
Friday, 17 June 2022

Garden paradise.

As it is so very hot outside, I am delaying my walk until later when hopefully it will have cooled down. In the meantime I popped round to my friends garden, with the camera, to get some photo's of the magnificent display of flowers they have there. They spend a lot of time tending to their garden, and the effort is well worth it. They have a gorgeous setting to relax in. Come and have a look. 

This is not a real rose. It is made of metal with a long spike. 

The photo's don't do it justice. The colours are far more vibrant in real life. They might have turned out better if it wasn't bright sunshine. 

It's a long garden with a pond at the bottom end, and a private little corner for repotting. 

One of their cats, relaxing in the shade. They have several cats. 
And this is the surprise. A wasps nest in a tree. How amazing is that.  

I don't know much about wasps so I have been looking it up. They chew up wood and mix it with spit to build the nest. They build it around the branch of a tree so it is suspended. If they are not a nuisance and not causing problems they can be left alone. They will desert the nest at the end of the summer. They are good for the garden, eating  aphids and insects. There is a lot of information here. If you click on a picture a slide show will come up. 
It is now time for me to make a meal. I am thinking 7pm would be a good time for a walk. Maybe later. Thanks for popping in. Enjoy your weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Your friends must be thoroughly nice people to leave the wasp nest alone, most would have run for the hills and got it removed, I love it. Isn't nature just wonderful.

    1. They are really nice people. Animal and nature lovers, kind and considerate to everyone. I am blessed.

  2. Wasp's nests are incredible creations - my parents had one in their attic many years ago and we were able to take a closer look at it once the wasps had gone. They are a fascinating combination of cells for the grubs and the papery surroundings that you see from the outside.

    1. Wasps are brilliant architects and house builders.

  3. Patty McDonald17 June 2022 at 20:18

    This is a lovely garden! I really like the long pathway and all her flowers. Hope that wasp nest is in the very back of her yard.. It's lovely to look at but I've been bitten by those nasty things and wouldn't allow one in my yard.

    1. The nest is about halfway down on the opposite side to the flowers. They will delay trimming the tree until later in the year when the wasps have gone.

  4. Becky from Toronto17 June 2022 at 22:37

    Oh wow! Just wow! That is exactly how I imagine an English cottage garden. I love the subtle shades

    1. They buy new plants and spend hours putting them in exactly the right place

  5. Beautiful yard. Makes me miss my house in the country where I planted trees and flowers and shrubs for 40 years then the bachelor that bought it cut almost everything down so he didn't have to mow around them. Lots of memories of my children and I planting them even our small Christmas tree from 30 years ago which had grown very tall. Funny how life is 😁

    1. People have different ideas about how a garden should be. When someone buys a new house here they very soon change the front garden, and not always for the better. Block paving is fashionable at the moment. It looks awful.

  6. What a gorgeous garden!!!! You can tell it is a labor of love. What a wonderful place to sit with a cup of coffee and just ponder on things. ♥️♥️ Thanks for taking us on the visit mother!😊 Oh my!! We won’t bother the bees if they don’t bother us lol. It’s been very humid here in West Virginia. Now this weekend dropping back down to the low 70’s. That’s more my speed lol Being red head, pale complexion and lots of freckles lol.

    1. It was far too hot yesterday to do anything outside except sit in the shade.

  7. What a lovely garden! Your frinds have created a small paradise.
    Here wasps are a protected species and you are not allowed to destroy a nest. If it is a place where it is dangerous for people, you can have it removed by a specialist. We once had one just a meter away from our terrace, but none of us was ever stung.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. The bonus is that they enjoy the fabulous sunsets because they have fantastic views from the back garden.

    2. This is a wonderful garden and must be so uplifting to spend time in. I’d happily come to see this make a donation if they ever have an ‘open garden’.

    3. There was an Open Gardens last year. They are now doing it every alternate year. I don't think my friend would take part, she is quite shy.

  8. That's a wonderful garden, some beautiful roses there. Looks like a relaxing place to spend time. The borders are full and I think that really helps with maintenance. I tend to fill my borders up too - less weeding and more colour. Cheers, Karen

    1. I like full borders, but not when it all dies down in the winter. I prefer evergreens.


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