
Thursday, 25 November 2021

In a nutshell

 WOW, how do I follow that. Thank you so much for the positive feedback on that last post. I know there are people out there who want to speak out but are reluctant to do so for fear of being ridiculed and ostracised. Do not be afraid. 

Before I go back to my usual posts of money saving, simple living, food, walking, crafting, gardening etc, I'll do a quick 'in a nutshell' round up. 

The world is being taken over by the richest people on earth. They have formed themselves into a cartel because they have fucked up the world economy. Basically the world is bankrupt through their mismanagement. They need to take drastic measures to sort out the mess. They are dictating to the Governments on the direction they must take. Boris and all the rest are acting on their orders. 

The cartel see the solution in moving everything over to global digital currency, with no exceptions. Complete control over everything we earn and everything we spend.  Everyone's personal details will be on their smartphone. They will have complete control over that device. 

How will they get people to go along with this plan? Easy, through scaring them shitless. Telling them they will die of a virus if they don't cover their face, if they don't stay in their homes, if they don't get another needle stuck into their body. By telling everyone they are responsible for the health of others. In the beginning they gave people snippets of hope, only two weeks to flatten the curve then we can get back to normal. I didn't believe that. They have never disclosed where the virus came from. That has to ring alarm bells. 

To carry out their plan they have to get everyone on board, and the fewer people they need to convince the easier their job will be. Think about that.  

Now join the dots. Get rid of small businesses. Grab land and buildings from those who can no longer maintain them. Rent them out to those who have been priced out of the home ownership market. Pay people to stay at home. Censor anything on the internet that goes against the official narrative. 

The world economy is going to collapse. Everyone should become as self sufficient as they can. Everyone needs to form themselves into small communities to help each other. Trade locally. This is what they don't want you to do, this is why they have divided you. They allow movement of large numbers of people around the world because they know it will cause friction and conflict. It's all in the plan. 

The only way out of this mess is to say no, I will not comply. Get rid of your apps, tear up your health passports. Your health is your concern, no one else's. Start paying for as much as you can with cash.They cannot bring about their plans unless everyone is on board. Already they are forcing the jabbberwocky in Australia. They pick on the weakest first. This dreadful disease will spread, and I don't mean the virus. While you have still got a brain in your head, resist. Stay strong my friends, and hold the line. 

Now my brain is fried, I'm going to get my breakfast. Thanks for popping in. ilona


  1. Fabulous body you have Ilona must say a good idea to put across that we own our own body it is not for others to say what we should do with all reminds me of a futuristic film I saw where in hundreds of years time people had to do exactly what they were told and were micro chipped to track their every move.i really think they will try to control our bank accounts and spending soon that will be the worst thing to happen your whole life and body not your glad I've lived half a century and I'm not being born into it all nowx

  2. I definitely feel a financial crash is on the cards. I think money in the bank is a really bad idea. Social credit system will come our way. I have got rid of my smart phone while it's still possible to get a non smart phone I don't think it will be possible going forward. Keep on speaking out. I am!

    1. The financial crash has been predicted for a long time. It's the investors we need to be listening to now.

  3. Well said Ilona,agree with everything you say.
    I only use cash to pay for everything,no covid
    passports too.Keep up the good work,love all your
    blogs.Both thumbs up.

    1. Yes, keep using cash whenever you can. It is important.

  4. Who? Who are these rich (and obviously highly organised) people?.

    1. Try googling, 'The richest people in the world'.

      Then google 'World Economic Forum'

      Then google 'Who owns the world'

    2. I don't really disagree with you, Ilona, but would like to point out that Warren Buffet calls crypto currency "rat poison." I am inclined to agree with least, on this.

    3. Still don't understand, why they would want to go to all these measures, if they are the richest in the world already?

    4. For them the power of amassing billions becomes an obsession. When they have reached that goal, what next. There always has to be more. They never sit back and say, that's it, I am filthy rich I don't need to do another thing. They will rarely disappear into obscurity. The thrill is the next big thing.

      Some will give their money away to good causes, that gives them pleasure. It's a pity they don't all do that.

      Ordinary people may get to the end of their life and say, that's it, I have done everything I wanted to do, now's the time to bow out. For the rich it is never the time to bow out.

      Having oodles of money brings with it power, so they transfer their affections to that. They want more power. Power gives them security, or so they hope. Their focus is more power, which eventually turns into a psychopathic dictatorship when they start to chip away those who are below them. Anyone not going along with them can't be controlled, and that is what they hate. Basically they want to destroy everyone in their path.

      This goes against all forms of humanity. They are devoid of feelings, of love, of kindness, and sympathy towards fellow man. Eventually they will crumble under the pressure they have put upon themselves.

      These are my thoughts, how I see it. It's the only explanation I can think of.

  5. Let me ask you a question; a genuine one since I am in the quagmire of all quagmires.

    For various reasons I haven't seen my mother in years (I live abroad). Now in her late eighties, she is wilting. Fast. Do I get myself vaxxed (against my instincts) so I am "allowed" to travel to the motherland in order to, possibly, see her one more time? Or do I resign myself to my convictions?


    1. That's a tough one, because whatever you do you will have to wrestle with your conscience. You have probably spent a lot of time thinking about this, but I feel your decision will be about how your relationship with your mother has progressed over the years.

      It depends if you are a close knit family, were you always, or did it stop at some point? Do you keep in touch in other ways, phone, text etc? I think family relationships are always difficult to fathom out. You are supposed to love them but it's like any relationship, if it is one sided it doesn't work very well.

      Whatever you do you will feel guilty. My family have never been close knit, we all have our separate lives. I have a half brother in Germany who has abandoned us here in the UK, once he got the information he needed about his mother. So I am not one to talk about family commitments.

      You have to look deep into yourself about your beliefs and convictions. My beliefs go against the grain of most of the people I know and read about, but I can live with that. There are very few things in my memory which causes me anxiety. I made a few mistakes but in the grand scheme of things I am happy with how my life has panned out.

      Not knowing you or your mother or you family situation, I can't say what you should do. I wouldn't anyway. As an ex Samaritan the decision always has to come from the person asking.

      I am glad I don't have to make your decision now, but I would have to be true to myself. But you are you and I am me. Sorry if that isn't helpful.

      There is one thing to add. Contact your mother, in any way you can, and tell her you love her. I wish I had had that opportunity with my mother.

  6. I agree that the vaccine passport is unnecessary as vaccinated can still catch covid and spread it so no point.
    I feel the government is using far too much control over the people, maybe not as much here but just look at Austria
    However covid virus is very much a threat to life. My sister's brother-in-law died of it, I personally know 6 people who have contracted it, and heard of another 3 in my granddaughter's school who have it at the moment.
    I know 2 others that have long covid with permanent heart damage, a child of 6 and a primary teacher.
    My grandson age 13 came up positive today. He's very ill as he has severe asthma. He is often in n out of hospital because of asthma and lungs collapsing so I'm very worried about him now he has covid too.
    I just hope our government sees sense and doesn't copy what other countries are doing. Nobody should be forced to have any medical treatment.


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