So what does safe mean? No side effects maybe? Well that was a lie. What does effective mean? Normal vaxxxines for years has meant you don't catch the whatever it is. These are not very effective because people are catching the virus multiple times. Dr John Campbell who has been making videos from the start was pushing it. He has now had to back down and say he is sorry for getting it wrong.

    4. Of course there are more vaccinated people catching the virus in the UK than unvaccinated. It is obvious that would be the case.

    5. Maybe a good time to stop getting vaxxed then.

    6. Your own coronavirus website addresses vaccine (mild to severe) side effects (link to what-to-expect pamphlet), explains that the vaccine reduces risks of hospitalization and death, addresses the fact that vaccinated people can still get covid, etc. It appears that this information was not withheld from you or others in the UK. Immunity can be achieved through either contracting the disease or from being vaccinated. Immunity for both groups wanes over time. New variants emerge. People can continue to be repeatedly infected, thus gaining immunity, or they can continue to be vaccinated and gain immunity that way. Now, nearly four years in, people have decided how they will respond to the situation. Why keep beating a dead horse?

    7. Why? Because thousands of people have been unlawfully killed.

    8. Proof please about these thousands being killed.

    9. Show me the evidence.

    10. Anonymous, classic comment to derail someone who knows more than you. Do your own research, you have a lot to catch up on.

  7. Yes - You were right all along Ilona - I stupidly did as I was told - Even though my gut feeling was saying " don't agree to it " x

    1. At least you are awake now, flis. Don't beat yourself up about it. It was not your fault. One day at a time, and breath. Make each day count.

  8. Big pharma didn’t make covid up or tells the government what do. That is a simple conspiracy theory explanation for people who can’t accept or understand what happened. Years ago people used to believe the moon was made of cheese and the world was flat.

    1. What came first, the virus or the vaxxx? There is a question there which needs answering.

    2. Hmmm let me see if I can answer this tricky question. What came first the virus or the vaccine….I think it was the virus. Not exactly sure what that proves though. There was no smallpox vaccine before smallpox, same for polio.

    3. You get no points for that.

  9. A neighbour was sacked from the nhs for not taking the v., So, 1 year she was clapped and the next - sacked! Elaine (Oldham)

    1. Yes, it happened, Elaine. I remember reading about it. Many people lost their jobs.

  10. As someone who refused to be jabbed I still struggle with the hatred and mob mentality that was handed out to people like me. I lost a job I really enjoyed after the company mandated it. Fortunately I quickly got another job and haven’t looked back. Interestingly the former company offered me my job back after the mandate was lifted.
    Since the jab roll out a number of people I know or are acquainted with have died. All were perfectly fit and healthy before but have gone on to develop aggressive turbo cancers mentioned by Professor Angus Dalgleish in his recent interview with Dr John Campbell.
    I’m glad I held out and have never bothered with the flu jab either. I’ve had Covid once, didn’t need any medical attention and wasn’t even bed bound. In the meantime jabbed work colleagues have had multiple episodes.

    1. I find it hard to believe that we had to go through all the hate aimed at us because we chose not to join in the experiment. It is still going on now. At least someone has stood up and said they are sorry. There should be more people apologising. The Governments pushing the mandates have driven people to the brink of suicide, and some were tipped over the top.

    2. Don’t think the comments have to do with you deciding not to get vaccinated.. I think it is more about your ridiculous theories.

    3. Once again, Anonymous, the theories are now coming true.

    4. Once again, Ilona, they are not “coming true”. You base your research on people who have an agenda as opposed peer reviewed academic papers. As Bob, below said. You do tend to rely on dubious sources. I tend to think if a brain can really think the UK Royal family are shape shifting aliens, I won’t rely on anything else coming from that brain. It is so patently obvious that the royal family are not shape shifting aliens anyone who can think they are clearly has a mega problem with rational reasoning.

    5. Once again, Anonymous. Shall we stop batting this ball backwards and forwards. It is so patently obvious that we are never going to agree. Perhaps you could start a blog then you can say anything you like.

  11. Danielle Smith is a piece of work. I live in the Province that she is Premier. She has offended just about everyone.

    The party that she leads doesn't even like her but used her as a voice to keep power. She pandered to rural voters at the expense of urban centres. She's all "gee shucks down home" acting but has an agenda.

    The party that she leads looted government workers pension plan (over the dead week in between Christmas and New Years) to fund a pipeline that we all knew was never going to be built. The party also changed the provincial Teacher's pension and it is now being invested at a much lower rate of return that it used to have.

    She wants to pull the contributions to the national pension plan made by workers in this province and make it a regional pension plan.

    The United Conservative Party is very MAGA aligned and is all about privatization of provincially or federally owned corporations. Her approach to healthcare is terrible. Under the UCP leadership, we are losing doctors and nurses to other provinces. If you think the NHS is a mess, you should see what she's done to the AHS.

  12. You sing the praises of Danielle Smith without fully knowing what sort of a politician she really is . Well let me enlighten you, there’s not much difference between her and Donald Trump.

    1. I didn't sing the praises of her at all. I just posted what she said in a speech.

    2. Ilona never checks the credentials of someone if she like what they say about COVID. She thinks David Icke explains things well πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    3. This Anonymous is my unfriendly troll who follows me around. Yes, I do follow David Icke. More people might get it if they take a look at his recent videos.

  13. I really dont understand why if you choose not to be vaccinated, that you dont just leave it at that. You made your own choice. As someone else has said we made our decisions based on what we know at the time. I have been vaccinated, I have had covid, I always thought it would be when, not if.
    I cant buy into your reset theory at all.
    I also would advise against getting all your research from persuasive people on the internet.
    Look after yourself and those that matter. Do things that make you happy. Life is too short to try to change things we cannot influence.

    1. It's not my reset theory. There is plenty of evidence out there that it is really happening. You can chose not to believe it if you like.

      Why don't I just leave it at that? Because thousands have died after being forced to take a medical treatment that was not properly tested. Many thousands more have now got life changing conditions they will never recover from. No one knows the long term effects for those people who said yes please and rolled their sleeves up. There was no data in the beginning, there is now. People caved in because they were told it was for the greater good, that by doing so they would be protecting everyone around them. Alternative medicine could have been used, which has worked all over the world, and has saved lives, but they said no, you have to wait for this new treatment.

      That's why I will not stop. Lives have been lost, lives have been ruined, and those responsible should be arrested.

  14. Too little too late, but a start. Here in NY state, we were lambasted, ridiculed, badgered, humiliated if we so much as raised our eyebrows at that jab. TEN of my kids got it, co-ersion...four in the medical field (would have been fired immediately), one in nursing school (had to get it or not allowed on campus or in hospital), one who was traveling to Europe, ect. My husband and I held out, he almost lost his job too, finally got an exemption. We were lied to, and are still being lied to, as they're pushing the new booster, as "safe and effective". A few of my kids have had health issues from those "vaccines", it breaks my heart.

    1. Thank you Della. Yes, it is indeed heartbreaking to watch the slow train crash. I feel helpless. A friend told me yesterday that she will take anything offered.

  15. I agree ilona. Why are they still pushing this vaccine when it doesn't prevent transmission or prevent covid? There is no evidence it reduces the severity of symptoms like some people seem to think. I had covid and no vaccine and was fine. My colleague had the vaccine and was very ill with covid. She said thank goodness I got the vaccine or I would have been worse. I said there is no evidence. Some people have even been more unwell from side effects of the vaccine. My elderly neighbour couldn't get out her bed for three days after getting the vaccine.

    1. They are pushing it now because they still have a job to do. Their plan has been derailed somewhat by people who can see through it.


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