
Saturday, 2 June 2018

Home made wind chimes

Hello. Look what I made. Wind chimes with spoons and forks which came from the Village Hall. There was quite a lot of them so I thought I would keep them and make something. First stop yoootooob videos for  ideas. Some of them showed drilling holes in them, I can't do that, then I found one that wrapped wire around them, and luckily I have some pink wire that was given to me for Christmas. 
The round metal thingy with holes in it is a plug hole for the waste pipe from a kitchen sink. Brand new found in a skip. I pick up all sorts of odds and sods thinking they might come in useful, and it has.

The pink wire looks really nice. Starting at the bottom I wrapped it tightly, and put a dab of super glue at the top so it wouldn't slip off.

There are eight pieces of cutlery and a few colourful beads threaded on each one.

It's hanging on the washing line for the photo's, I shall have to find a better place for it.

I have bent a fork to make a hook at the top,. and bent the prongs to hang four separate wires from. In the video it shows heating the metal to make it easier to bend, but I just used two sets of pliers and brute force. Also in the video it says use a hammer and flatten the cutlery first. I tried it with a fork and a spoon but didn't like the look of it, so I didn't bother. I like it just as it is.

It looks really nice, I'm pleased with it. Something else to decorate the garden with. All I need now is some wind.

I've been to Tesco this afternoon, visitors are coming tomorrow so I needed to get some nice food for them. We are having lunch out, then back to my place for pudding and drinks, and I have enough for a buffet tea depending on how long they are staying. Will be a nice change, they have never been before. I hope it's sunny so we can sit out in the garden.

Don't forget to check in with your walking miles on the post yesterday. I hope you are having a nice weekend. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Well done with the wind chime Ilona; looks fab x I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow with your company xx Can't remember the last time I spoke to another human being; not complaining as I have my cats to talk to xx

  2. This is such a brilliant idea. You really have the knack of thinking outside the box and coming up with great ideas. We have one of those sink plugs in our kitchen sink.

  3. Nice windchimes Ilona.Looks like nice sunny weather too, judging by the pictures.

  4. Super idea. I've seen it done with "vintage" cutlery that had been flattened but could not work out how to do that easily either. Love the pink wire.

  5. I love the wind chimes.

    Hazel c uk

  6. I love all this up cycling!You have given me ideas of what I can do with my Grandmas old knives and forks,which are no use to me for everyday use,but I cant bear to part with them.So I will make a windchime!Ive been to the Riverside Festival today in Leicester and there are quite a few stalls there,selling all sorts of wonderful things.And then there is the Recycling stall for information,about what happens to your recycled stuff.The women there were so help full to people with information.We were swapping tips and I learnt a new thing!.Instead of composting your orange and lemon peels...freeze them for cold drinks,and they dont dilute the drink!.Also there was,whats called The Real Junk Food project aswell.A stall that cooks all the food the supermarkets would waste and make wholesome meals,wraps,currys ect.They also encourage people to take what you need.n pay what you can.When I went to the festival today I only take what I think I can spend and took £8.I spent £5 on a 1960s Vintage...Mary Hopkins type dress..I needed to have that in my life,i love it,lol..Then on the real junk food i got my lunch..spicy mushroom they have a stall selling slightly out dated food.So,it was late in the day and I came back with 6 large carrots,6 red onions,15 potatoes,2 packs of Ryvita,bottle of worcester sauce,a pack of pasta,2 tins of parsnip soup,6 finger packs of malt loaf,3 mini biscuit packs,3 choc fudge bars,a packet of porridge and a jar of apple n brandy a couple of caramel salted drinks.It cost me about £1 85p in total!.So in all...a great frugal day!.And the sun was shining!!.It might be worth people on here looking to see if the real junk food projects are in their towns because they make use of what the supermarkets are going to through away!xx

  7. Oh,I forgot to mention,I recommended your blog to the ladies at the recycling stall and they said that when they got home,they were going to Google you,xx

    1. Did you mean Mary Hopkins or were you thinking of Mary Quant ?

    2. Hi Jean,Yes,I meant Mary Hopkins.She used to sing..Those Were The Days..late 60s.She used to sit and play the guitar while she sang and wore long 60s maxi dresses.Mary Quant was more mini dresses,although Ive still got some of them too!xx

    3. Yes, I remember both of them clearly, bet Ilona does too. My era. I thought you might mean her, just wanted to check. When I practised my guitar my dad used to say I reminded him of her. I still have at least two of those dresses, one I wore as a bridesmaid. I've seen the photo of you in your mini dress Ilona, did you go for the maxi dress too?

  8. Veru innovative Ilona, great idea. Do they actually make a tinkling noise?

    1. Hi Bri, yes they do tinkle. I think extending the wire from the spoon/fork to the round thingy at the top restricts some of the movement though. They might dangle more freely if something thinner like fishing wire was used. I have yet to try it in the wind, will report back later on that. It's probably a good idea to experiment with either more, or fewer pieces of cutlery. Four pieces might work well on a smaller circle.

    2. I make wind chimes too, but haven't used cutlery as I have none spare. I've also seen it used to make jewellery. My sister in law made some at school 40 years ago, goodness how time flies ! Fishing line and other similar twines work well, but are eventually made brittle by the sun. Cotton based twines also work well but eventually break due to rain. Both of these last a season and can be mended. I then used a white twine which came from a recycling place years ago and the one I made with that has been outside for nine years, all year round and never needed repair. I have no idea what it was but feel it may have been nautical. Having run out of it , I found something similar looking at a local hardware store. It's not as durable but lasts longer than the two earlier ones, about three years.

  9. You never fail to amaze!

  10. Really clever idea Ilona, love it.

  11. Always amazed at your fantastic creations Ilona, this one is a beauty. 👍

  12. Oh cool! i thought that was a drain plug at first but didnt know until I read it. lol. You have great ideas! Love them!


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