
Friday, 20 July 2018

Quick alteration, that's better

I did a belting talk last night for the WI ladies of Winteringham village. There must have been about 25 - 30 of them, all interested in my money saving/simple/recycling/arty and crafty/ lifestyle. They were keen to get the lowdown on my brilliant life on a pension, and took a big interest in the art and craft samples I took along. I think there may be some shopping bags made out of cat food pouches emerging from the members soon. One more talk to do on Monday, it will be a bit different because it's a men's group. I don't think they will be that interested in sewing, so I'l steer it in another direction. 
A friend gave me this top a few months ago, it's a bit fleecy like a sweatshirt but not as thick. It has those silly three quarter sleeves which come just below the elbow. I'm not a fan of that style, I find them irritating as I want to keep pulling them down to my wrist. However, I thought I would give it a go as it was free. I think I wore it twice then decided it would have to go to a charity shop. But I like the patterns on it. I don't normally alter clothes, they are so cheap anyway so why bother. But I decided it would be a simple job to cut the sleeves off, it would only take ten minutes. 

I turned the bottoms of the sleeves under once, and did three rows of zigzag stitching on the machine to tidy them up. Perfect. Now I am happy to wear it.

I'm almost finished the tree picture, just need to frame it, or maybe I won't, maybe it is going to be another wall hanging. I'll check my fabric stash to find a piece that suits it. See you next time. ilona


  1. A job well done Ilona and the colour suits you as well.I like wearing flowery type tops and dresses when the weathers nice....Errrmm..I just noticed that David had crept up behind you and photo bombed your picture!!,xx

  2. I don't normally comment but wow...that looks great! Well done. It suits you well.

  3. The glimpse of your garden frames you and your new top perfectly. I hate those faffy sleeves as well, no more use than a crowing hen. Your version is much better.

  4. Nice solution! I once had a work dress passed down to me from my Mom and discovered that at least one of the long sleeves had a cut in the fabric,like it was snagged on something. Not suitable for a professional to wear as is, I converted the sleeves to short sleeves and wore that dress for several years before donating it.

  5. Wrist length or above elbow for me too, Ilona. I fixed a pair of trousers for my daughter yesterday that cost 9€ when she was working in Spain. She brought them for my “rag bag” and it took me three minutes too repair them and she went home both astonished and pleased.

  6. hi ilona heidi and mayze what a good solution - thanks for the idea will sort out some of my clothing and alter them. since discovering your great blog i am learning to be more frugal. thank you once again. have a lovely weekend love liz amy and my boy benny.xxxx

  7. Heh. I love a 3/4 length sleeve, as I am quite short-armed, and find myself having to roll up long sleeves to that length anyway.

  8. I really like three quarter length sleeves - I find with long ones I'm forever pushing them up out of the way.

  9. 3/4 length sleeves rule and I will not buy anything else

  10. Marks and Spencer's .........’eat your heart out ‘ :-) looks fab x

  11. Really like your new top Ilona, lovely floral summer pattern. Good luck for your talk on Monday, have a great weekend!

  12. So often I find garments in the thrift store that are fine except for a seam or a lost button or some other small repair. I feel lucky that I learned to sew.

  13. The top looks great on you! I cut entire arms off of thrift store finds and use the sleeves when we travel in the car and don't want the sun on my arms and hands. I use men's cotton shirts with long sleeves. You keep the cuff buttoned and put your thumb through the hole, and it covers your hand that is on the steering wheel. This works so well as you can wear what you want and it slides on and off so easily. I keep them in the car all summer when I don't normally wear long sleeves.


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