
Monday, 29 April 2024


 It seems to me that there is a concerted effort to get older drivers off the road, all drivers in fact. The headlines from news reports, which are not really news anyway, churn out negative ideas to instill fear in anyone who dares to get behind the wheel of a car. New rules in the making are bandied about, in the hope they batter us into submission and hand in our keys. They, the cabal, the elite, the rich people, God, or whatever you want to call them,) want us to stop driving in the name of climate crisis and net zero emissions. 

Opening my Microsoft page this morning reveals a plethora of panic inducing headlines enough to turn anybody off wanting to get in their wheels and look for an adventure. Those who use their wheels to get to work will continue doing so. They will get the, 'get the bus or get on your bike' message thrust at them. 

Some of the negative stuff.

Highway code rule could see drivers hit with fine for using car lights. 

Calls grow to make it harder for older drivers to keep their licence. 

Elderly drivers should consider four things when buying a car, experts warn.

Five surprising health conditions you need to tell the DVLA about. 

Preparing to hang up the car keys as we age. 

Most common questions drivers fail on theory test, can you answer them. 

Half of older drivers worry about making basic mistakes on the road. 

Parked drivers struggling to get out of their vehicle as cars get wider.

Driving in Europe, 11 little known motoring laws from France, Spain, Italy. 

Mechanics share when drivers should replace their tyres to avoid safety risks. 

Cars will slow down if drivers are speeding, under EU safety tech in new cars. 

Drivers warned common mistake in car could be exposing them to dangerous bacteria. 

British drivers fear new AI speed cameras which look into cars will invade privacy. 

Why passing an MOT does not mean your car is safe to drive.  

These articles have been directed at me because the AI algorithm has picked up on the subject matter that I have talked about, or shown an interest in. It is a concerted effort to control my thoughts and behaviour. If you are able to think outside the box, you will have noticed something similar happing on your computer screen. 

To survive this onslaught of mind bending trash, all you can do is get off the computer altogether. If you can't, and I can't, just be aware that the forces are working against us. They are trying to break our spirits and mould us into the puppets they can easily control. Hold the line and make sure you come out of this sausage machine with all your marbles intact. 

Enjoy your Monday. I am off to Crafty Club. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. This new law of a 20 mph default speed limit here in Wales is nothing but a cash cow and enough to get motorists off the road.

    1. I have read that the 20mph law in Wales is set to be reversed. You are right, it is a cash cow. They bring in these type of instructions and changes, they always say it will make the roads safer. Yet they block streets off with bollards and massive planters, which shifts traffic onto already busy roads. I drove through Chesterfield at the weekend. What used to be a dual carriageway into the city is now a single lane each way, with a dual cycle lane taking up the space. No thought for the rush hour traffic having to crawl into and out of town.

  2. Any incompetent driver should be encouraged to stay off the roads irrespective of age to reduce congestion, improve safety and reduce emissions. You posted only yesterday about congested roads. Driver who insist on using the outer lanes on motorways only, drive less than the speed limit where it is safe at the limit, can't bend their necks to see properly, can't reverse or park properly need re-education or take public transport/walk/cycle

    1. Thank you for your point of view. Please tell us your name if you wish to join in the conversation.

    2. I agree that people shouldn’t be driving if they are not competent. I also agree with mandatory retesting

      In my experience it is often the children who tell their parents they shouldn’t be driving. Funny had breakfast yesterday with some in their mid 80s who had just given up driving. She thought she was perfectly safe but her children convinced her otherwise.

  3. Such a boring blog.

    1. Maybe you shouldn't come here again if there is nothing of interest.

  4. good for you I think there are good and bad drivers of all ages carol

    1. Yes there are. The headlines I quoted are not about whether someone is a good or bad driver. The purpose of these articles is to deter people of all ages from enjoying the freedom of driving a car. They are meant to nudge people into considering whether they actually need to drive at all.

  5. A few weeks ago I googled WW3 - immediately there was the reply " No WW3" x

    1. Good luck with your next search.

    2. It was odd because it felt someone was there - I turned off immediately x

  6. Our local big city (Newcastle upon Tyne) has been vehemently anti-car for many years, and for a short while had the bus lane generating the highest level of fines in the country, until the courts ruled that the council had not put up adequate signage. They are committed to LTN and LEZ gestures, making life for the motorist hell, and trying to get to work a nightmare. We only go there now if we have absolutely no alternative.

    1. It's a shame that most cities are going that way. It has put me off driving in cities altogether. In that respect, their plan is working. But at 75 and retired I can make adjustments to my plans and visit other places with less restrictions. I feel for those who need their car to go to work. As well as getting us mature drivers off the road, their aim is to disrupt the freedoms of younger people. Remote working from home is planned, no need to go anywhere. All in the name of climate crisis and zero emissions. A scam of course.

  7. I always thought it was younger drivers who were considered more risky. Certainly most of the reckless behaviour I’ve seen out on the roads has been among younger people especially young lads. When I worked in the NHS the majority of the RTAs I witnessed in A&E were in the younger cohort. I also see a lot of bad driving among people who only do short trips particularly some women whose husbands do the majority of the longer and potentially more difficult runs. I think the drive to force older people off the roads is another aspect of ageism which seems to pervade society and of course is a definite drive to keep people locked down at home.

    1. Probably fewer drivers, of any age, on the roads would result in fewer accidents. Your interpretation to all these draconian new rules which are being forced upon us, in my opinion is exactly right. When they get rid of all the oldies it leaves the way clear for the continuation of the indoctrination of younger people into an AI lifestyle. All roads lead to the control of the masses by those who deem themselves above everyone else.

  8. As a 65 yo who drives daily, I've noticed two things. The very old are quite challenging drivers, drive under the speed limit, rarely indicate they are going to change lanes, and are usually in the wrong lane. Today, I saw one chap driving while wearing his oxygen cannula and wrap around sun glasses that we usually see on post op cataract patients. His passenger was a large German Shepard dog. My husband quipped that his seeing eye dog must be the navigator.

    Another challenging group of drivers are new immigrants, they drive well below the speed limit, travel in the overtaking lane and are usually on their cell phone. Women in hijabs and large sun glasses are especially scary. They rarely have their children in car seats and the children are bouncing around the back seat.

    1. This isn't a post about whether people are good or bad drivers. It's a post about the rich stopping people from driving. Except of course that all their rules and fear mongering doesn't apply to them. They can buy their way out of any situation.

  9. There are good and bad drivers of all ages. This is another example of you
    mis-interpreting information you read on social media. No one is forcing you to stop driving. These messages are saying that everyone needs to be mindful and careful when driving .

    1. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. The Governments have nudge units to make changes to society through psychological manipulation. Governments are paid puppets of the the cabal, the cult, the elite, or whatever you want to call them. These same people, with their vast wealth, which isn't actual money by the way, it's debts which are moved around by dodgy wheeling and dealing, also have control of the main stream media. Their part in all this is to control the movement of us ordinary folk.

  10. Here's another one.
    Drivers to face three new driving rules in May 2024 from car insurance to ULEZ

  11. Your conspiracy theory beliefs are showing with these latest comments.
    “Governments are paid puppets and being controlled by some sort of mysterious cult with vast wealth, and indoctrinating the young “ You even claim that climate change is a scam.
    Your theories are almost comical.

    1. They are neither a conspiracy, nor are they a theory. What is happening is real. They are not my theories, millions of real experts around the world are saying the same thing. All you can do is repeat what I have said. That tells me you are either a paid troll, or an AI robot. You don't give your name and you have nothing of substance to put forward your own view. Therefore I dismiss you as irrelevant.

    2. I have a name…look it is in the line above.

      The trouble with the algorithms is exactly what Meanqueen said. It means you get information in your feed that relates to what you have looked up. If you for example, believe the bat crazy stories that the whole world is controlled by a small group of people and everyone is marching to THEIR drum, well you get more stories in you feed that supports that.

      Try going on Twitter and look at a few chemtrail posts….you will soon find your feed is full of them.

      People seem to think that “research” involves trawling Twitter for crazy theories.

      But what would you expect from some who paid money to see David Icke!

    3. Factor 50, pleased to meet you. I see the main stream media plus the corrupt Governments of the world, have done a good job on brainwashing you. Yes I did pay to meet David Icke, and a very interesting man he is. I am proud to be on the right side of justice and truth. Those who bullied and coerced people into rolling their sleeves up should be locked up.

  12. You are right Ilona. There is are an awful lot of click bait news articles, all designed to create maximum fear and panic. I just get up each morning and go about my business like I've always done. It is a conspiracy to increase fear and dread as much as possible. I cannot believe either that the sleepers are still queuing up in my pharmacy for yet another Convid booster. Are they really that brainwashed??

    1. Linda, the fear and dread will continue, they will carry on with it until they have achieved their aims. Evil has no boundaries. The Globalists will push their plans to the bitter end to get what they want, and those who are awake know what that is. I am truly amazed that people still want more treatments, even though it doesn't work and is dangerous.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I sometimes wish that I could travel back in time to the pre-industrial era. Does anyone else here ever think about that?

    1. I would love to go back to the pre computers era. The internet is under the control of those with money who can buy into anything they like, even people's brains. People have lost the ability to think for themselves. They constantly seek guidance on a whole range of topics. What did we do before we had computers. We talked to each other face to face. We wrote letters, we rang each other on the phone.

    2. I loved my life as a child. No internet. No television. Just the radio. We had a newspaper delivered everyday. I remember long school summer holidays, looking after our dogs and the guinea pigs.

      Walking across fields and learning
      the names of wild flowers. Helping Dad in the garden, where I learnt my love of gardening. Dad bought a set of enclopaedias, full of interesting things to learn.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. Bloody hell, you've got a serious mental health problem. Please get help.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Cant be bothered. This is not a forum, don't come here if you just want to spout off. Don't dress your comments up as, 'oh you don't like it when people have a different opinion'. I am not interested in main stream news brainwashing. This is a safe place where people can come if they are fully awake to what is going on in the world. If you don't want to know, don't come. You will be deleted.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Why do you keep coming back when you hate me. Your comments are nothing but a personal attack on my integrity. Please wind your neck in and get some help.

  19. I don’t hate you. I just think you have been seriously misled…shape shifting aliens! Seriously that is what he states he for attacks on personal integrity…pot kettle black..stating some needs help.

    Get outside and leave the computer alone, it will do wonders for your mental health.

    1. Are you having a laugh. Most of the world has been taken in by the lies peddled by the Globalists, and passed on to main stream media via the Governments. You carry on taking orders, get more treatment when it's offered, you can have my share. By the way, will you be reporting in with your walking progress? Are you doing the walking challenge? Anyway, I must go out now to meet up with my friends. Toodle pip.

    2. Who is this anonymous person? I'm beginning to think it's some kind of AI robot who has been installed to create maximum bother! Just keep deleting them Ilona. As you quite rightly say, not only do they have a mental health problems but why bother to keep making inane comments which to be honest, are of absolutely no interest to anyone.

    3. Linda, I believe that my blog is being targeted by paid influencers, (trolls), or by AI. I find it hard to believe that a real person would come back voluntarily over and over again just to spout the same few meaningless words. The aim is to shut me up. You would think that they have got the message by now, that's unless it's a robot.


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