Go on, have a laugh, I dare you. 😍😎😂😁😜
Credit. David Green. Found on The Diecast Zone.Pages
Saturday, 8 March 2025
Friday, 7 March 2025
Horrible people
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
No point.
There is no point in all this tit for tat commenting on certain issues. The division is too wide to reach any meaningful conclusion. Those trying to inform and educate are wasting their time. The haters will continue to hate. Discussions may start but will quickly descend into verbal punch ups. Those tuned into main stream media have already absorbed mountainous volumes of propaganda. It is now embedded and will be hard to shift. Those who are changing the whole fabric of society sit in their ivory towers handing out their plans for the world. Their puppets will carry out their orders. No amount of bitching, falling out, slagging off, name calling will change things. Pointless arguments only increase tension as people fall into a state of depression. That is what they want. People, you have to rise above it, you have to say no, you have to take back control of your own life.
Goodnight. ilona
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Can you hear me Mother
Can you see me Mother
Happy Birthday Mother. 107 years old today. Just to let you know, I have weathered the storm, come through fairly unscathed, and have taken everything in my stride. I have no regrets. I won't be joining you just yet Mother, still got a lot of living to do.

Monday, 3 March 2025
A visit to Hodsock Priory
So far . . . .
This will take a while to complete. I'll keep you updated.
In my coat of many colours, mamma made for me
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Body Language Analysis
More yarn bombing at Brigg
There is a fantastic wool shop in the main street. It's good to see that arts and crafts are thriving in Brigg.