
Saturday, 21 July 2018

Felting Fun

I went back to the 20 21 Arts Centre today for a wet felting workshop. It cost £30, started at 10.30am, and finished at 3.30pm. Me and three other ladies. Rosemary Firth was the tutor. This is her website, based in Doncaster, she is a lady of many talents. 
There was a big pile of pictures to look through, and choose one we liked. The one I first chose was very complicated with lots of colours, so I changed it for something more simple, like these flowers. I took some photo's when we were half way through it, then another photo when we had finished.

 It sort of looks a bit like the picture. I will be embellishing this with embroidery and beads.

We all enjoyed it, here are the others.

We went in the cafe for lunch, and later we had some time left so we made some beads. They are easy to make, you layer the wool, two or three colours, wet it, and role it into a tight sausage. Then when it is felted and hard you cut it into pieces.

If anyone fancies having a go at this, look for a workshop near you. I really enjoyed it, nice company, and good fun. Now I need to do my walk. Catch ya later. ilona


  1. That felting workshop is exactly the kind of day that I would enjoy... have you tried needle felting... It is very addictive.

    1. Yes, I have done needle felting. Remember Octopus's Garden.

  2. I went to one with a friend when I was in St annes in May. I like doing it but it plays havoc with my skin and I find it difficult to wear gloves.

  3. Use olive oil soap, it leaves skin lovely and soft

    1. Thank you for that hot tip, Rosemary. It has taken the rough edge off my wrinkly hands.

  4. yorkshire lass22 July 2018 at 12:19

    It looks fab, me and my sister are trying to wrap home made soap in felt. Slightly off topic; I am looking to downshift and want a house and garden, I'm tired of the busy city suburb where I live. I wonder if life after money fans have ideas about where are the cheaper, quieter places still left in UK to buy a simple 2 up 2 down? I do not drive.

  5. It's really lovely what you made Ilona. Sounds like you had a super fun day. I always enjoy seeing all of your beautiful art pieces that you create. Pat xx

  6. That looks like something I'd like to do, but couldn't afford the £30 for a course.
    I guess I'll look on Youtube but having someone show you in person is always best.

  7. Ilona , wet felting is something I would like to try.


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