
Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Popping in, briefly.

I am limiting my time on the computer at the moment. I know what's going on, and there is nothing I can do about it. The organised chaos will continue whether I read about it or not. I need to live my life, it's the only one I've got. 
I am getting on with this. A bit more to do, add leaves on the tree and put a backing on it. Luckily I have a piece of the green baize left that is the right size. 
Now going to do a Billy walk, and the computer will be switched off. We'll catch up whenever. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I think you will feel a lot happier doing your crafts and going on nice walks,instead of spending time on the Internet.It looks like we have some lovely weather on the way,from Catherine.

    1. It is a sunny morning here, I have the maps out and have chosen a start place for a walk. I will now eat breakfast, pack a lunch, and go.

  2. I need to follow your advice and stay off the news. So depressing.
    Got my quilt back from the quilters and I am loveing it. Now on the the next one.

    1. Yes, stay away from the news, which isn't actually news. It's opinions, speculation, and plain old bullshit. If you look past it though it is quite obvious what is going on.

  3. Good idea about internet. I am going to do the same. Just had more oral surgery today from that fall a year ago, face first on sidewalk. Hope this one stops the pain. So happy it is behind me now and Spring days are here 😀 Love from the States ❤

    1. I hope your face recovers soon. It sounds very unpleasant. Spring is hear, time to go out more.

  4. I agree, life is too short to concentrate on the chaos which we can do little about. I admire your craftiness and enjoy seeing your projects. Was wondering if maybe you would tell us how you made your weaving frame and supplies you use for your weaving? I'm sure the information is on your blog but haven't found it.
    Thanks for sharing inspiration, travels and no nonsense simple living advice & thoughts.
    Hugs to you & sweet Mayze from the U.S.

    1. Hello. I make a loom from an old wooden picture frame. I hammer in a line of tacks across the top and bottom, equal distances apart according to how tight you want the weave to be. Then wrap the warp, (wool or string or whatever I am using) around the tacks, and weave through that.

    2. Hello, thanks for sharing weaving frame instructions. I'm a knitter and a quilter but was looking to try something different for a change. Your finished weave projects inspire me to try this craft, they are very artistic. Your talents are amazing!
      Sherry or Sher as my friends call me, from a northern state

  5. Sounds like a good plan. I am watching/listening to no news now. Its too stressful and I can do nothing about it. I have the overview and I don't need the opinions of every pundit. All we can do is to spread peace in our own little corner of the world to the best of our human ability. Ger in Ireland

    1. Thank you Ger. The way the media is manipulating everything is very worrying. I have worked out the plan.

  6. I've just discovered your blog and YouTube have been such a blessing to me. I too enjoy your no-nonsense approach to simple living and life in general "life is what you make it". Don't blame you at all for taking a break - time is even more precious than money and the internet, whilst being a fantastic resource (how else would I have come across your content) can be a massive time drain if we don't use it wisely. Like you, I know what's going on and I will follow your lead and avoid paying it too much attention. Happy Spring!

    1. I have spent too many hours on the internet, now is the time to cut down.

  7. I kind of live in my own world. I have DVD’s of some of my favorite shows, I stream a few select shows, and I listen to music by streaming it as well. I have YouTube channels I check in on and your blog. Your blog and YouTube channel always puts a smile on my face. I hope you won’t leave us for too long. But I completely understand getting away from all the craziness spread all over the internet. Warmer weather will help us all feel a bit better. ♥️😊

    1. Just taking it easy for a while. Finding other things to do away from the computer.

  8. Oops! Forgot to put my name in my comment earlier today so it's labeled "Unknown". Sorry! I'm Sher from the northern states and have been reading your blog and watching your yoouuttuubbe videos for quite awhile, both are delightful and interesting, especially with sweet Mayze!

    1. Thank you. I do like a name, even if it's a made up one.

  9. Thank you everyone for your comments. I won't start another post I will just add this here. Every day throws up more negative news, it's all designed to push everyone in the same direction. Our freedoms are being systematically eroded. The masses will not see this until it is too late.

    New laws are making their way through Parliament, not just in this country, but all countries. They are all in it. Keep your eyes and ears open and watch the changes. The fourth jabs are coming, even though the first three have not worked very well. But people will say at least they didn't get hospitalised. It is still an experimental gene therapy, no one knows the long term implications. Do what you think is best for you and your family.

    I stick by everything I have said on the current situation. The plan is to divide people, those who willingly comply, and those who want to live in a democratic country. The only way to slow down or halt what is coming next is for people to stick together and say no, I am not doing that.

    Digital currency will replace cash, so use your cash whenever you can. Take off the tracking apps from your smart phones. Stop buying from ammmmazon. Stop using the self serve tills at supermarkets, insist on going through a person till, or shop elsewhere. All these little changes will help.

    I am off out today, and so should you be, if the weather is nice. Get your life back and cling onto it, because things are changing.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Apologies to my band of understanding and wide awake readers.

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