
Thursday, 27 September 2012

On the yellow sticker trail

Twas the 11th of September when I last did a supermarket shop, since then I have been picking up an odd item here and there to keep me going, from wherever happens to be the cheapest place. I've been eating out of the cupboard and the freezer, and most importantly the veg in my garden has meant that I have managed to not spend a lot of money on food. I can thoroughly recommend eating runner beans and courgettes every day for weeks on end, ha ha.
Anyway, tonight the fridge was bare so I have been to Tesco's to re stock. I've been on the yellow sticker trail. I had a nice chat with the lady on the veg counter, she doesn't mind at all that I wait while she scans the items and puts the stickers on. As I waited another lady went past with a trolley from the fresh food department. I got this great little haul from her. Sorry, but they are ready meals, I know, not good, but look, who could resist them at 20p a go. As long as I spread them out over a number of weeks they are not going to kill me.  
Salad bags 10p each.
Brocolli and cauliflower 13p each. I shall have to cut the nasty bits off, never mind, enough for eight meals here, with other veg.
Prepared fruit 50p each, and mushrooms 21p.
Food shopping is just one area where I can save money. I don't have set ideas in my mind about what I want to buy. I don't have a list, I don't buy something because I fancy it, I buy on price, I buy what is cheap. I buy supermarket own Value labels, BOGOF's, special offers, and out of date food. I mainly shop at Tesco's, and pop in the other supermarkets if I am passing to compare prices, and buy the odd special offer. A lot of people swear by Aldi and Lidl, I have checked out the prices in these shops, and it's very rare that I find something cheaper than what I am already paying. Sometimes I buy the veg from Aldi if it is cheap, but that's about all.
Some people like Approved Foods, I've had a look on their web site, but there are a lot of things I wouldn't eat. I don't do baking, don't do batch cooking, so don't need to buy large quantities of ingredients. I make time to search out the bargains, to try and get the most for my money. It's a lot easier to do this when you are single and retired.
Off to bed, goodnight xxx


  1. Love your bargains! We never get bargains like that here in Oz. The managers would prefer to throw stock out than mark it down. I can't stand the waste. The prices are too high to begin with and people just don't buy. If it was all a sensible price, there would be little waste. I love your walking tour photos and write up. You miss all this when driving. lovely.

  2. I've been deliberately eating "from the cupboard" lately, and even though I have only a very small cupboard, I was surprised at how many meals I could make, and how many little things had been hiding at the back! Good exercise in creative cooking, too ;)

  3. You're lucky. Nothing here gets marked down under a pound..

  4. Brilliant. Well done. Went to Morrisons last night and it was a bit rubbish on the reductions. Lots of lovely things but too expensive. Last week though I was looking at the reduced veg and a lovely man said don't buy anything yet because I'm going to get some 19p stickers for everything. So I stood around and waited what seemed like ages for him to come back. Worth it though in the end.

  5. We never get any bargins like that at the supermarket. Nothing would ever be reduced by under 50%. Ready meals sold here at their cheapest would still be the equivalent of three pounds. So good on you, a handy meal in a hurry.

    Julie Q

  6. Those freezer meals are good for some occassions or for a night when you are dead tired. I do make a list of what I want, then buy what is on sale and decide I like it A single, male friend with a teen daughter said they decide what they want for dinner and he drives her in town to buy the ingredients...EVERY night of the week. I had to bite my tongue to keep from suggesting they look at ads and decide what is cheap AND shopping for a week at a time with a trip for milk or fresh veg/fruits. No matter how much tact is used, he feels very "attacked," as he says to have anyone suggest anything different, not just my suggestions!

  7. Well done you ... those ready meals will be just fine ...pile a load of salad with them. I'm impressed with the prices on the bags of veg .. veg is so expensive there days.. you will eat well for a few days.

    Vicky x

  8. Local yellow stickers here never reduce much. You get approx 60p off meat on average. And never the bargains you find. I always check though. Even veg. :-(

  9. My goodness, haven`t you done well with those cheapo things! We never get such reductions here down south. Never ever see anything reduced to such extend. You certainly proved once more that you live in the cheaper part of Britain.

  10. Being in the right place at the right time (just as the last-minute reduction yellow stickers are being applied) can save a fortune.

  11. Wow - ready meals at just 20p who wouldn't be tempted, always good to have for standby meals in the freezer. Do you freeze your fresh veg too, it would make it last for ages if you did. That broccoli would go brilliantly with your pasta meals.

    It seems we are very lucky in this country with food mark downs at the end of each day from the comments your overseas readers leave.

    Sue xx

  12. I had to show my husband your greatly reduced prices on the food you bought. He didn't believe me when I told him the prices you paid. Here in my state in the US, there are no "yellow stickers" and the prices never get reduced like that. I think they throw the food out rather than give it to shoppers at a reduced price. Such waste! I love your food shopping blogs and also your great ideas to save money. Thanks for all the tips.

  13. You got a good haul of goodies there that'll keep you going for a while. When you go late, Ilona, do you drive or do you walk to Tesco? Just curious. I do get some yellow stickered items but usually on their first mark down around 7.30pm. How far are you away from your local Tesco store? I just don't like being out around 10pm here, gives me the jitters the thought of walking home on my own. Enjoy your bargains. Cheers, Christy

  14. I don't know about England, but in Spain Lidl's store brand products quality is awful.


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