
Tuesday, 14 February 2017

I can do that.

Hello. All my own work. I thought I would go for abstract this time, it's 8 x 10 inches. It's so easy, draw a few  straight lines, use objects as templates, draw round them, then colour in. These tester pots are going to last me ages. Frame from a charity shop for £1, not sure if it suits the picture, I might change it. 

Blurb.....My relationship with my artwork is pure passion. A blank canvas whispers to me and share's it's secrets. My hand is guided in a trance like state to follow the voice in my head. What appears in front of me is a notion of calm, of orderliness, and perfection. I am enthused by colours, they fill me with life, with with hope, and a yearning for a beautiful experience. I am never disappointed.

And if you believe that you will believe anything.
Thanks for popping on, I'm off to the library to change my books. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I see pyramids under a blazing sun, darling. Natalie

    1. The catty remark following Natalie's was from the Troll and has been deleted.

    2. Thank you Laura, you spotted it.

  2. You do make me laugh Iona! I love your sense of humour.

  3. You are a delight!!!
    Still smiling after reading that. JanF

  4. Great picture Ilona, very bright and funky! :)

  5. Who said art had to be hard?

  6. Love the colors...Enjoy the library!

  7. Somehow I thought you would go with stripes after the recent art exhibit visit! And while talking about art...I love the fun art teacher blog in your blog roll too.....Cassie Stephens. Thanks for the effort you make to write gives me something to read with my morning coffee every morning. You inspire me bring another part of the world into my life. I am afraid I can only get up the energy to write in my garden blog once a month. Aloha

    1. Hi Stellamarina. I love Cassie, she's great isn't she. Love her enthusiasm for art. Although aimed at teaching children some of her ideas could easily be adapted to any age group.

  8. Lovely art...

    only problem is, if you want it to sell and be in demand

    it needs must be MUCH uglier...grin

  9. Love the bright, colourful design, Ilona and your blurb made me laugh xx

  10. bit like the waffle I madeup for my magpies

  11. Will the price be in the hundreds or thousands Ilona...i better start

  12. You always make me smile! But - seriously - you are a damn good artist! What would you think of a clear glass frame - not real "frame part" to speak off - I think that would suit this lovely modern abstract.

  13. Ilona' in order to call it art you have to just chuck the paint on... then spatter it with a toothbrush. Then you charge hundreds of pounds...... until then it is just a painting :-)

  14. Good one! You had me wondering if you had gone insane witht the comment about the whispers ;).

  15. I believe! Grin
    Your blog is fun!
    I enjoy your projects!

  16. It would make a great block for a quilt. Just need 40 odd more to finish the top! LOL Judy

  17. thought you might get a chuckle out of this....

    and ....maybe you should keep on keeping on making more of these geometric artworks..

    was just watching Antique Roadshow (filmed in the United States)
    someone brought in an artwork, estimated to be worth thirty to thirty five thousand American Dollars.

    it was pretty much six geometric (painted) shapes
    three circles, a triangle, a diamond and an ice cream cone. All in basic colours


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