
Thursday, 27 June 2024

Dirty tricks.

Andrew Bridgen

Our board at Belton. Disappointing to say the least that Hack4Labour's supporters feel the need to resort to this. We’d expected better of the “changed Labour party.” Perhaps they haven't changed as much as they claim.

Amanda Hack
Labour Parliamentary Candidate for North West Leics, 1.997 followers

Tension is mounting. It's getting dirty. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Complicated moment here too in France. Hope that final results on July 7th will not be the start of an explosive situation.

    1. I can't see it getting any better. Opening borders to the whole wide world is going to bring a lot of discontent. Forcing people to live with each other will end badly.

  2. Completely random comment, I haven't read your blog for a bit and I just LOVE all of your photos and crafts. You look great. Take care. We have a presidential debate tonight in the US. It's going to be really horrible. Bun

    1. Thank you. I enjoy photography. It makes me look at things more closely. Good luck with the debate. I can't watch grown ups telling barefaced lies and pulling each other apart, just to score a few points. There is no integrity in the political system, it's all about theatre. You have to look at the bigger picture and join the dots for it to make any sense.

  3. Our Labour candidate has bet on himself losing!!! he has been struck off. Does that meen he has won the bet???

    1. I wouldn't know how to place a bet, but all the dodgy dealings going on will surely see the demise of any political party. That's if people wake up of course.

  4. Refugee daughter28 June 2024 at 09:19

    How can you say opening borders up brings discontent ? Unless you are harbouring racist views ? Yes there are many people like yourself who don’t like others from different ethnic backgrounds
    coming in to the UK. Let’s not forget the British Empire exploited many overseas nations.

    1. I will try and explain. Whether you understand or not is a different matter. I am also the daughter of a refugee, so don't come with that racist crap. My mother left bombed out Hamburg to marry her British boyfriend.

      I accept anyone coming to this country, no matter what colour, race, or ethnicity they are. BUT, they must be willing to go through the proper channels. Their credentials must be checked. What rights do they have to be here. Are they willing to learn and take part in the British culture. Do they want to integrate. What skills will they be bringing with them.

      What we have at the moment is large amounts of people turning up with no previous checks, no records of a previous life, and no identity papers. They come here because they are being trafficked through other countries. They are mostly, as it has been said many times before, fighting age men between 18 and 45. Where are the women and kids.

      The same is happening throughout the world. Mass immigration is being orchestrated by the elite who have trashed the economy, and stolen billions, to enable them to bring in the next phase of total domination of the planet.

      Now you can scoff at that all you like, but it's happening. The western culture is being replaced to make way for their own plans of one world, one Government, one religion, one currency. Watch the Whitney Webb video I have just posted on the Rabbit Hole.

      The way that 'they', will achieve their plan is to turn us all against each other, and it's working. Hate is widespread. If people took notice and saw through all the bullshit good will survive and evil will be demolished.

      One more thing. Stop living in the past. We can't turn back the clock. Yes mistakes were made, but now is the time to look to the future.

    2. Debi from Leicester.I have watched Nigel Farage tonight being bullied as far as I am concerned on the television.I thought that it was to be an equal debate...but Fiona Bruce?..what ever her name is....stuck her opinion in to every thing Nigel said!.I will vote Reform because they seem to be the only people that care about the way this country is going.xx


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