
Monday, 14 March 2022

Second hand is best.

This video came out of the oven late last night, too late to put it on the blog, I was tired and went to bed. It's about buying second hand and accepting freebies. And about the £200 we are going to get from the Government in October to help with the increase in utilities. 
I don't need this, I don't want to be in debt to the Government to pay it back. They will add it onto the bills over the next four years at £50 a year. They are mincing their words and calling it a levy. Trying to fool us into thinking they are doing something to help us. Just like the jab, get it and help everybody. Not so. They could just help the people who are going to struggle with the increases. I have no truck with that. 
Giving £200 to everybody is just another way to control the population. Get them roped in, put them into debt, get their bank account details and we are beholden to them forever. We are being herded like cattle. Our individual circumstances are of no interest to the Government. Makes me want to go off grid. 
EDIT. A short video from Mr Farage about the rip off energy bills. 
A link to the OFGEN web site which details where our money is going to. 25% of every electricity bill is going on green subsidies and environmental expenditure. 

I took advantage of the mild and dry day yesterday, and combined two of my local walks to make seven miles. I had someone from the village to chat to for part of the way, he branched off to go back home. Walking is new to him, so he was taking it easy. 
I had a stroll in the park to see the daffs. 
The gardens at the back of the Hall look neat and tidy.

I was surprised to see the Gift Shop still open at almost five o clock. I think they must have moved onto summer opening times. 

The sun going down on the last leg across the fields. 

Looks like a nice day today, and I have things to do, I'll cut you loose. 
Bye for now.  ilona


  1. hello do we have to take the £200 ? im most displeased about it and if anyone knows a way not to have to have it please comment thanks T

    1. Yes. They have said it is non negotiable, everyone will get it knocked off their bill. We have to wait and see if they change their mind. If enough people kick up a fuss about it they may rethink their plan.

  2. I agree with you ilona it's a trick the government are playing mind games and its the people who are struggling that Will except it and already no doubt be deeper in debt!
    I Will not be wanting it nor will anyone with a sensible head !
    I'm like you never had debt. I believe In the old fashioned methods save up 4 it and if yon can't than you .can't have it.. I wear a lovely fleece dressing gown at home I hate central heating.. I much prefer a gas fire !

  3. Your observation that around a quarter of what we pay for gas/electric shows just how for the Green Blob has got its hooks into government and the Civil Service. We desperately need a party that is prepared to stand up to this Net Zero nonsense - look at the real data ( ie the numbers that the BBC don't tell you) and you will see haw little the doom-laden pronouncements of the likes of Greta Thunberg bear to the facts. Like none of them can explain the Roman Warm Period when the Romans grew grapevines across much of England, the Medieval Warm Period to when currently ice-covered Greenland was being actively farmed, and the Little Ice Age 300 years ago when atmospheric CO2 levels were pretty much unchanged.

    1. My dad always said this: the earth has natural cycles of being warmer/ cooler. It's happened for millenia.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When hubby and I first married we didn’t not have “a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out of” 🤣🤣. We took any furniture or household item anyone wanted to give us. As we were able to get things we replaced what we didn’t like or want. Truthfully, most of the items we were given were very well made compared to what you get new. I think TV and advertising makes young people and couples starting out think they should have everything their parents have NOW. When that TV/advertising is FAR FAR from reality. We tried to teach our children that fact. They have both married and work really hard together with their spouses to make a comfortable home.

    You have to be proud of yourself and not cave into what others think you should have or should be doing. It takes some maturity to live life differently from the “norm”. As you well know, share and live. We are with you mother!!! 100%

  6. I totally disagree with the government giving out £200 to everyone. I don't want it. I feel the government would be better off spending it elsewhere like giving it to the NHS or green energy to bring the electric bills down.

  7. I'm still wearing 2 M & S, polyester/cotton shirts which were given to me as a birthday present by work colleagues 44 years ago. The best things in life are free...
    Martin Lewis opposes the £200. Enough said. The chancellor should have consulted Martin first.
    Daffodils are my favourite flower, because I have Welsh ancestors on my dad's side of the family. They arrive as winter is nearly over and there's spring and another year to look forward to.

  8. Me and hubby are going to put it on Ernie, pay the bills as usual and then when Boris and co wants it back then we might have made some money out of him instead of the other way round!

  9. I'm not wanting it if we have to pay it back ilona I'm with you
    That's a debt in my eye's
    And I've thankfully never been it Debt👍

    Levi x


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