

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Hellish hospital

Good morning. 15 ducks ๐Ÿฆfor breakfast this morning. No, I didn't eat them. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ต This is now getting a bit silly. I will have to cut down on the bird seed. The garden is getting very messy. I only hope the grass starts growing after it has been trampled to death. 
So, I came across this video from The Woodlander. Worth a listen I thought. Woody lives in a wood, novel eh ๐ŸŒฒ๐ŸŒณ๐ŸŒด He has 190 videos on yooootooob, 15.9k subscribers, and joined in 2020. 
Woody has been having a bad time just lately. In this video he talks about the failures of the NHS to sort his health problems out. He says it's been hellish trying to get help, and feels he has been let down. But, he is fighting back and hoping for a recovery. In the first ten minutes of this video he talks about getting treatment. A similar story seems to be happening all too frequently, so I hear. 
Woody has a web site if you are interested. It's about taking back our land, freedom, and future. 
I think we should all be aware of the situation in the NHS. They are not coping well, and maybe it's best to take care of ourselves because there may not be help available for much longer. A strategy for a long term plan would be to eat the right food and get enough exercise. Fresh air outdoors is your tonic.
A day or two ago I had an email from a blog reader. I will post some of it here because it ties in with what Woody is saying. Thank you for sending it to me.
My Dad is seriously ill in hospital after suffering a major stroke 10 days ago. He has no quality of life left and is unlikely to recover to any significant degree. The care has and communication from staff has been abysmal. I havenโ€™t been able to visit for two days because theyโ€™ve closed the ward to visitors. The first occasion was because they thought they had a case of Norovirus and RSV on the ward - completely unfounded. Yesterday it was because they thought they had a case of Covid. They are still swabbing patients so these fake vaccines definitely donโ€™t work. Iโ€™m absolutely livid. Apparently they closed the ward to visitors over the Christmas period because of a case of C. You really wouldnโ€™t want to end up in hospital. I know Iโ€™d definitely refuse an admission.  
This is not me telling you what to do, everyone has a choice. Don't wait until you become ill, try and get  healthy now. 
It's raining here. I have an idea for a new sewing project so I will get on with that. 
Thanks for popping in. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. So very correct ilona,people's diet's are shocking what they eat..
    All the to WooDY.. get well very soon ๐Ÿ™.
    The NHS is in major crisis.. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    People are waiting Hour's to be picked-Up by an Ambulance ๐Ÿš‘.
    And than on a trolley on a corridor.
    Everyone needs to think about managing there own Health instead of A Doc Dishing out pills ๐Ÿ’Š. That's not always good for you.

    Have a great weekend ilona

    Best wishes Levi xx ๐Ÿ˜˜ โ™ฅ๏ธ

    1. There's a lot of sense in what you say.

    2. ThankS ilona" ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ’› ๐Ÿ˜™ ๐Ÿฅฐ
      Best WisheS Levi xx ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Hello Ilona the NHS really is in problems for sure I had three issues that were very troublesome some ear ache sciatica down my leg and a back issue.receptionist at GP surgery told me no appointments for seven weeks! Many out there may not agree with me for doing this I paid to see a private GP the same day I couldn't wait seven was a hundred pounds well spent I had half an hour with the private doctor who sorted out all three problems with medication advice even showing me exercises for my back issue.its not some thing I would normally do but the pain and discomfort so great felt I had no choice.x

    1. You did what was right for you. I would do the same. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  3. Preventative measures such as healthy diet, exercise, keeping the mind healthy through being outdoors, maintaining friendships, having interests and hobbies are excellent recommendations. However taking advantage of preventative vaccination are equally important and in my opinion go hand in hand. We all have a choice as you say. Exercise it wisely and don't be brainwashed by extreme views.

  4. You will never meet an unvaxxed person who regrets their decision.


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