Wednesday, 5 March 2025

No point.

 There is no point in all this tit for tat commenting on certain issues. The division is too wide to reach any meaningful conclusion. Those trying to inform and educate are wasting their time. The haters will continue to hate. Discussions may start but will quickly descend into verbal punch ups. Those tuned into main stream media have already absorbed mountainous volumes of propaganda. It is now embedded and will be hard to shift. Those who are changing the whole fabric of society sit in their ivory towers handing out their plans for the world. Their puppets will carry out their orders. No amount of bitching, falling out, slagging off, name calling will change things. Pointless arguments only increase tension as people fall into a state of depression. That is what they want. People, you have to rise above it, you have to say no, you have to take back control of your own life. 

Goodnight.   ilona

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Can you hear me Mother

Good evening. It's been a lovely day today. I decided I would get the bus to town, and walk back. It was a bit of a last minute decision. The 1.09 bus is usually late, but today it was early, and I missed it. Not to worry, I have a plan B. I did a five mile walk around the villages. 
This morning I recorded this video. A tribute to my mum. 
Now I am eating dinner. I've made a stew with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and noodles. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Can you see me Mother


Happy Birthday Mother. 107 years old today. Just to let you know, I have weathered the storm, come through fairly unscathed, and have taken everything in my stride. I have no regrets. I won't be joining you just yet Mother, still got a lot of living to do.


Love from your first born daughter, ilona

Monday, 3 March 2025

A visit to Hodsock Priory

Hello. These are my photo's and a video from my visit to Hodsock Priory on Saturday. It was a glorious day. I have been here before, in July 2021. I was not able to go inside, there was an equestrian event on as I remember. My visit was part of a longer walk so I didn't have time to linger. There are some photo's on this blog post. 
I saw this Craft Fair advertised on facbooook, so wrote it on my calendar. Hodsock is not far from Blyth in Nottinghamshire. A hop skip and a jump down the M180/M18/A1M south. There were stalls inside and outside. There was a massive queue to buy cooked food on site. The dining room was crowded and there were tables outside on the terrace. 
These rooms are not just for show. There is a bar and people are invited to enjoy a drink and make themselves at home. 
An invitation to play a tune on the piano if anyone would like to. Someone tell Terry Miles there is a public piano here. 🎹🎹🎹

Hello. Can you see me mother. 😁
Sit and read a book if you feel like it. The furniture is beautiful and immaculately clean. 
Floral arrangement perfect for weddings. 
Let's have a look outside. Look at those amazing chimneys. 
A stroll around the garden on a sunny day. 
A fallen tree which looks as if it has been laid on the ground for a few years. I pumped up the contrast on this to bring out the colours. 
Visitors seemed to be curious about these plants. With the right app your hand held smart phone will reveal the name of it. I don't know any plant names but they are pretty.  
A gigantic squirrel nibbling his nut.
I did a walkaround video of the outside. There were too many people inside the craft fair. 
Check out the Hodsock Priory website for more details. Take a virtual tour.
It's  smashing place for a visit, but you would have to check the web site for opening times for visitors. 
Crafty Club was busy this morning Full house. This afternoon I felt like walking so I went around the village with my picking stick and a bag, and filled it twice with litter.  
I will leave the comments closed for the time being. I'm sure a lot of people would like to have my guts for garters as the saying goes. And I don't need that hassle. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

So far . . . .

Good morning. A little update before I go off to Crafty Club. The purple gilet I bought from a charity shop for £1 is undergoing a transformation. I have watched some videos and wasn't sure where on the garment I should start sewing on the patches. Starting at the bottom and working my way up to the top seemed the easiest way. 
When you watch a video they start with a piece of backing fabric, which is usually square or oblong. Then add a piece of batting, then turn the edges in, and sew the patches on top of that. Next question, do all the stitches go in one direction only, or is there a mixture of vertically and horizontally? All raw edges have to be turned under, or hidden under the next piece of fabric, to prevent fraying. Any scraps will do. I am trying to mix up the colours. 
All stitching is supposed to be uniform. Lines the same distance apart, and stitches of the same length throughout. I am not going to achieve that standard of perfection. When I wear it I doubt people will notice the mistakes. All thread colours can be used. 

This will take a while to complete. I'll keep you updated. 
I am reminded of this song.
And although we had no money I was rich as I could be
In my coat of many colours, mamma made for me
Just to find the others laughing and making fun of me
But they didn't understand it and I tried to make them see
That one is only poor only if they choose to be
Thanks Dolly. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Body Language Analysis

Funny. Yes it's funny, that two grown men can't sit down together for an amicable discussion without it descending into a playground sulk. Both have big egos and both are equally guilty. It's also funny that people can't see through the charade. War is a money laundering scheme. Instigated and choreographed by those who have vested interests in keeping wars going. 
Take a look at this body language analysis, it might shed some light on how both men conducted themselves. Body language plays a big part in communicating, and interactions, with others. Without watching the whole meeting it is silly to resort to knee jerk reactions from just the last ten minutes. Broken down and edited into juicy soundbites, it was indeed an amusing spectacle. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

More yarn bombing at Brigg

Good morning. It's sunny so I'll get the cats beds in the washing machine and out on the line to dry. Playing catch up with the photo's. A few more from the Brigg Yarn Bombing. The bridge over the river, which is mainly a pedestrian bridge, has some woolly pictures hung on the railings. I don't know if each one is made by one person, or is a joint effort put together by several people. Either way a lot of work has gone into them. 

Most of the iron bollards have been decorated. There are some fun characters to be found for sure. 

There is a fantastic wool shop in the main street. It's good to see that arts and crafts are thriving in Brigg. 

Looking back into my archives, there is a search facility on this blog, here is my report on the 2022 yarn bombing. Searching again. This is the blog post I did last year, 2024. I didn't make a video this year, but there is one on this post if you would like to look back. I see some of the decorations have made a second appearance. and seeing these two previous posts makes me think that the current show is not as good. Maybe they are running out of people who are willing to spend hours on this project. New knitters needed for next year. 
My computer is very speedy now that Keith has got rid of the nasty viruses, so thank you Keith. I still haven't figured out the signing in with gooooglie thingy but that's not important. I can add my own name to any comments I am allowed to make. 
Cro's weekly round up of news items is honest. I am quite open to other peoples thoughts on such matters, but when conversations descend into name calling I switch off. No need to throw insults around. 
I have been called a fool on Johns blog. So be it. A happy fool I should add. The topic of wars has created a gulf between me and my family. My sister has ignored me for almost three years. I made one statement which didn't go down well. 'In most wars there is a goody and a baddy, in this war there are two baddies'. There are issues which never will be solved when those who have all the power, and I don't mean Governments because they are puppets, call all the shots. Money talks. But of course, there is no real money, they shuffle debt around. 
I am having a nice break not to have to moderate comments. I can breath a sigh of relief and get on with my life for the time being. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona    

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Yarn Bombing at Brigg

Good evening. It's been a busy week this week. What with the car going in the garage and having a new clutch fitted. Then the dentist and having a broken tooth repaired. Friday morning I managed to pick up a virus, no not me, the computer. I found a blog that has transplanted all of my blog posts onto theirs. I was not best pleased that my content has been stolen. I looked into it and a few clicks later I was rewarded with several viruses. I rang my computer man Keith and he said can I bring it in about 4pm. I dropped it off and today he has done his stuff. I went out for the day and picked it up later on my way back. 
I've been to Hodsocks Priory for a Craft Fair. A lovely day out. I took photo's and made a video so these will appear on the blog in the next few days. For now I have to play catch up. I have photo's of the Yarn Bombing I saw at Brigg on Thursday.  

I think this years display is amazing, much better than last years. I'll put some more photo's up tomorrow. Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona