
Thursday, 28 November 2024

Adding to yesterdays post

A walk around the pond.
The pond is next to a river. I missed the first barge going by, but then there were three more. Pictures of the last two. This is a tidal river and they have to navigate dangerous sandbanks so they sail diagonally from side to side.

I watched them sailing upstream into the sunset. 

All gone. Time to go home. I cheated on these last photo's, and tweaked up the saturation. Looks pretty dramatic eh! 

I went to get two dogs out for a walk today. Billy's mum had gone out so I couldn't get him out. Don't have a key to get in. Rocky's dad was just about to go out with him, so I left them to it. Instead I called round to see a friend I hadn't seen for ages. She was in her sewing room so we had a good chat while she showed me what she is making. 
Thanks for popping in. I'm now going to catch up on some videos while snuggling with Mayze. 
Toodle pip.   ilona. 


  1. I prefer to walk early (when I still have energy) - late afternoon here it gets very cold near dusk- and walking not enjoyable. Lovely sunsets with you.

    1. I see people walking around my village early and think I must do that. But my body clock dictates to me the order in which I do things. Coffee first with a small snack. An hour later my stomach tells me to eat, so breakfast next. Two hours later it's lunch time. Oooops, the morning has gone. There was a wonderful sunrise this morning which I viewed from my upstairs window.


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