
Thursday, 1 April 2021

The UGLY truth about the Covid-19 lockdowns - Nick Hudson.

Ugly truth, or ugly lies.

EDIT. This video has been censored and removed by yooootoooob. 

Update. It has been posted on this site. 

No words from me. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. We're not in full lockdown anymore.. no need to keep going on about it.

    1. We most definitely do need to keep going on about it. Lockdowns will come back at some point.

    2. Yeah, because of dumb people not taking is seriously and therefore not following the rules.

    3. Yes Ray, we must always follow the rules musn't we? Now what was that popular catchphrase from WWII? Ah yes, "I was only following orders!!!"

  2. Thanks! I'm always looking for more sources on the subject.

    1. There is new information coming out all the time. I like to keep ahead of the game.

  3. "While you can see that in Europe and the Americas, there has been an issue in a vast region – covering Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania." ??? This doesn't even make sense as a sentence!

    "There are now dozens of papers demonstrating the mechanisms, the detail and the extent of this fact that there is significant pre-existing immunity from exposure to past viruses." Hindsight is a wonderful thing . . . None of this was known at the beginning of the Pandemic. Nor were any viable treatments available as this was a NEW virus - no-one knew how to treat it - hence using invasive ventilation at first, until more was known about it and very low oxygen levels in the blood etc - there were no obvious symptoms of the latter. Think of the number of countries worldwide who were making the same errors because they were totally in the dark.

    The "minority" of people who became infected on the cruise ship Diamond Star were actually a fairly high percentage - over 700 people were tested positive out of a total of 3,500 people on board (passengers and crew). That's 20%.

    You can make words and statistics read what you want them to when you have an axe to grind. It helps to stick to facts. This man is an actuary. The economy matters to him . . . of course he wants an end to Lockdown!

    1. The PCR test has never been reliable. I am an ex lorry driver, and I can see the harm that lockdowns are doing to people's health, and the economy. Although lockdowns don't have a big impact on my life, I feel for the younger generations. I want an end to lockdowns for their sake.

    2. I have three children in their 30s, whose lives are on hold. None of them have partners currently. I can see how their lives are affected. You think I don't want an end to Lockdowns? It has to be done the right way though, and as far as I am concerned, vaccination is the only way forward. Give people their freedom overnight and they will exercise no common sense - as was shown last year. At least this year a good proportion of the population have some protection.

    3. People are being vaccinated, so that will please you.

  4. Must have hit the spot - YiuTube have censored it.

    You might find this interesting (hope link works)

    1. Thank you, the link works. I have seen something like that before. It's interesting how the chart of coercion from 1956, easily translates into the modern day version applicable to the Covid situation.

    2. So many countries have destroyed their economies and are literally printing money and stacking up billions in debts just to control people. The Communists managed it with much simpler strategies!

  5. I work in the NHS. I have had both Covid jabs. I get on with my life and have worked in a general hospital throughout both peaks of the virus. Each day as I walk up the hill I pass a green bank with dozens of tiny wooden crosses. Each one marks a person who has passed away from Covid at the hospital. Some have names on, some have toys or flowers left. I find the attitude of people disgraceful especially those who won't even pay the small price of being vaccinated so we can eradicate this disease, just like we have eradicated TB, polio, diphtheria and smallpox.

    1. Statement from Chris Whitty.

      No more lockdowns – Britain will treat Covid like flu, says Chris Whitty

      The chief medical officer said that up to 25,000 people die in a bad flu year without anyone noticing and that accepting some Covid deaths would be the price of keeping schools and business open and allowing people to live a "whole life".

    2. You forgot to add the rest of Chris Witty's statement - " ... in two years." We've lost 125,000 in one year to Covid-19 in the UK unless everyone in authority is lying, so it has been an abnormal year by any measure. I'll keep wearing my mask in enclosed spaces, not going out unless walking the dog or vital shopping for the household, and staying well away from people who think this pandemic is some kind of worldwide con. Brazil is a classic example of someone in power in denial allowing this virus to spread unchecked - 325,000 and counting. It saddens me that there are still people who think that's acceptable.

    3. Sara, look after yourself. Do what is right for you. It's not a con, not a theory, it's a plan. Eventually all will become clear.

  6. The article is very selective. No mention of the people who have severe symptoms requiring hospitalisation but go on to recover. They need very intensive nursing care 24 hours a day leaving hospitals vulnerable to having no more nursing capacity and having to take nursing hours from other wards. This happened over the winter and has only improved due to lockdowns.

    No mention of the millions of people living with long Covid.

    Also, since the summer the vast majority of the economy is open. Workplaces were required to become Covid safe and have remained open ever since. It's only really retail, hospitality and leisure still affected. Dreadful for those sectors but not as bad as lockdown one.

    Look at Brazil in March. 60,000 dead in one month. Lots previously healthy, not all at death's door. The author thinks this is the acceptable alternative to lockdown. I don't so I will be getting my vaccine. That is what Chris Whitty means. IF the population is vaccinated then we can treat Covid like flu.

    1. You could also say that the articles/reports coming out of main stream media, national newspapers, the BBC and other national TV stations, are also very selective.

  7. I have been following your blog for long time, admiring your independent spirit and self reliance. But I find that your decisions to publish controversial and damaging material totally shocking. Sadly I have to unfollow after many years. Please please think carefully Ilona, lives are at stake here.

    1. Have you thought about how many other lives are lost, through lockdown? Sad as it is when anybody dies, we have to get used to it.

      Dying is part of living. Deaths through people being too scared to go to the doctor for a check up, through cancer treatment being cancelled, through loneliness and depression leading to suicide, not to mention world wide starvation because the distribution of food has been disrupted, all because of lockdowns.

      The remedy to fight off covid is disproportionate and has inflicted far more damage that the virus has, and will continue to do so if not challenged.

      The damaging material is coming from the Government, fuelled by main stream media. People are beginning to wake up.

      Do not patronise me, I am thinking carefully. I am thinking of the future for all young people growing up.

      Sorry to see you go, but with a conflict of interest it's best that you find other blogs to read which are more inline with your thinking.

    2. There is no denying that this epidemic is affecting people's lives through mental health. However I wonder why you have your views on this all being a great conspiracy.

      I would ask if you know personally anyone that has had covid? Have you had any experience of it? You are very lucky, you live in a house with a large garden, surrounded by wide open spaces. In contrast there are many people in the UK who live in small flats and no access to a garden, unfortunately when they go out they have no choice as to spacing and so the virus takes hold.
      Yes the economy will take a hit but I think I would rather pay a little more tax, than see more deaths of loved ones.

  8. Where do you think MSM is selective. I read The Guardian online. I have read plenty about the economic realities, increase in mental health illness, deteriorating health of care home patients and lots more. All terrible but some of this is the legacy of 10 years of a Conservative austerity government. Our public services were already on their knees.

    But if hospitals have lots of Covid patients there will be even less routine treatment able to proceed. This is the anti lockdown argument that isn't answered. There will be more deaths from other conditions without lockdowns. We literally don't have spare nursing capacity to nurse non critical patients while nursing 20,000 critical Covid patients.

    Lockdown is simply to stop health services bring overrun nothing else. The number of patients with Covid in hospital is released daily. It went up massively in December and January. Without lockdown I genuinely believe people would be dying in their homes waiting for an ambulance, like they were in Italy a year ago,if cases were allowed to continue to spread exponentially.

    Don't worry too much about the young people. My daughter, son and all their friends are all intelligent, compassionate, critical thinkers. Most of all they have philanthropic tendancies and I think their generation will make a big shift to a better society.

    1. Where to start. I'm sorry but I don't have time to get into a long conversation. This will have to be a few notes. You have the same access to information as I have. The Guardian is a joke. Newspapers are in collaboration with the Government, the Government is part of a wider network to tackle climate change. The World Economic Forum is a group of world leaders, including those from Big Tech and Big Pharma. They meet once a year at Davos to discus the Great Reset. It's not a secret, all out there to read about. They identified that the coronavirus gave them a window of opportunity (Klaus Schwab actually said that), to make changes to the way they thought the world should be restructured. Their aim is Globalisation. One Government, one religion, a Universal Credit system where everyone is paid the same. This is why they have been paying people to stay at home. They have identified that lockdowns improve air quality by reducing emissions. Keeping people in their homes is a good thing, stops them travelling.

      This new world wants to control every aspect of our lives. They call it The Fourth Industrial Revolution because computers will take over. Artificial intelligence is advancing at a rapid pace. They want everyone to be connected to a smart phone which will hold all their details.

      Dig deeper than that and more tunnels will emerge. When this lockdown is ended don't be surprised when another one is brought in, under the pretext that they have found another strain. The psychological impact of what they are doing will have years of repercussions. The virus is a stepping stone, they plan to keep it going.

      UK Column News is on yoootooob every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 1pm, and can be viewed after that. Good luck.

    2. Ilona. Mobiles get lost, run out of charge, etc. I am sure they have a far better and simpler idea. The majority will love it!!

    3. Yes, Indigo. Bet they can't wait.

    4. Well put Ilona i totally agree this is not a conspircy theory the information is out there but don't rely msn and your national news radio stations to give you the truth. All small pubs that have closed and cannot reopen due to losses and bankrupty due to covid most will be bought up by Weatherspoons at a cheaper price so there will be more Weathspoons pubs across UK and Ireland. They are investing heavily here in Ireland and the director is well in with politicians here. They won't get my custom they let their staff go every lockdown and are told claim the covid payment. Its not about a virius its about control.

    5. Thats why the pubs are slow to open a large company looking to take control and Wheaterspoons have made the statement only vaccinated people will be allowed.

  9. Also, a lot of the issues related to lockdown one and don't apply anymore. Dentists are open, patchily in NHS admittedly. Opticians are open. I have never ever read reports of people being scared to go to a GP only of symptoms being missed because of telephone consultations. Awful, but shouldn't be happening now with vaccinations in the health service.

    I know some children's educational outcomes have been threatened and this is where we should be able to trust the government to intervene and help. But wait, Tories, money given to a private company to run a useless service while making big profits. Give schools and colleges the money to bring extra tutors in but no increasing educational levels whilst giving employment to local tutors doesn't make their Tory donors any richer.

  10. A couple of years ago, I saw the Gotthard tunnel opening ceremony. At that moment, I knew the time had come.

    1. I didn't know about that, had to look it up. It was in June 2016. I felt the Channel Tunnel was a big mistake.

    2. It is what took place in the Gotthard tunnel that terrified me.

  11. The Guardian is most definitely not a mouthpiece for government. I do know all about the global reset. My oh keeps me very well informed. He actually believes the same as you. Covid is real but being used as a smoke screen.

    I have read it all. I am not a 'sheep' but I am a critical thinker. I read lots of information but only The Guardian from MSM because it's the only left leaning, independent source. I occasionally read comments on The Daily Mail to keep informed of the prejudices and ideologies people have that I believe hinder us as a society.

    I have digested and my conclusion is the global reset is rubbish. Nobody in Australia or New Zealand is on furlough. They are not talking about vaccine passports because they don't need to come out of a lockdown. The money for furlough has come from borrowing and isn't sustainable or are we to believe that billionaire business people are ready to start paying people to stay at home. You don't have to make people stay at home to tackle climate change. There are other ways. How does China or Russia fit into this? There are far too many holes for me to take these theories seriously.

    I see retail, hospitality and leisure shut and households asked not to mix. This is really the only thing going on in this country right now.

    Still none of your reading answers the question of if lockdown is only being used as a control and not to stop hospitals being overwhelmed how in areas with R rates above 1 can we stop hospitals being overwhelmed. Countries that have done well are countries that kept R below one by early shutting of borders and tracking and tracing every case from the beginning. Countries that have done badly have let R get above 1. Once this happens social distancing and later lockdowns are the only way to get the virus under control.

    1. I think I would rather have a conversation with your oh. He seems clued up. They don't want to get the virus under control. The banks are going to collapse. Have you seen what is happening in Los Angeles, and New York. Thousands of homeless destitute people. It will happen here when the money runs out.

    2. Ha ha. I think you would rather have a conversation with my oh too. To be honest Ilona the global reset is the only thing you post that I disagree with which is why I comment to offer a different viewpoint.

      He also keeps me up to date on earthquake and volcano activity because apparently it is on the rise. So if the reset doesn't come he's fairly worried about a huge natural disaster!

      Have you watched any Russell Brand YouTube videos. You might like them. He has a healthy cynicism about the world.

  12. There is mainly right Tory supporting newspapers owned by billionaires so you don't get the truth only their agenda. It has been found Britain has the least trustworthy journalists in newspapers.

    There are alternatives online such as Double Down News, Novara Media. The real truth is out there.

  13. I have just noticed that the UNNWO website is up and running. They say 'The United Nations New Economic Paradigm Project is a high level global initiative to advance a New World Order which places the happiness, wellbeing, and freedom of every human being on the planet, and, which seeks as its ultimate end the achievement of the UN Global Goals by 2030 and The Global Happiness and Wellbeing of All Life On Earth by 2050'.

    1. Hi. What you say here alarms me. It smacks of Communism. We have psychopaths in our midst. I will look into it. Thanks.

    2. There have been a fair few 'feel good' articles recently regarding transhumanism, such as 'World’s first wireless brain-computer interface lets users with paralysis type and click on a tablet with their MIND and without being tethered to a transmitter'

      It's later than most people realise!!

  14. Indeed. In the U.S., some are finally starting to tumble to this. MSM probably worse and more propagandize do here than anywhere in world (and I should know, I cam from a family that published newspapers for three generations). Most of our country (75 million plus) well aware of election hijinks, some clueless because of propaganda that courts saying there was no election tampering. This was not accurately reported either--80+ lawsuits, 5000 sworn affidavits, and voter-machine imagining proves fraud (for a disturbing example, check Antrim County, Michigan). Of the 80+ lawsuits, most are still pending. Some were dismissed on filing technicalities prior to evidence being presented. 27 had evidence presented and 2/3 of those found in favor of fraud. As major cases go forward (Arizona Senate requiring full audit and hand recount of over 2 million votes, Sidney Powell on Dominion defamation case--which is receiving a ton of "fake news" reporting here) it starts to get clearer that a lot of this is tied together, to WEF re-set intention. The states in US with most intense lockdown requirements have had highest per capita death tolls. There are legitimate concerns about long term vaccine effects (and isn't it interesting that the Lancet ended up quietly retracting its journal article citing primary study against hydroxychloroquin last fall--apparently there turned out to be no evidence said study ever occurred.) The thing to follow right now is Reiner Fuellmich's lawsuit on PCR test. There is a lot going on with all this.

    1. I look forward to watching the lawsuits unravel.

  15. Very, very worthwhile talk and sensible. Even on MSM they are now exposing how this government used fear tactics to control the population

  16. BTW Wouldn't touch the Guardian, the Woke's mouthpiece with a 10 foot long barge pole!

    1. Woke has been in use since the 1940's and means awakening to injustice.

      It has been hijacked by the right wing media. Why? The agenda of the owners and shareholders of the right wing media is to maintain the status quo. To increase their wealth, avoid taxes. They don't want things like employment laws being questioned. Zero hours contracts are appalling. Imagine not knowing how much money you're going to earn week on week.

      Their agenda. Divide and conquer.

      Keep the white working class blaming the left wokeist's. Arguing amongst themselves about statues and flags.

      You are being played to protect the elite.

      All disadvantaged, BAME,white working class, disabled etc should be joining together to demand a more equal distribution of wealth. I'm not talking communism but when a billionaire increases their wealth by putting their employees on zero hour contracts surely that needs 'leveling up'

  17. I am so blessed to be living in Australia. Apart from occasional breakouts from quarantine we are COVID free. No masks, no lockdowns, no restrictions. We work, go to schools, go to shop, eat out, visit family and friends as we please, and go on holidays. Yes we had our lockdown (120 days where we are) but gosh it was worth it. It is business as usual now. The economy is doing well and employment is up. Vaccination is slow here partly because we have not received our contracted vaccines from Europe (they are refusing to give them to us). My heart hurts for the pain and suffering going on elsewhere. It seems to me that that the conspiracy theorists and anti vaccers are people who know they are pretty safe because of where they live. It is a madness I cannot understand. I am convinced that at the end of this we will have a new class of mental illnesses to describe and diagnose people who believe in this so called 'alternative truth'.

    1. So, you imagine I have a mental illness. I cannot understand how people can be so gullible and follow instructions without questioning them.

    2. I'm going to jump in here in Jane's defence and it is only my personal opinion, not Jane's so she can correct me if I am wrong. I don't think she was accusing you personally.

      My very good childhood friend is now an Aussie resident. What she sees is not the UK she remembers. The amount of deaths worry her as all her family are still here in the UK. We as a nation are constantly at odds as how to deal with this pandemic. From an outsider looking in we have become a fractured nation. That is sad because one of this countries strengths was we tolerate and welcome alternative views

  18. It is memorialized as evidence being submitted to the US courts, as well as meeting videos and transcripts, and it is all open-source and available. You can read the complaints as a matter of public record directly from primary documents, filings, and court decisions. The Antrim County, Michigan voter machine imaging analysis was allowed to occur based on a legal determination; what has been uncovered there has not been disputed, though the circulation of that information is actively being censored in most US media. The other referenced cases and audits are similarly in progress (and similarly being quelled). The activities of the World Economic Forum and their publicly-stated great re-set agenda are also open source and tied to decades of open engagement/attendance of world leaders and economic oligarchs from almost every country, as one Australian national news commentator rather vigorously reminded a New Zealand senator recently, and also as per on-the-record pro-re-set related remarks from participants like Prince Charles and (US "climate czar" for the Biden administration) John Kerry. Reiner Fuellmich's history of uncovering and successfully prosecuting cases of mass international fraud is also verifiable (check out the results of related Deutchebank, Volkswagen, and Cunard lawsuits). The concerns about these issues and connections are also increasingly being called out by liberals and conservatives alike; Naomi Wolf, a Rhodes scholar and Clinton administration advisor, has recently and publicly crossed the aisle to join her conservative counterparts to alert the US public to what she considers a desperate and timely need for immediate awareness of this situation and the related escalating signs of totalitarianism in the US and many other countries.
    These people are not idle basement bloggers, they are credible professionals with substantial public service histories who are sounding a warning. When I was challenged to consider these seemingly fringe contentions, I unfortunately (and I mean this) learned all too quickly that the primary data sources consistently confirm that this is not "click bait madness" and "conspiracy theory," much as we might all want to assume that (it is so much more comfortable not to question, at least in the beginning). Sadly, history is rife with dark times in almost every country's history where citizens later deeply regretted, and suffered devastating crises of conscience for, blinding themselves to what was occurring in plain sight before them. Most people are well-intentioned and one would have to assume that such individuals had their own mental anguish to cope with when they subsequently recognized that sometimes power can indeed corrupt and they had ignored the signs.
    Those who live in a democratic republic such as my country have an ongoing responsibility to stay informed and alert because when we cast our votes (unless they are stolen from us) we have the potential to affect our future generations' constitutional rights and even their daily pursuits. We need to be aware (and beware) if our children are going to be able to enjoy all the freedoms we have so blithely taken for granted for so long.

  19. Sorry--I meant to correct that to "Tasmanian senator," not New Zealand senator." My apologies for any confusion, I hit publish by accident just as I was making that correction.


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