
Tuesday, 23 July 2024

The bleeding obvious

 Good morning. I was up at 5. First coffee drunk. 

Sunny morning, lets hope for a lovely day. 

Flicking through the headlines is frustrating. So much craziness about, but also a source of entertainment. Depends how you look at them. They make me laugh. Talk about stating the bleeding obvious. 

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 Half an hour later. . . . . I have just scrubbed everything I wrote here. It is all so predictable. All so obvious. From now on everything that happens is going to be a crisis. Obvious that Biden was going to step down, he was always a puppet. Obvious that the movement of thousands of people around the world was going to continue. Obvious that people are losing their minds. Obvious that thousands of people are dying suddenly. Obvious that data harvesting was going to be a big thing. Obvious that our freedoms are being taken away. Obvious that everything is being steered in one direction. Obvious that those with money have put themselves in positions of power and are using their wealth to take over everything. Obvious that they want us to shut up. 

What is not obvious to a lot of people is that the power they are losing can be clawed back. People in western societies have the strength to say no, I don't agree with that. But most will not, except a few pockets of rebels who are wide awake.  

I will leave you with this thought today. If it doesn't feel right, then it isn't right. 

Have a nice day, in fact not just nice, make it the best day that you ever had. 

Best wishes.   Toodle pip. ilona


  1. More twaddle.🤣🤣🤣🤣😛

    1. Ha ha. The troll is on form, within ten minutes of publishing this post. So bleeding obvious.

  2. But what you write is garbage. Things are not all connected. You seem to feel superior because you are one of the few people who are wide awake. Unfortunately, the truth is you are one of the few who have been manipulated to believe the garbage. For example
    “ All that's happening is what has always been the case - the shadow people run the show - is coming out in the open. Even at the level of Pelosi and Obama they are only gofers doing whatever they are told whenever they are told.”
    To truly believe that all politicians are just doing whatever they are told is ridiculous.

  3. So what’s wrong with helping people from different parts of the world.
    What freedoms have you lost ?
    I live here in England and as far as I know I haven’t lost any freedoms.

    1. That’s because you can’t connect the dots and are asleep. If you were tuned in and wide awake you would understand things. It is all connected and part of the big reset that they have planned. The global elites are pulling all the strings and all the politicians and world leaders are merely puppets in their grand plan. People need to wake up and see what is really happening before it is all too late.People need to have the confidence to resist and say NO!

    2. I'm curious. What does saying NO, fighting back, resisting look like to those of you who believe Ilona's narrative? I'm particularly interested to know what freedoms have been lost to the citizens of the UK.

    3. I think there person was being sarcastic and just repeating the stupid stuff that Ilona parrots.

    4. Don’t expect Ilona to answer your question in what freedoms have been lost. She doesn’t answer questions. If you can’t be bothered to do the research for yourself why should she answer your question. Check out her other blog and it will all become perfectly clear.

    5. Thank you Liz. I can't be bothered to reply to these sad people.

  4. Debi from Leicester.Morning Ilona!I think that more folk are aware of whats going on from the people that I have spoken to recently.They could see just what was happening in this country and around the world.My Dad told me this for years before he died so I have seen it unfold for along time now.But I will not back down!!.....oh,and as far as the Anons are concerned...if they think that what you write is twaddle and garbage,why on earth as soon as they wake up do they go searching for your blog,lol.xx

    1. For amusement, dear Debi from Leicester, for the sheer entertainment factor of the twaddle and garbage that is put on this blog.

    2. Debi from Leicester.Well dear Anon,I feel very sorry for you.Surely you could find something more entertaining to do instead of searching for a blog that makes you angry and bitter.Maybe,get up,have a shower,drink a coffee or tea,or maybe even a glass of cold water,feed any animals that you have...the list is endless!!.It is like me putting music on that I dont like or watching a program that I dont want to watch.Its a bit strange really,lol....Never mind,if thats what keeps you happy by being Anon for your own entertainment on peoples blogs,then who am I to argue.Just quickly though,because I am concerned about you,have you ever tried You Tube??.Try googling,Ken Dodd,The Dick Emery show or even Only Fools n Horses.Chubby Brown,Bernard Manning ect.Again the list is endless!!.It might take your mind off Ilona for a while,....unless it is a habit that you have gotten yourself into every day......Anyway,I hope that you have had a great day Ilona.You deserve it with some of the strange people you get sending you comments,lol.xx

    3. Dear Debi from Leicester. It doesn’t make me angry or bitter…on the contrary I find it fascinating that someone can believe in this garbage. Have you actually read any of David Icke’s books? Well I have, the man is either a nutter or a very clever person who is laughing all the way to the bank.

      As to the comedy you suggest - very dated and sexist in my opinion…but that is probably because I am woke.

      A pity you probably won’t read this as Ilona is very defensive when it comes to slagging off David Icke - he of the reptilian lizard theory.

      Agree with you about listening to music you don’t like. I don’t do that. I also don’t watch Ilona’s videos as she takes so bloody long to get to the point…now that is a waste of my time. She enjoys doing them and, apparently, some people enjoy watching them so all power to her.

    4. Thank you for sticking up for me Debi. There is no point in replying to these angry people. Just ignore them.

  5. Why is it the trolls always sign in as anonymous? Because it's easier to be abusive when no one knows your name. You would think that they would at least have the imagination to give themselves a suitable name...keyboard warrier.troll but no. Well I totally agree with your opinions Ilona, I've just spent a morning trying to sort out a prescription for my husband, and have encountered so many unhelpful people. Obviously all brainwashed and vaccinated. No manners or common sense. I think it's definitely a case of us and them now. They are an alternative Android race in our midst.

    1. There you go..a name. Does that make you feel any better. Will you take my remarks more seriously because I took the time to type in Jonathan.

      As to brainwashed and vaccinated! Do you not realise how many lives the vaccinations saved? Talk to people on the front lines, people who risked their lives caring for people who were not vaccinated. Of course at the beginning no one was vaccinated because there was no vaccine. I cannot imagine how angry I would be if I had to care for someone who was seriously ill with COVID because they had fallen for the ridiculous tripe that the vaccine was dangerous.

    2. I was bullied by my NH S boss to have the vaccine. Since then I have not only developed Raynaurds but also atrial fibrillation. The
      vaccine has ruined my health.

    3. Thank you Linda. It is a case of us and them. Waste of time trying to have a conversation with those who are brainwashed. We have to let them go their own way. I am sorry to hear you have health problems now. Those criminals who pushed the jabs have blood on their hands. They should be brought to justice.

  6. The people who make the rules for the public to follow and supposedly there to help us do not - They are only interested in themselves - I was bullied to be vaccinated and stay at home - Even told it was selfish not to - I felt threatened x

    1. Debi from Leicester.Hi Flis!.I agree,we both felt bullied.Now we both know different.xx

    2. flis and Debi you are on the right side. Look after yourselves, stay healthy.

  7. Hi Ilona, Thanks again for posting thoughts worth reading. We are spinning out of control over here. Nancy from Northern California

    1. Hello Nancy. Thank you for joining us here on the search for truth. From what I read and the videos I watch, things are pretty dire over there. According to the German in Venice Beach, Santa Monica is going rapidly downhill. Looks like the battle is ramping up for the election. Smiling Kamala thinks she has it in the bag. Pity the assassination attempt didn't go according to plan. That would have left her a clear run to the top. Hang on in there. Make a life for yourself and don't go along with all the lunacy.

  8. I was working in an admin office at the beginning of the pandemic. I didn't want the jab but I was bullied by my line manager, in front of the others in the office. I was told I was selfish and was putting my colleagues health and the patients at risk. When I mentioned the unknown side effects of the jab, my manager replied well if you take Paracetamol there are lots of possible side effects listed on the enclosed leaflet, but not everyone gets them. Rule by fear.

    1. And the fear will keep on coming. They are not going to give up. Best wishes Linda. Look after yourself.

  9. A question for the readers - who is best placed to comment: those who have an under grad, a masters and a phd and more year studying or someone who left school at 15! Seriously how much education can one get at 15, even if she did then go to work at some “girly” jobs.

  10. Hi, Ilona. All of my children are very well educated due to myself and my husband working and saving every penny to send them to uni. Higher education in Ireland was never free and out of the reach of most of us in my generation. We had to go to work early to survive. I taught my children to work hard but also to question and to think for themselves. Higher education is a privilege and gets you a better paid job, but it will never beat basic intelligence and a willingness to search for truth and justice - or life experience. Compassion and tolerance are also worth more than degrees and doctorates. Another rainy day here ! Ger in Ireland

    1. Hello Ger, I know you are a good 'un, and wide awake. Thank you for your comment.

  11. Leave Ilona alone. I think it's jealousy because she leads a happy contented life & maybe the trolls don't?

  12. Ilona said at the start of her post that she finds the headlines frustrating but a source of entertainment and they make her laugh. That is exactly how I find Ilona’s posts such as this one. Frustrating because these posts are full of such nonsense. All politicians and leaders are following orders. A global cabal is running everything. But also very amusing that someone can believe this rubbish.

    As to my life. Very happy thank you and certainly not jealous of Ilona’s life…I mean could you live with that carpet and the painted fireplace. I could but I certainly would not want to.

  13. Debi from Leicester.Ooooohhhh Janie,your a clever bugga aint yer,lol Do you learn manners and respect when doing these things,because it seems to me that some people are sadly lacking that.Plus it is quite rude for you to ...ask the readers.....It isnt your blog !!

    1. Thanks Debi, don't rise to the bait. I know what's right and you know what's right. Ignore the naysayers.

  14. To Ilona - anon in her many guises is not a happy woman - If she was she wouldn't behave in such a foul manner x

    1. Hi flis. I am keeping an open mind on the trolls. They could be male, they could be female. A few of them post multiple times, always the same words. One things for sure, I couldn't care less what they say about me. In one ear and out the other. I have a thick skin, it all bounces off.

  15. Is there no way you can block them Ilona?

    1. Can't block them individually. I can block all comments which I do sometimes, because it gives me a rest. It's much easier on yoootooob because you can ban the nasty people so they never show up again.


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