
Friday, 17 June 2022

Urgent health message.

Oh no, that's shocking. 😨Stay in and drink lots of water. πŸ˜‰
Check out the details, or maybe don't bother. 
It's going to be a hot one today. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona  

Scaremongering and misleading headlines. London bus bursts into flames as heatwave causes mayhem on hottest day of the year. 
Eating breakfast. Toodle pip again. 😁

I will add this here because the post started as a health topic, albeit a micky take. But something has been puzzling me. Why all the frenzy pushing of transgender? Why all the publicity? Why are they teaching it in schools? It has always been around, why now? Then I joined the dots. People who change sex are going to be on drugs for the rest of their lives. Aha, so that's it. Another killing for Big Pharma. Get 'em hooked in while they are young and there will be loads of money to be made. Just like putting people on anti depressants or statins. Get people dependent on drugs for life. That is my take on it, can't think of any other reason. 
Too hot to go out. Toodle pip again. 


  1. What a nanny state we have become, makes you wonder how we all got to this age without special warnings and no health and safety to tell us what to do !!! hahahaha, Tilly

    1. The worst part of it is that people want to live in a nanny state. They have handed all responsibility over to those who are controlling the narrative.

  2. Remain scared! Stay in and spend more on streaming brain numbing programmes πŸ˜† cheers, Karen

  3. I've lived through many heat waves and worked in unpleasantly hot conditions - amazing I survived! Anyone would think it had never been hot before.

    Shame about the bus, though.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. It's rare but those buses do catch fire in the engine department, due to maintenance issues. But it can happen at any time of the year, even in winter. To link it to a hot day in June is scaremongering. They think we are thick.

  4. Becky from Toronto17 June 2022 at 15:51

    Hahaha love that headline. People don’t understand the relationship between cause and effect…the bus caught fire, there is a heat wave, doesn’t mean the heat wave caused the bus fire!

    1. Exactly. Nothing to do with it being a hot sunny day.

  5. Anything to send people into a frenzied panic. Why can’t the media give common sense advice. I’ve continually see overweight people when I’m out and about. Lose weight, get more exercise and stop eating crap food would be good for starters.

    1. I think they have tried to draw attention to obesity being the result of what you eat and not moving about. It falls on deaf ears though because in the respect of food consumed it just doesn't register with people.


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