Good morning. A new week, a new start. Nothing winds me up more than when someone tells me what I should be doing. The NHS appears to be more proactive in finding guinea pigs for their treatments. At least they said 'please ask' further down. I don't think it's a good idea so I will pass on this offer. In the meantime I will limit my contact with the great general public by being careful about who I mix with.
Talking about mixing with people. Due to the endless excessive troll comments I receive on a daily basis I have reluctantly decided that comments will be closed for a while. The same people keep coming back. There must be something wrong with their own lives that they do this. A lot of the comments are being sent in the middle of the night, which makes me think, across the pond, as the US is referred to. Someone has told me several times over the last few years what I should be writing about. My reply to that person, and I know who you are, is it is my blog, you don't get to decide.I am almost inclined to give up blogging altogether, but I won't. This is my diary, a place to record my life, what I do, my interests, and what I think about. I have my paper diaries dating back to 1963. Perhaps I should go back to that kind of record keeping.
It's a shame that this has to happen because I have some nice people visiting who I'm pleased to hear from. There are still a lot of good people about, but more increasingly there are some very bitter and twisted people walking this planet.
Now I can breath. There is nothing I can do about people spouting nasty comments, nitpicking comments, and those who come just to cause trouble. But I can control how I deal with it, and that is to stop all comments.
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Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.