
Friday, 28 September 2012

Free discount voucher

Look what I've made for you,
the only voucher you will ever need.

Print this off and put it in your purse. Keep it with you wherever you go, present it in any shop in the world, then walk out without buying a sodding thing. Pin it on your notice board, stick it on your computer, attach it to the inside of your front door at eye level so you see it every time you leave the house. Stick it on your forehead if it will help you to remember not to spend any money. Do this for a year and I can guarantee you will save a flippin fortune, you will be quids in, have loads of spare dosh to get rid of your debts, your mortgage, and to buy the things which are important to you.  It's the only way to keep on top of your finances, no fannying about, stop spending.


  1. Love it, absolutely perfect!

  2. Brilliant LLona :)

    I wanted to tell you that I be thinking of you lots of times as I watched you originally on the Supersrimpers first programmes. I think these were the best shows. I liked your idea about the childrens toothbrushes. Well this week I had to replace mine and I decided to purchase a pack of 2 from big supermarket for 18p. They are very fit for purpose and I will not be buying expensive brushes again. I have never followed fashion trends for home or self simply because I was reared with very little. I have always been delighted to receive clothing as a child etc from kindly neighbours and friends. I swapped clothing with a friend when both our children were small and dressed them in charity shop finds. I know now that I have taught them well. So keep on posting Llona, I enjoy reading them all. :)

  3. I've set it as my computer background. No more fannying around for me, I'm focused! If I stay on track this time next year I will be debt free!

    1. I've put it as my screen background too on my computer. :-)

  4. Hi Ilona,

    Your discount voucher will keep me focussed. I do my best to buy only the things I need and I only buy clothes when I need them, and same for the kids. I only use my debit card and although I have an overdraft I have never used it. Have debt at 0% and am diligently paying it off, should be clear of debt by middle of next year, sooner if I can help it. Really enjoy reading your blog and now I've scrubbed the guts of my computer with an old toothbrush, I can check in regularly without fear of shutdowns, unlike before when it would shutdown after 10 or 15 minutes. Thanks, Christy

  5. Love it! the only way to really take control...

  6. A funny post with a serious message. Just bagged me a new blouse (shop tag still attached) from a charity shop for £2.50 Needed I may add.

  7. Have been slipping lately buying stuff on e bay. Not dear stuff but it all adds up. Thanks for the timely reminder.

  8. Brilliant!! I would LOVE to walk into a shop and hand it to them.. especially the ones that really try to scam you, like phone shops and people who sell extended warranties!

  9. I am always letting the side down. I am a failure. :-(

  10. How flippin` brilliant!!! I`ve copied it and shall print it out to pin up in my kitchen!!

  11. What a great idea, and a refreshing change from other frugal bloggers that seem to have a regular batch of discount codes and adverts on their blogs, well done!

  12. Nice one Ilona. I will print one out and stick it on the fridge door as a constant reminder to me and a conversation opener for visitors. I had to make a fairly hefty purchase a few weeks ago so I am trying to recoup what I spent and build up the emergency fund again. I have spent this evening knitting fingerless mitts to wear in the house as its getting a bit chilly now and I will not light the gas fire til November.

  13. Ilona,
    I don't need a reminder because I have an empty Seriously, good idea. Now, you need a hidden camera following you around to catch the comments and expressions as you "shop" and leave with nothing.

  14. Love it♥ Wish we had yellow stickers here:( xxx

  15. Congrats on your reductions! Nice you have a good relationship with the sticker lady.
    Some people are so rude to them that I don't think it's a popular job in some shops.

    Oh, I'm not spending this month. It's FRUGAL OCTOBER all the way over on my blog as we make the final push to Mortgage Freedom.

  16. Hi Ilona,

    My name is Claire and I work for the television production company Studio Lambert.

    We are currently working on a new Channel 4 programme and I was wondering if I might speak to you about it.

    If you could contact me at this address – – it would be great to hear your thoughts on the programme and see if you might be interested in being involved.

    Kindest regards,


  17. Have sent you an email, Claire.

  18. literally LOL'ing here! Thank you... will print off - it's exactly what I need. A bit of no-nonsense ;)


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