
Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Simply . . . . . .

I will not be bullied, coerced, threatened, bribed, or intimidated.  
My body - My choice. 
That's all.   ilona


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for showing me the new David video. I'll put a link here.

    2. Well done. Great statement. Keep up the good work. Here in Australia they are already forcing the people into camps because of no jib jab, or close contact crap etc etc. One day they might knock on my door? What has happened to this world? Blessed be. Michelle.

  2. Oh dear lord... why, why, why? Put it away.

    You've gone into full on attention seeking mode.

    1. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind......or you could look at the Research pages.

    2. Or you could listen to a speech from Justin Barrett of the Irish National Party, called 'How free do you feel?'. He spells it out in easy to understand language. Scroll past the first 19 minutes where he talks about a local election. Move the slider to 19 minutes to the sub title 'The Covid 19 vaccine rollout'.

  3. I fully support what you are saying. Take care Ilona.

  4. Well said. Am so fed up off the constant pressure. Thank you for having the guts to say what many feel. Best wishes wanda

    1. Wanda 👍 Many of us are aware of what is planned and what is going on, we all need to stand together. Hope that you and your family are staying safe. The fight for freedom goes on. Amanda

  5. Your post is very clever for those that are awake... Best wishes. Amanda

    1. The idea came to me in a nano second. Get people's attention by flashing a bit of boob :o)

  6. Well said, it's going to get worse before it gets better, lets hope people start to see what is really going on. You are in good shape Ilona .

  7. Good for you Ilona, you are so right and I feel just the same. We have been lied to repeatedly by our Government. There needs to be effective pushback right now if we are to avoid a situation like we are seeing in parts of Europe. It only ends when we say no. Enough is enough.

    1. Exactly right, Karen. If we don't stop it soon they will start locking us up in camps. It's happening in Australia.

  8. You and me both Ilona. I'm with you all the way.

  9. There was a series called 'The Prisoner' in the 60s with Patrick McGooghan. He memorably said:

    'I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My life is my own.'

    Now all we need is one of those big white balloons!

    H x

    1. I didn't see that series. I was more into pop and fashion at that time.

    2. It was a bit before my time, but my brother-in-law got the DVDs and lent them to me. It is set at Portmeirion, which is a fabulous place for a visit if you are in Wales.

      He resigns from a government job because of corruption which he won't take part in (sound familiar?). When he gets home, he is sedated by gassing, and wakes up in 'the village', a restricted community. The rest of the series are spent trying to escape. You might like it even if just for the film of London in those days. You can watch it on YouTube here:

      H x

    3. Thanks for that. I'll check out the link.
      I've been to Portmeirion.

  10. It’s staggering how society says past mistakes can’t be repeated, but really we are so close to similar events happening. It’s absolutely dreadful and also terrifying.

    1. I am terrified that a few very rich psychopaths are whipping up such hysteria to turn people against each other. They know what they are doing.

  11. Only a few of us have bods in our seventies that would still look good in a bikini! You win!

    1. And I still have the bikini I wore when I was in my twenties, and it still fits.

  12. What a fab body Ilona, and what a fab idea.

    1. Thanks Bri. I think it gets my point across.

  13. Its a good job Ken Dodd wasnt around with one of his tickling sticks missus,lol and I do hope that you had got the heating on!Looking great Ilona!,Did you get the stamps?xx

  14. You have a cracking bod Ilona 😁 and amen sister 🙏 Keep on spreading the words of truth it so needs to be heard

    1. I will. If people don't get it, we are doomed.

  15. Wow, you look darn good! That's a very way to get your point across.

    As mentioned by Helen, The Prisoner was a very good series. As I recall, Number 6 (The Prisoner) managed to escape after numerous attempts and brought down the village rulers at the same time (but please correct me if I'm wrong). Coincidentally, I've just heard a caller to the Jeremy Vine show say that everyone who refuses a vaccination should be held down and forcibly jabbed. He could have had a job in "The Village", tormenting people who wouldn't conform.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. Amanda, forcibly jabbbbing is already happening in Australia. The army are rounding people up. They are going for the children. Sadly a lot of people are saying the same as the caller on the Jeremy Vine show.

      Copy and paste the link in Ger's comment below. Watch the video. That will tell you how serious it is.

  16. Ilona - I have loved your posts about living well on a small budget and envied you your travels around the UK - but I will no longer be visiting your site. It is your blog and I will respect that but your anti-vac stance and your conspiracy theory support is just too much for me.
    I know that things have been rather confusing in the UK and there has been a lot of flip flopping by the govt. which hasn't helped - but that has not been my experience here in Canada. I prefer to follow the science - and yes - I do read beyond those on the main media. Good luck to you - I hope you remain well.

    1. Sorry to hear you are going. Come back anytime you like.

  17. Well done, Ilona. It's all to do with resetting the global economy from fiat, which is bust on printing cash with no backing, to totally digital, and under the control of our leaders. Our pensions/earnings etc. could be docked if we don't earn enough social credits. Fines could be taken out of our bank accounts if we don't obey the ever changing rules etc. etc.They'll have their sticky fingers in everyone's money. God knows how far they will go. If I'd thought a few years ago that I would be writing these words, I'd have had myself committed.

    1. You are on the ball with this. I urge everybody to watch the video, copy and paste the link which you included below. Paste it into your browser.

      The world is bankrupt, they are going for a reset, they have to get everyone on board or it won't work. Frighten them with a virus, get them jabbed, give them a vaxx status passport, only those with a passport can get into certain places. It is all about collecting data. Data is the new currency. They want to close small businesses down that is why they say no entry without a passport.

      The only way to stop it is to not comply. Businesses should refuse to comply, people should tear up or delete their passports. It is not law to ask for a passport.

  18. Ilona, I don't know if you've seen this but it's the best overview that I've seen so far.

    1. Thank you so much, Ger. I have just watched that video. It explains everything. Why they are pushing so hard to get everyone jabbed, and why we should all fight back and not comply. The army are already rounding people up in Australia, and forcibly jabbing them. It will spread across the whole world, unless we say no.

  19. A difficult act to follow, I would have thought. How to be more exhibitionist than this I wonder?

  20. Totally support you. Be true to yourself always.


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