
Wednesday, 15 February 2017

I have a set of balls

Hello. I will never understand how people can be horrible to each other, why they feel the need to bully another human being. Is this a behaviour which is learnt, or are people born bullies? My memory doesn't go back to the beginning of my life, but I can't remember me ever bullying anyone. Indeed I was bullied at school, mainly name calling with reference to my appearance, but that's what kids did then and still do now.

What is the point of bullying exactly? Possibly to exert some kind of authority over someone the bully feels is inferior to them, it massages their ego to gain the upper hand. Possibly the bully feels threatened and needs to lash out to re enforce their own feelings of inferiority, again to 'big' themselves up. Or maybe they have a nasty trait in their personality.

Over the last five years or so, Troll has made it her mission to put me down, to criticize, to belittle me, and to ridicule my blog. The comments come in thick and fast, nearly always anonymous, sometimes with made up names, but always from the same area of the UK. I have a tracker on here. Sometimes they go quiet for a while, the Troll tells me they won't be reading any more. But the temptation is too great and they reappear after a gap of a few months. A little bit like OCD, Troll just cannot help themselves.

I call this person Troll, but in reality it is not trolling, it is bullying. This Troll has admitted that we have met face to face. A real Troll randomly posts nasty comments to everyone and everybody, this Troll is bullying me and it's personal.

Although the comments are aimed at putting me down, at undermining my confidence, after this length of time and the fact that I am still here, you can probably tell it's not working. The comments say more about the Troll than they do about me. I publish a few of them here for your perusal. Some of them are a lot worse than this, they get deleted, but I have saved a few of them so you can look into the mind of a bully. My comments in bold follow each one.

I don’t understand why you have cider and pretend it’s wine. Why not just have wine? Why pretend? Silly giggly video. Sipping it ‘like a lady’ doesn’t cut it for you, not when you’ve already demonstrated eating your meal out of a pan! Definitely not ladylike AT ALL! Not to mention the unmentionables, they’re certainly not ladylike!!!! on Save money on your alcohol.
Troll has no sense of humour. Personal comments about my appearance often crop up.

Posh speaking tone? Do you need a hearing aid my dear? There is nothing posh about mispronouncing the English language. As in ‘everythinK’ on Soup of the day.
in response to Ilona, I just had to watch your soup-making video, and thanks, you really made me smile! I agree that a home-made soup is the very best, though I sometimes throw in a small, diluted tin of chicken noodle soup into one of my concoctions just to make a bigger potful. Anyway, quite enjoyed your posh and clear speaking tone 
I expect the Troll is meticulous about using the English language correctly, both written and speech.
I agree, how rude. So disrespectful to call them Charlie and Cami, perhaps she thinks that’s funny. But what else can you expect from someone who doesn’t have a grasp of the Queen’s English, put everythinK in the soup. on Soup of the day.
A second criticism of how I speak, in the same post. 

Not sure you got your money’s worth there. £10 is an awful lot to pay for a bit of hard skin removing and a blob of moisturiser! on Hugo says.....
Another attempt to belittle me.

You certainly need a tripod. Two minutes of a shaky sink left me feeling quite nauseated. Your housework chores must take an awfully long time, it took you 3 minutes to wash one tiny patch of floor!!! on Getting close up to the job
I expect the Troll's household chores to be nothing less than perfectly timed. Critical of my fun post, again, no sense of humour. 

It’s none of your business whether someone gets paid for walking a dog. Tittle tattle of someone with nothing better to occupy their mind. on Fan of Heartbeat
Is Troll still working and is a little jealous that I can do exactly what I want with my time?

Hmmm, I do recall you yourself do put the occasional swear word on your blog, perhaps it’s marked by *** for some of the letters but the meaning is the same. on Mind your language
Troll has really dug deep to discover this snippet of detail from a blog post long past. Very OCD

Bugsy needs to be warm? Shame that you didn’t think that for poor arthritic Rocky. on Bills Bills Bills
Very below the belt. How low can Troll stoop? Very nasty streak. 

Chocolate Santas...its not Christmas again is it?! on Slashing the grocery bill
Chocolate Santas? Ha ha thought that would make you think. Write a post one day saying you don’t indulge in junk food then expose all on your receipt. You’re sure to say you bought them for someone else now, but we’re not all so gullible. Did you NEED all that veg? There were others who would have liked more. on Slashing the grocery bill
More scrutiny of past blog posts. The Chocolate Santa's were in a small packet costing 25p,  five of them, half the size of my little finger. Regarding all that veg, yes I did need it, and ate it, and there was plenty for others to take. Troll being nasty again. 

I don’t usually comment but find a contradiction here! Ha ha! You don’t want food that’s full of sugar and is junk? What’s cake then? Not to mention Chocolate Santas? CHOCOLATE SANTAS! Go on then tell us they’re for someone else, we’ll believe you! on Slashing the grocery bill
Don't kid me Troll, don't usually comment, ha ha. Three comments on the Chocolate Santa's. 

You could always sell trumpets. on Life is good on a pension
This is reference to blowing my own trumpet, which she has often accused me of in the past. 

What’s the big deal? Ok so you don’t like Christmas or socialising. Neither do I but I don’t make a big deal or fuss about it. Choose to stay home? Then stay home! Who cares? One thing for sure – you’re not likely to get invited next year so you won’t have the choice to make! One difference between you and me - I don’t feel the need to pontificate and repeatedly say ‘I am’ and big myself up. I don’t have an ego the size of a house either! on Only available from a supermarket
Troll, there is a big difference between you and me. I don't continually go onto someone else's blog and pull them to pieces. That's a laugh, ego the size of a house. I have never touted for more readers, more followers, and never entered for any blog awards. Don't need to increase my page views, because there is no financial gain for me to do so.

And the reason for this post is........if you are being bullied, get yourself a set of balls. The bully has the problems not you. Be thankful that you are not walking in their shoes, that your brain functions normally and your mind is not warped. Surround yourself with nice people and let the bullies fester in their own swamp.

I'm going to enjoy the rest of the day, looks good enough outside to go a walk. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip 


  1. Well all I can say is shame on Troll. Rarely have I seen a nastier set of comments - they're a real give-away to Troll's basic nature. I am glad they are not working and I hope they never do, but I wonder who else is also on the receiving end. I hope they can read your encouraging message.
    J x

  2. I hear what you are saying Ilona, I have experienced the trolls and had some bitchy emails, as there is a contact form on my blog. What sad people they are, I have all comments moderated now. I nearly had enough of blogging because of this but thought bollocks to the trolls.xx

    1. Remember they 'project'...a troll is someone with a personality disorder who is in fact a very vulnerable person with many layers of defensiveness to regulate their low self esteem. When they name-call, take part in petty nit-picking or nastiness they have 1 finger pointing to their victim and 3 fingers pointing right back at themselves. When I have read about Ilona's troll (and I think I know who it is) she is often describing herself with obvious hypocrisy. Self-loathing manifests itself in terrible ways. Next time you get an unpleasant message, delete it, feel sorry for whatever is going on inside their head, and forget about it. They are not your problem. x

    2. Thankyou Deborah for the advice x

  3. I don't understand Trolls. I was always taught "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" I ALWAYS enjoy your posts Ilona!

  4. brilliant! I needed a laugh this morning :-) trolls seem to forget or they are not that intelligent in the first place that they can be tracked by the computers IP address, which is the computer version of your postal address complete with postcode! have a good week and message to troll, get a life!! Jo

  5. The troll reminds me of the bullies in my mom's senior community who have not grown up in 80 or 90 years. One woman is barred from games and activities because she is so mean and another has been barred from the supper club due to her actions. They are oblivious to the fact their actions and words are what is making own lives so difficult. Another gossips and is always trying to interupt others conversations to get more gossip. So sad. Mom just moves herself away to avoid them but the comments have hurt her in the past. These people only show their shallow side and intellect when they bully others. Keep up the good work and the always interesting posts. Ana USA (I enjoyed sharing your garden shed photos all around here.)

  6. Ilona, all I can say is Troll is a very insecure person and feels threatened that you're not. Same with school bullies. My son was bullied and I'm sure it was because he was happy and confident within himself, as I'm guessing you were as a kid, and they felt the need to pull him down. They do that. Or they pick on kids they think there is some weakness in. It's hard to understand when you never feel that way yourself and are happy with your lot and want to raise people up, not pull them down. Troll needs to f**k off. Haha, I hope he/she (guessing a she) has an apoplexy from me swearing. Honestly, Troll, get a life! (Ruth, Wales)

    1. Hi Ruth. The Troll will not be worried by your swearing, she can give as good as she gets.

  7. The fact that they dedicate so much time and energy to belittling you suggests to me that they are either miserable or jealous (or both). Whatever their reason I actually feel a bit sorry for them. If they were happy in their own life they would have no cause to comment on yours. You are living a full, happy life and that's all that matters. Don't let their misery and negativity impact you in any way. After all the only reason they do it is to get a reaction and attempt to make you as unhappy as they feel themselves.
    As an aside I am a new mum, with a 6 month old baby, and I find your blog inspiring. My husband isn't on an amazing wage but by being frugal and saving our pennies I can be a SAHM. We're keen to teach our son that experiences are more important than material possessions.

  8. You've got the right attitude Ilona; try and ignore the Troll. Attention is its oxygen. The Troll is rather a pitiful, lonely creature who is probably seething with frustration and jealousy. A few years ago I met a psychologist and he told me 'snobs and bullies have a deep lack of self-esteem; they hanker after the limelight and a feeling of superiority', his advice to me was walk away from them, don't engage with them and they will get bored and desist. Amanda

  9. Well said Ilona, that person has a big problem I would say. SueM

  10. It is pathetic that some folks have nothing better to do than bring down others. So petty because they are unknown to everyone so that makes them so brave and brazen. I know you are strong enough to laugh it off and please Ilona, know that for every weirdo out their picking on your blog, there are many many others who think you are wonderful! Keep up the good work and I am glad you have an enormous set of balls!

  11. Hi there! I can relate 100% on this issue. I have a "Friend" from primary school,almost 50 years ago, who was & still is, as your Troll is behaving. JEALOUSY plays a MASSIVE part in their does an element of control. My own personal cure for Trolling bullies? Simple...Read,Ignore, DELETE. Never, ever, ever, reply to them....EVER!! They will soon bugger off.Once they see that they are going nowhere with their comments, they give up,& find someone else to Pee off. Hope this helps, Bye for now!

  12. Well Miss Ilona, you just rock!! You really do. Whomever this person is, they are petty, silly and unimportant. Perhaps making nasty comments gives their pointless life some sort of meaning. Keep doing your thing, your posts cheer me up, inspire me, and make me laugh. You're the best!!

  13. It's sounds like "troll" is deeply unhappy and tries to make other people unhappy too. As long as your happy with your life, ignore everything everyone else has to say, it's your life, live it your way!

    One person might not like you or your blog, but there's plenty of other people who do! :)

  14. Hi Ilona, I wouldn't even read such time wasting efforts, let them waste their time, delete them as soon as they appear, don't read them and totally ignore them. I don't think they merit any of your time. I think they've probably got a kick out of being published on your blog. They do need a kick of course - but not that type! Elaine xx

    1. Hi Elaine. I have to read all comments that come in because I moderate them. I have been deleting them for five years now.

    2. Thank you for replying Ilona, I'm grateful you accept comments via anonymous sources - I don't like signing up to various sites so find myself unable to comment on many issues I may feel strongly about. I'm sorry that your consideration to persons such as myself leave you open to this kind of abuse. By the way, your last post made me laugh out loud, I wondered what you were on about with your arty farty language - fooled me - brilliant. xx

  15. Sounds like you have a nasty stalker there! Their own life must be so boring - have they nothing better to do with their time I wonder?

    1. Hi. Yes you could say Troll is a cyber stalker.

  16. Well said Ilona. But you know a critic will always be a critic. She probably has nasty things to say to other people as well as you. I know someone exactly like her. You are an easy target because of your blog and of course a coward will never say it to your face. I have been reading the blog for a long time now and you only ever try to help people with your down to earth advice. Its a good laugh at times too! I like the little videos too. You are a tonic !

    1. Hi Caz. I doubt that she posts similar things on other blogs, it is me she is targeting. I know more about her than I am letting on.

  17. I know you like for people to be able to comment but disabling anonymous comments really cuts down on this kind of thing :) Sorry the troll is back at it. People need to get a life.

    1. Hi. I have thought about disabling 'Anonymous', but a lot of people don't want to sign up to an account. I understand that. The consequence is that I have to put up with this rubbish coming into the comments box.

  18. Ilona, I find your blog very interesting, you have a great sense of humour and I think you write very well indeed. Good on you for standing up for yourself!

  19. Good post Ilona. I always say if you cannot say anything nice don't say anything. It's the Trolls lost.

    Hazel c uk

  20. Awful. You are a nice looking lady with a nice personality. I don't see pontification and the remarks about your pets.....abominable. Natalie

  21. I'm sorry you have to deal with this pathetic person, Ilona. Have a great day!

  22. Blimey Ilona, she's got a real bee in her bonnet about you hasn't she?!

  23. My goodness, I feel so indignant on your behalf, Ilona! Everything about your blog is voluntary; you write to entertain and help your fans - yes, that is what most of us are, and we enjoy what you do, and thank you for it.
    All the while reading today's blog, I kept tutting and exclaiming at the sheer nastiness from trolls who do not have to read your freely offered gems of fun and creativity. They need to get a life and are just jealous.
    I'm absolutely certain that your many friends will say the same. Best wishes, Valerie

    1. Hi Valerie. Not Trolls plural, just one Troll. There is a pattern, a certain writing style that gives it away. Some words and phrases are repeated over and over again.

    2. I agree Ilona, from the few snippets you have posted there is a pattern and a style that betrays it as one person. Someone with a problem for sure. And I think she enjoys doing this to you and obviously feels safe and secure enough to return time and again. I imagine that exposure would be her biggest fear. And I would guess that this person has a responsible job where no one would suspect that she could do something like this, and where being shown up as a bully would probably not go down well. Tis a pity you can't expose her but that is just me showing a desire for revenge. You are pretty amazing to be able to rise above it. Keep on doing what you are doing since obviously you are good at it! We all come back to read your blog regularly, as does Miss Troll!

  24. hope you had a great walk. I had a lovely 12.5 miles ride woohoo! soon be back to normal.Sorry about the troll.

    1. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Brenda.

  25. It's such a shame they feel the need to be so is bullying pure and simple..I personally love reading your blog...and it would be such a shame if this troll made you Jo..xx

  26. Illona - would it be an idea to publish Troll's messages as they appear? You ignore them but let your other readers comment on them. It might make them think twice, or at least feel small because that's what they are, if others see the bitterness emanating from them. God save us from petty, small-minded people. Whoever they are married to probably has to put up with it daily so that might make you feel better. At least they can't affect you too much. (Ruth, Wales)

    1. Hi Ruth, I have tried that, it doesn't work. My true friends understandably jump to my defence, and it gives the impression I am fishing for compliments, and I am not. The Troll delights in the disruption it causes.

      Troll hasn't got a conscience and has the skills to twist things around in her favour. That's why I have never answered back, it would be futile.

    2. Yes, you're right. Absolutely no point in answering back. You can't reason with someone like that. If he/she reads these comments they'll know we all think they're deficient in some way. You'd think that would be enough to stop someone but they don't think like normal people. Don't let the b**tard get you down. I love your blog. It's inspired me to walk even though I haven't posted my mileage with you (I did 120 miles last month and am ontrack for about the same this month). (Ruth, Wales)

  27. i had a quick look at some of this but not going to bother to read them all. If this person has a genuine point of view that is different, they could put it across in an intelligent way, after all, the English language is very rich, why not use? However, I think this is a very sad person who can find nothing more constructive to do with their time. Shame you have to edit something so unpleasant, we are here because we want to live a frugal life, we are entitled to our views and beliefs and this is a platform to support that. Keep up the good work Ilona.

    1. Hi YL. The reason that Troll comments is not to put over a different point of view, but to attack me. Her English language skills are are high, but she chooses to use them in a negative way.

  28. Methinks 'troll' doth protest too much. Don't give them the satisfaction of even mentioning them Ilona. Totally ignoring them/him/her is the only answer and of course 'delete' is the very best course of action. Treat troll just like so much Spam or Trash. I am another of your followers who loves reading your blog and following your helpful hints. Best wishes.

    1. Hi. Of course I will ignore them from now on. To write about it brings it out in the open, it needs to be talked about.

    2. I do agree Ilona-it does need to be talked about and as you can see, there isn't one comment that is supportive of this sad individual-everyone thinks that s/he is just sad and unhappy. Keep yer chin up!

  29. Easier said than done, but please try to ignore horrible trolls like that. Comments that present a different point of view are one thing, but respectful words should be expected regardless! I enjoy reading your blog very much. I'm in Victoria, BC, Canada and a busy mum of two. You and I may be at different stages of life and in different parts of the world but I can appreciate your love of life, your positive attitude and optimism, and your helpful tips on saving money. Have a great day, Ilona!

  30. Personally i love to read your blog although l am opposite to you. I would never go near a charity shop except to donate i am a chucker and not at all frugal although i have aspirations to be more like you.your art is great and those bags you make look awesome personally I can't draw stick men but that doesn't mean i have a right to be rude we are different. You live how you like as do the rest of us.I may not agree with everything you write or do but that's your choice. Ignore the trolls keep blogging love it

  31. Your blog tells that one can live without being slave to a job. You make your own life. Keep the good work of blogging about your life. I really like it and looking forward to each post. That is why I have added your blog to "My Blog List". My blog didn't get any kind of bully comments. From your blog posts, the Troll should know that you are a strong person and cannot be bullied down. Keep writing and enjoy life. You are my role model.

  32. I'm sorry this person is such a bother you. Please don't let this troll get you down! Best to you.

  33. I underwent bullying as a child, as did my daughter. People who bully often do have a set of underlying issues and very real problems that mean they resort to this behaviour. My daughter's bully for instance had a very ill mother, had problems with hearing and unsympathetic teachers who tended to ostracise him. I suspect he took his problems a lot further into life than my daughter did, once the serious issues were resolved by her moving to new school. I genuinely felt sad and sorry for him and it was awful that he apparently had no one to turn to. That said I could not allow my daughter to be used as a punch bag.

    So when it is said that it says more about the bully than the victim, that may be very true. However if that is the case, then they really should be spared some real actual sympathy not just have sarcastic or mean comments about them. A person who is actually sick or lonely or sad, depressed or miserable deserves help and support not just for people to say 'oh they are probably lonely or sad people' and then ridicule them for it. How is that not bullying too? I think some of the comments here are unpleasant and match anything in your quotes from the person you speak about (I think troll is an unpleasant often unfairly used term, for a range of people - some of whom just have a different opinion to the majority). They may serve to help you feel better but they are not exactly filled with humanity or kindness.

  34. I've personally seen the pain and fear that bullies can do to young people and the impact it has on their confidence. Thank goodness this silly person is not hurting you Ilona, please remember that we all look forward to reading your post and think the world of you. Alana xx

  35. This is Best Bun

    I don't always agree with some of your posts but this is your life, not mine. The fact that you are so kind to your furry friends makes you a hero in my eyes.

    Best wishes from Best Bun.

  36. Hello Ilona,
    I have only discovered your blog recently and have never commented before.
    I feel incensed on your behalf. Myself and all my 3 children were bullied at school. It seems caring, gentle people make the best targets. It ruins lives. It is not acceptable and yet it continues.

    I admire you so much. You stand on your own two feet. Everything you have and wear and eat is through your own endeavour. No one else is responsible for this,you are. On top of taking care of yourself, the environment, your pets and your fellow human beings you are kind enough to share your life through this blog and all the wonderful tips and stories. Wonderful!
    You are one amazing woman and, in my humble opinion,if there were more Ilonas in this world it would be a better place. You are someone I aspire to be like. All good wishes to you and your fur children! :)

  37. Well Ilona it's so very easy to be like your "Troll" and through the incognito of the internet be a bully but in my experience they run away when it comes to a face to face one. I remember a girl in my class at a secondary school, she was from a poorer background, very timid and had much older parents than the rest of us, she was different. Oh how those couple of bullies in our class would gang up on her for any stupid reason at all and make her life a misery..... everyday. After a time several of the non bullies (including me) ganged up on those two and told them a few home truths about themselves, things they had not considered that we knew or had seen, they did not like it....not one bit. The head teacher got wind of all these goings on and we got well and truly told off...all of us. Needless to say the bulling stopped and those two had no friends in school whilst my friend got stronger, less timid and had many many friends to take her through those tough secondary years. No internet in those days for those cowards to hide behind.....for that's what they are sad & lonely cowards. Rae x

  38. I do not usually comment, its just not me, I don't read all the comments either. This year I have decided to call out bullying online. Ignoring them works sometimes but I have come to think that the readers of blogs and watchers of youtube need to stand up and say "either be nice or go away", to defend the blog/youtube channel that they enjoy.
    I think that we all need to reinforce that bad behavior is just unacceptable.

  39. I have been reading your blogs for a few weeks now .l love reading them .you give me motivation.l am saddened to hear about the bully.l to am bullied and I am 57yrs old .my dogs are my life .l have to be strong each day to try to ignore it.I think you are great.x

    1. Sorry to hear that, I hope it is not your husband. You do not have to put up with it. Get help!

  40. I think maybe they aren't happy with how their life has turned out. I work with someone like this. She's so disatisfied with everything in her life that she behaves irrationally and loses her temper at everyone, quite nasty with it too. Glad to see you don't take it on board. Besides, it could always be worse, imagine being married to someone like that! :)

  41. Hi Ilona, just has the others have already said just completely ignore the troll from now on. To me a troll conjures up the imagoe of a short squat ugly looking thing and that is how i shall think of her whenever she makes a nasty comment about you and your way of life. Personally i think she is VERY jealous of you and your life and your inner happiness. i think some people will never be happy with themselves so just like to cause misery wherever they can, i wonder if the troll would have all these people sending her love and kind thoughts and good wishes like they do to you, i doubt it very much.
    Keep on being you, take care jane xx

  42. I have a real life 'troll' in the form of a mother in law. Rather than trying to constantly defend myself and get baited into ridiculous petty arguments, I educated myself on narcissistic personality disorder. I read a very interesting article on internet trolls and the connection with NPD, it was very convincing. Social media is a play ground for these people. I honestly think you are giving troll the attention that they require when low on supply. Delete it, ignore it and they will move onto to someone else - they keep coming back because from time to time you publish their comments. Any normal person would feel ashamed, but people with NPD get energised from it. Sometimes standing up for yourself involves ignoring the so-called bully and getting on with your life. Turning off the anon function may be helpful. Best revenge is to keep being happy - it drives them nuts. x

    1. I was thinking the same. Don't give her any publicity!

  43. I watched a documentary about people like 'troll'. They are anonymous and pick on you for a reaction. You are treating them exactly as they should be treated. I feel so sorry for them - just think how many friends you have and how they have none otherwise they wouldn't be so jealous. Weak people like that don't go through life trying to make the world happy but pick it apart as they have no real focus or self belief in themselves. Please keep up the good work and stay happy you always inspire us. We never doubt you and your sincerity you always cheer me up after a loooong day. kitxxxxxx

  44. I enjoy your blog enormously, specially toodle pip at the end.
    Keep going, here in Holland we love to read your ideas and opinions.

  45. I think Deborah W is right. Turn off the anonymous function. kitx

  46. I enjoy your blog enormously, specially toodle pip at the end.
    Keep going, here in Holland we love to read your ideas and opinions.

  47. Sounds to me like you're a threat with your popular blog! Take no notice!!! their issues not yours. Your popularity speaks volumes and I read every day : ) Louise (from your old town)

  48. This person is totally pathetic. We can't all be wrong, and we all think the same. Toodle pip from Holland

  49. I have read about NPD before when I researched why people feel the need to bully someone and I think it says they are similar to vampires and are desperate for energy . So I wonder whether troll is jealous of your energy for life .That's what I admire in you.You make the world world a better place.I think for us humans and furry friends.x

  50. Hi, I too was bullied in high school by a group of girls that I was once included. It started because I dated one of the girls brother first secretly knowing the reaction I would probably get. I married that man and in a few months time will celebrate 40 years of marriage and do see my sister in law at family functions but have very little to do with her. When the topic of bullying comes up I always think of her. Over the years I would have liked to say something to her but always thought better of it," two wrongs don't make a right". I too like to remain annon but am happy to put my name at the end of my comment.
    Melinda (from Australia)

  51. Oh Ilona, what a nasty piece of work. I love your writing, your tips, your love of life and bright outlook. I'm so happy this horrible person is not dimming your personality. Keep on keeping on, I live your blog. Amy in Florida

  52. Hi, so sorry someone had been bullying/harassing you.

    One thing comes to mind, after reading some of the Troll comments...

    Are you certain this is not some mentally handicapped person? It sort of sounds like that to me, or someone with Autism. (fairly bad autism). I swear, some of the comments do sound like someone like that would make, not realising how they sound / are to most (Ex....Ask a mentally handicapped person/autistic person..."Does this skirt make my fanny look fat? They are likely to is not the skirt which makes your bum fat, it is fat.")

    You say you think you have met this person, do you know anyone / recall meeting anyone who is Autistic/Mentally Deficient? You are at a lot of art shows/craft shows/community events. It is likely you have.

    Give a thought to these speech patterns (as written), do you recall anyone sort of speaking like this?

    1. How hurtful can you be. People with on the autistic spectrum disorder are not known to be bullies. They are very likely the victims of bullies. You need to also know that people with autism spectrum disorder are not necessarily 'mentally deficient' as you put it. Many people have exceptional intelligence and are much in demand across all fields of human endeavours. Sir/madam, can I be bold enough to say that people like yourself are the bullies in this world. You need to take stock and think about what you say.
      Jane - Disability Case Manager - Australia

    2. Anon above has emailed me, with her apologies.

      I considered trying to explain my point to her, but figured I would just get myself in deeper, so to speak.

      Lest you think I was belittling any (or bullying),
      I wanted to try to explain my rushed comment...

      Myself, I have in past worked long hours with MANY children and adults with Down's/ Autism/ other Mental Problems/etc..I certainly didn't mean to imply Autistic folks are bullies or mental deficitients, etc... only that sometimes they too get stuck on patterns in efforts to share their thoughts...

      Again, please accept my apologies if you were offended. I have much enjoyed your blog, and would hate to offend.

      Maybe it would be best if you removed my comment? I would hate to offend another.

    3. Thank you Anon. I fully understand how a rushed comment can be interpreted in many different ways. I spend hours on this keyboard trying to construct posts which will not offend. Sometimes I get it wrong, but like you, I don't deliberately set out to offend. But it happens, people have different points of view.

      Anon, you ask if I recall anyone speaking as you describe. All I will say is that face to face communication reveals a lot more about what is going on under the surface. It's very easy to cover up on a keyboard.

      Jane Disability Case Manager, I thank you for your views, but Anon is not a bully. I have no experience of autism, so I just took Anon's comments as another view.

    4. Thank you Anon for your apology. Please understand that having a disability is something people cannot change, it is what it is. Many people with autism want to fit into society, have friends and enjoy life just like everyone else but their social difficulties make life very hard for them. You can imagine how much harder life is when negative judgements are placed on them. Whatever is the problem with Ilona's troll, it is unlikely to ba autism. I hope the person can reflect and realise their behaviour is inappropriate. Thank you Ilona.

  53. I read all the comments Troll posted on the email newsletter, and it left me quite exhausted. How does someone have that much time & energy to post such inane drivel? How can they have such a vacuous existence? I suppose we should just all be glad we aren't wired like that. The net has opened up a whole new world for everyone, both good and bad, thankfully more for the good.

  54. PS. Forgot to say. Have you thought about reporting to the Police? Was thinking about the Katie Price case that was in the media lately. Laws against such behaviour and you don't have to put up with abuse online. Louise (from your old town)

  55. good grief!some people really have nothing better to do!something can only bother you if you let it so obviously said troll likes winding themself up lol.take no notice,life is far too short to have idiots like that in it.

  56. Sorry to hear you are having to endure such unpleasantness, as others have said, jealousy seems to be involved but you appear to be strong enough to turn your back on this person. So many people get so much pleasure from reading your blog, I don't know how you think up something to write about every day, keep the good work up.

  57. People can be so awful and mean on the internet. Thanks for cleaning out the Troll's posts before we see them. This is a positive and happy place because you keep it that way.
    I was bullied at work for a long time. I needed the job and had to deal with it. It takes a toll on your health in time.
    Joan, Michigan

  58. my 2p worth i would report it to the police totally unacceptable. My approach would be to publish what the nasty troll says so everyone can see what an ass she is

  59. Hi Ilona. I've read most of your blog. I know how hard you've worked to be as happy and fulfilled as you are. Five years is a long time. I don't know the laws in the UK but perhaps it's time for a report to the police? A visit and a warning may do some good? Only you will know since you know who it is. But perhaps that kind of controlled, official exposure may work. Clearly this person is disturbed in some way.As you always say, it's your life, you decide. Becky too.

  60. Hi, I feel really sorry for you Ilona... When I started reading the trolls comments I had a feeling this could be a man not a woman....are you sure it's a woman? I had a gang of bullies when I was a girl just because I said no to going out with one of their male friends...they made my life hell for a while but I decided to face up to the worst of them and she was a gibberish wreak because she didn't have the other girls to turn to...funny but she never bullied me again. Keep fighting girl!

  61. Dear Illona, thank you for sharing this post. The troll has serious issues and you are very brave and have done everyone a big service by sharing this. The troll may think they are anonymous but actually they can be traced much more easily than they imagine. This is bullying. PS I read your blog daily, it's only one of two that I do. It's just wonderful and real. xx

  62. Love your blog Ilona...why doesn't the troll stop reading it if it
    s not her cup of tea? life is hard and I can never understand the pathetic people who go out of their way to make it harder...

    just wondering if this is what happened to snittykitty...I know she
    s dropped her blog a few times due to harassment...

  63. Sorry to read that you're still being verbally attacked by this troll. My only advice is to, after reading, delete and ignore it. Don't give them what they crave for and that is attention. Let her fester.

    Joan (Wales)

  64. A nasty piece of work. Hope you are ok Ilona, I seem to be having difficulty signing into my account so can't comment. I'll sort it out over half term, keep well.

    1. Hi Sis, I hope the work on the house is going well. I expect you will be almost straight by now.

  65. I think troll (with a small t) must be a sad person with low self-esteem. Sorry to hear you are being bullied, delete and move on I say. I love reading you blog and your sense of humour. Kind regards, Heather in Somerset

  66. Your blog is terrific and I so enjoy your videos. This troll is a sad pathetic person. I don't think it would do any good to report her because the police are busy with bigger things. Just know that you are on the right road with your blog and this person needs pity. Something must have gone really wrong in their life. Have a blessed day. Patty Mc

  67. Just to add a little about the law on such matters, there are possibly malicious communications offences here, probably not stalking. Police can easily trace an IP address but when one writes a public blog I suppose we invite comments, however rude. My own thoughts are that there are alway some sort of mental health issues involved and we really should totally ignore them and not feed these trolls as this increases their buzz. After all, they now have about 50 people discussing them which probably pleases them and encourages them to continue. All the best Ilona, we all love you. X

  68. Ilona the troll can be easily traced i understand.

  69. Hi Ilona, I don't comment often, but have been reading your blog for a long time. I think I probably came to you via that other blog, but I stopped reading that a long time ago. If I was being polite, I'd describe it as smug. I think I get your sense of humour. I've never seen any pontificating from you.

  70. Hi Iiona I really enjoy reading your blog and am sorry you have to deal with the troll. I have been bullied at work and it took a while to realise I was being bullied. My confidence sunk quite low. I wonder if your troll is your troll to give them something to do. Your life is obviously more amazing and you have a wealth of great friends that they must lack and feel jealous about. You still win though, just by being you. Keep up the great blog.

  71. I would ask for your local police man to come out and have a look, they may be able to trace the person writing these nasty messages and also give advice, you may even be able to take her to court.This person is stalking you and she could be mentally ill and need help, no one knows for sure if she is causing upset to other people and I would be concerned because after five years they should be stopped. Don't put up with it and stay safe. keep all her messages now for proof.
    Love reading your blog.

    1. Just to add, stalking is an offence by sending unwanted messages in a manner to cause distress or fear in a person, including social media. Under the Malicious Communication Act 1988.
      She could face a prison sentence if you took her to court.

  72. I really don't understand folk like that - if the person doesn't like what a blogger says - then just move on - no one is forcing us to read a person's blog - we choose to do it and the blogger has the right to set up her blog and write about whatever she chooses. I'd say that this is indeed a very personal attack - which is actually rather frightening. Good on you for responding the way you have. I may not always agree with you but I certainly admire how you stand up for what you believe in - and you almost always make me smile. Just know that there are so many more admirers out here who love your writings and look forward to them daily.

  73. "Do you need a hearing aid, my dear?" How sweet of this unknown person to enquire. I did toy fleetingly with the self-indulgence of becoming terribly upset over the above remark; however, let's laugh over it instead! Funny.
    Ilona, I stand by my remark about you having a lovely and posh speaking voice, obviously that's my personal opinion. You may grade my comments for suitable use of English grammar. Regards, Roberta.

  74. And here I was thinking that trolls are dolls with hair that sticks up..
    I am only a recent reader, but I think you're clever and funny and resourceful and just generally wonderful. I hope you will keep writing, because I will keep reading!
    Hugs from Barbara (Canada)
    p.s. - Plus I LOVE your summerhouse. I can't get over the fact that you built it completely from scratch. Would you mind if I were to build a miniature version? Miniatures are my big thing, in a manner of speaking.

  75. So sorry to hear about this Troll but as others have said I think the Police need to be involved so that this person can be given a quiet word in their ear.I have been reading your blog for a few years now and have constantly told my husband about your award in the shed of the year comp,your Daily Mail articles etc so even he now knows all about your caring nature and thrifty ways lol.I have an older sister who has bullied me all my life,I swear because she has a personality disorder but she doesn't see it but luckily I can like you rise above her nasty remarks even though it hurts deeply.Last Year I had the Police contact me due to a so called cyber friend that was bullying ex friends who I had never met and she was convinced that they were the bullies.I had to send statements to the police by email and they confirmed that they had spoken to others and all our stories matched even though I have never met the other people.I have no contact with this person now so can only assume the Police had a quiet word in her ear.In one way your Troll has won a point or two because you have given her/him space and time on your blog to publish what they have said to you,but as I am not a Troll I can never understand their thinking.Too much time on their hands I think.I do think you need to talk with the Police though and make sure you keep copies of all their communication to you as evidence....Wendyx

  76. There are some horrible people out there. I think you just should ignore them.

  77. If the troll has a professional job with some sort of code of ethics attached to it then they are on a sticky wicket behaving in this way...even outside work. Take care Ilona xx

  78. So sad someone makes these nasty comments. I too sense jealousy. Sarah

  79. Don't worry about trolls: they are in everywhere. Remind there are many many good people around the world and that matters. Forget who made bad and remember who made good.

  80. Tis the season of the Troll,
    Who is NOT so very droll,
    On you go with your life,
    walking away from all this strife!!

  81. Morning Ilona, Sorry your upset by unkind comments just like you to know I love everything about you and find your blog informative and fun. Looking forward to your daily blogs Lins xxx

  82. I really enjoy your blog.. so 'Troll' can shove her comments where the sun don't shine!! Keep blogging woman!

  83. Like the others who have commented, I am sorry Ilona that this is happening. Bullies hit below the belt, I experienced it both at my village school, after hours, hardly daring to walk down the street, at my secondary school, over being an adoptee, and by two different men, one a family member, who worked through three family members, and ended up after their deaths, with me. The different events were a great shock to me, and undermined my confidence at the time.

    Best wishes from Susan (wife of Edward)

  84. Your blog is fun!
    Please carry on and ignore troll trying to put you off!

  85. I'm pretty sure I know who troll is. She's self righteous and has a foul mouth. Currently reinventing herself.

    She's an abuser and been foul to few other bloggers.

    Keep on keeping on and ignore.

  86. I remember you writing about this person before. If it who I think it is do they not, as a previous poster suggested, have a a job where bullying most certainly would not be tolerated. Maybe you are not the only person being bullied perhaps you reporting it may save others who are not as strong as you. Maggie

  87. I have read your brilliant blog for a couple of years now but never really commented on it. I just want to say I really admire you and you are a wonderful person in your own right. I love how you live your life the way you want it and don't conform to what others do. I bet I know this BULLY and I bet she has a facebook account and also has her own blog. I once read some of the comments on her blog and she totally annihilated this poor woman for questioning her. It was appalling how she berated her just for asking a question. A couple of days after someone questioned her on Facebook regarding her behavior to this poor woman who had asked her the question she stated this person was unintelligent and stupid!!! How bloody patronising can one be??? I then wrote on her page stating she was no less than a bully and I deleted her!! I despise wicked hurtful people and you my love is far from it! Keep up with this fantastic blog xxxx

  88. Hi Ilona, well done and I am glad you have "balls" unlike your Troll. I cannot understand why people have to be so negative and plain nasty and cruel. I admire your courage to stand up to this ignoramus. I think your cutting down the cost of alcohol great and funny. There was a real twinkle in your eye when you said you can make a can of cider last three hours. Great. As far as I, and by the hundred or so other comments from supporters, am concerned your blog is great, so thank you for that and keep on blogging. Regards Sue H.

  89. I just want to add my support Ilona. You have lots of readers, and lots of support. I think your blog is great, and I intend to keep reading.

  90. Hi,Jan here.Your love for,and care of,Rocky was amazing.Your blog is brilliant.Keep being awesome X

  91. i started at job this week and 'finished', basically her training was atrocious and yes I did feel bullyed, saying I need common sense, constantly leaning across me tapping my book saying read your notes (which id managed to scribble down while she was showing me once the database system at full pelt!), you've got to learn this today youll be doing this yourself tomorrow on yoru own etc etc, I was completely rushed, stressed and unhappy throughout the day and had a panic attack in the night, I made up my mind at 4am in the morning not to go back and emailed them. Now I'm not a youngster and I'm very good at what I do once I get my head around things, but she made me feel so small and useless really. I listened to my intuition and will look for something else sadly, I went back temping the next day elsewhere with no problems so it just goes to show doesn't it really. They lost a good person. This is your blog, I possibly wouldn't do everything that you do, but still learn a lot from reading and think about things I wouldn't normally think about or go off in a different direction, or think differently about something by reading the blog and other blogs. We learn by constantly adjusting our perspective, and I'm really thankful that I have blogs like yours to read and enjoy. its a pity that we cant get a troll filter somehow onto blogs :) incorporate it into Norton or something. Julie T UK

  92. She seems a bitter twisted lady with no friends or family{States she doesn't like Christmas or socialising}At a guess she lives alone never married,and seems jealous because you are so popular. she's Never seen a Podiatrist because paying just ten pounds is a bargain, the going rate is now £25.
    Watch this lady closely.
    you are brave.

  93. Hi from Portugal. You are a great inspiration for everryone who wants to have a simple and good life. I am Reading you everyday since I found you. Excuse my english. Best Regards.

  94. Can you not ban IP addresses? This is cyber bulling and cyber stalking. This person needs to be careful as the Police are taking a much more active role in cyber abuse. Its no longer possible to hide. That IP address is all you need to file a complaint. Perhaps it would do them good to remember that. Power to you. The 115 positive comments just prove the majority are with you. The Troll has had far too much attention and is probably wetting themselves with glee about this. Its a terribly sad waste of a life. There is a saying I love that goes 'thank you for showing me what life is like when you don't have one'. This troll clearly has no life.

  95. onlyjo here - i rarely comment but enjoy reading your blog every day . i have read through all the comments (well over 100!) and hope troll reads through them too and will see just have much your many readers love and care for you Ilona as well as enjoying your writings. Kindness makes the world go round and costs nothing.

  96. Too right onlyjo .when I am being bullied I like to think of the film the wizard of oz and sing along to myself follow the yellow brick road , follow the yellow brick road and do a little skip .x

  97. I'm really sorry this is happening to you and agree with others that this person needs to be identified and stopped. I would keep all the comments in a file and a record of the times they post. Kristel

  98. I hope this situation is resolved as quickly as possible Ilona.

    1. Yes, so do I Aril. All I want is for the Troll to go away and never send a nasty comment again. I don't care who they are, it's they who have the problem, not me.

  99. There's always at least one, isn't there. Poor jealous sap. At any rate, I appreciate your 'anonymous' comment function as I don't exist of FB, google mail, twitter, instagram... any social media, and prefer it that way. I do use my first name and location at the end of a comment though. Interesting to me how the troll has to make up things to gripe about. Your devotion to your animal companions is the mark of great compassion and character, you've inspire me and hubby to walk 1000 miles this year, and the first time I visited here I read the bio on the right with your pic and thought, "SIXTY-SEVEN??? Dang, I hope I look that good at 67! And without makeup, too!" And securely retired! Yeah, the troll is totally jealous.
    Sandi in Oklahoma

  100. What a truly obnoxious individual, ignore it, your blog is an inspiration to us all and I love reading about your daily life. This "person" needs to get a life and stop harassing people who are only trying to give useful information and tips about their lifestyle. I don't usually comment much but I read your blog everyday and I think you are an amazing person, keep up the good work and ignore this troll, sticks & stones & all that. Love from Carol in Birkenhead

  101. This silly person does not realise that her comments can be traced and she is very lucky that she has not yet had a knock on the door by the police. And that is down to you and your ability to recognise that she is indeed a sick person who does need help and not a criminal record. I have to say that if I had been on the receiving end of such abuse I would not have been as considerate as you and I would have had her answering to her vitriol in court long before now.

    Linda x

  102. It is interesting to read people's different perceptions as to what makes someone a bully or troll. While I believe that trolling is definitely bullying, it carries a lesser risk to the troll because of the anonymity and ability to take as long as they like to write and re-write their comment to create the most effect. Contrary to some I think this Troll is well educated and probably jealous of your success as a blogger (she too might be a blogger)if she is a "frugal" blogger (like me!) she would have cause to be jealous as you certainly put me to shame! I should imagine that she is spitting feathers at the accolades that you have received in the above comments, though I know you have not courted them and it was not the purpose of your post to do so. Gill

  103. This is, in fact, harassment and harassment is an offence. You can get the comments traced to the IP address. People have been prosecuted for anonymous on
    Ine harassment.

  104. How to track down cyber bullies and trace an IP address.

  105. I was workplace bullied by a young woman young enough to be my daughter. I didn't receive much support from my line manager and nearly left my job because of it. It was a horrible experience and made me ill and afraid to go to work. I'm not a very confident person and cannot cope with aggression at all. One reason I don't blog is because this sort of thing would really affect me and I wouldn't be able to cope with it. Absolutely the best advice is to ignore this person Ilona - they want attention because of something that is lacking in their own life, but that isn't your problem.

  106. As the others have said, IP addresses can be traced. Please report all of this to the police. There is no need for this sort of behaviour.

  107. This is so sad. Your blog is interesting, amusing and inspirational. Your sense of humor and kindness shine through in every post. This person either does not understand your writing or chooses to be nasty just for fun. Delete, ignore, block. Please don't take her/ his words to heart!

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  108. Sorry. Goodbye.

  109. Calling the police is the first step to helping this lady, because they can actually go and see the lady in person, see her living conditions and chat to her, They will then write to her G.P. who can then refer her for help. Five years of abuse Poor you. she would give me the creeps.

  110. When someone told me how foolish and stupid I was in a comment, it shook me to my core. I am fairly confident, but a harsh comment I cannot answer to the person was very disconcerting. I just made comments anonymous. That way, I did not have to feel the humiliation of being treated so in front of other people, so to speak. Vitriol is easy when you do not have to own it! Finally, the person left me alone. I truly believe I know who it was and said so.

    If there had been a word of truth to what the person said to me, it might have made me think a bit. I think your bully is just jealous. It is easy for me to say to "Ignore it." But, try to realize she has many problems and probably cannot main relationships in her life. She is pathetic and she knows it.

  111. Hi, Ilona. Somebody is obviously jealous of you and your joy for living. It always intrigues me why someone who totally disagrees with you and your philosophy feels the need to keep reading your blog. Then that person takes the time to lash out. Does this person have nothing better to do? Yes, it is bullying, and like all bullies the person is rather cowardly, hiding behind a screen. People like this cannot bear for someone else to be happy or have success. Anyone is free disagree with your blog or anyone else's. But no one is free to insult and bully you. The grown up thing for them to do, is just move on, and involve themselves in something else that interests them. I, like many others (as you can see) LOVE your blog, your ideas, and your philosophy. Take care. Mary Jane in Canada.

  112. Your troll is mean-spirited, but then...I think they all are. Ilona, we love you because you're eccentric and do exactly as you please. Most of us don't have the balls, uh, nerve. Now as for the harping about your appearance, I've seen pictures of you when you were young, and you were a knockout. At least a 9. Still a very attractive lady. On my best day at, say, age 21, I might have been a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. In retirement (a nice way of avoiding the term "old age") I can make a 4 on a good day, but only when compared to other old broads. And that's only because I never smoked, thanks be to God.

  113. Well Ilona, what a horrid person your troll is. They must be very sad and lonely and most likely a non-achiever. This person is obviously jealous of you, so I guess it could be taken as a compliment. To send messages that are designed to hurt, must indicate a personality disorder. I think you are great and love reading your blogs. As for how someone looks means nothing, it's what's in the heart that matters.

  114. Everyone says just ignore and move on, in some ways yes, But they never then get their comeuppance I feel. I stood up to one of a set of twins that was making my life a misery on the school bus, I got him on my own in the corridor, so separate from the rest of his group, got him up the wall, swore in his face and threatened to get him kicked off the bus. Now I am the most mild mannered person and no idea of what come over me that day, I was just talking with my friend and there he was, so was literally a split second decision. Yes it worked and I felt better for standing up for myself. Online though different matter not sure what the best solution is.

  115. Love your blog and check in everyday. You are wonderful and don't forget it! Love how you take care of your doggies and cats, do your walking, and make your life so interesting. You are an artist and I also love the bags you make. Take care and have a great day.

  116. We lead very different lives, but that's why I like to read about you. As much as I lead a different life, there is so much to learn form fellow human beings, and what do you know, I find I am not so different after all. I too want to retire earlier than most, not to do nothing, but to do what inspires me. Your walking trips are informative, inviting, and inspirational and make me want to explore on foot more than I do. Trolls go away-we're nice folk here.

  117. Ilona, I really think we are feeding these people by writing about them. I refuse to publish or mention anything and it seems to work. Please see below which I have copied for Google;

    "They’re attention whores. Trolls want to be center stage. They drooling at the mouth hoping you’ll tweet their comments to your followers or that’ll you write a juicy blog post about just how “dumb” they are. Short of murdering your mother, they’ll do everything and anything they can to get you to react"

    1. Hi Frugal in Bucks. ignoring them and deleting may work in some instances, but there are Trolls who make it their life's work to create havoc and mayhem all over the internet. This Troll has been targeting me for five years, a different kettle of fish.

    2. Ilona: I would have done the same as you after so much abuse all this time. Why should you have to endure this all my yourself when there are so many people out there that so look forward to seeing your inspiring posts. Whenever I encounter such a vile person, I always think 'Thank God I am not married to them'.

  118. Yikes, I feel kind of bad for your troll. I think you'd have to have a rather sad life to spend so much time and energy reading and following a blog of someone you apparently don't like so you can constantly make rude comments.

    I do have to agree with some of the other commenters though that by responding to the troll and even writing a whole post about them is just feeding their desire for negative attention. I wonder if there is a way to to filter by their IP and just have all their comments go straight to the spam bucket, or block them altogether, so you don't even need to read/delete them? Just *poof*, they no longer exist :)

    1. Was this message from the troll? Because if it isn't, I sure would have appreciated a LOL after "feel kind of bad for your troll." I don't feel bad for the troll at all. But Anon is right, the 151 comments so far do feed into Troll's pathetic bid for attention. Troll's comments about your animals, though, really was below the belt. My husband often says, "We love our dogs more than some people love their children," and I am sure the same is true for you, Ilona. It is a joke, but there is some truth to it. BTW, I was in love with Rocky and I only ever saw his picture.

    2. Who knows mikemax. I don't feel bad for the Troll at all, they know what they are doing. I think Anon means that they might have issues, and in that context I think it's possible.

      The trouble is that there are so many Anon's commenting, it's difficult to rule everyone out. Those who want to follow me religiously would make my life easier by choosing one name and inserting it in the 'Comment as' box, or including it in their text. It would help me to recognize a pattern of regular contributors.

    3. That was my comment, and I'm not the troll :) Meanqueen is correct, I meant that a person clearly has to have some serious psychological issues to make a habit of harassing a person online, and especially over such innocuous things like whether she buys chocolate Santas or not :) I mean seriously... get a life!!

  119. Hi BrendaR. If you email me I will answer your question. Address on the sidebar, disguised to prevent spammers.

  120. I am really sorry you have had to put up with this vile person for so long. Their comments are clearly meant to lower your self-esteem and, as for the one about your much loved Rocky, it was a despicable comment. I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and I love it. I have recently been through a very bad time and reading about your lovely lifestyle and your hints and tips really helped me. Thank you xx PS. I am sorry that I have had to post as Anon, but I seem to have lost my profile name and don't know how to reinstate it.

  121. Clearly Troll is someone with not enough to do, no friends, deeply jealous and inadequate and possibly may have mental health problems. At the same time, not really worth your attention,so spam and ignore!

  122. Ilona,
    Thank you for posting the utter rubbish that this nasty person has written to you so we can see what you have been dealing with. Granted that you've deleted them in the past, I hope this person comes back to read all the positive, supportive comments you have.
    This person either has too much time or a mental health issue.
    I know it's easy enough to say, but don't let their words bring you down. You're a wonderful human being!

  123. Hi Ilona I am now catching up on your blog and seeing this.
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not give this person the time of day.
    Put her on OPERATION IGNORE...just glance over her comment and automatically hit the delete key.
    When she finally gets it that she does not exist in your world because you don't pay her any attention she will skulk away...believe me I KNOW.
    If you give these nasty people the attention that they so desperately crave then you are essentially feeding the nastiness inside of them and they worse.
    We all love you here so have no worries...we have your back.

  124. I stopped reading your suspected trolls blog a few years back. Her better than though attitude and foul mouth got old. Your blog is a delight to read, however.


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