Monday, 2 October 2023

No thanks. . . . . .

 . . . . . . .I won't be joining in. 

Covid testing: 200,000 people to be regularly tested to track virus spread this winter

Well done all those who choose to be tested. Here is your medal. 
The medal I was given after walking through the night to raise money for the Hospice. 
Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. I won't be testing or taking any jab. Too many lies and corruption. All part of a bigger plan.

  2. It’s not very nice the way you put down those of us who have chosen to have covid vaccines. Why?
    You keep staying we are asleep and being herded like sheep , well let me
    re assure you, I am fully awake, I haven’t fallen down a rabbit hole and it was entirely my decision.

    1. I am not putting anybody down for exercising their free choice. People can have as many jabs as they like. I am not calling them vaccines, because they aren't. It is sad though that people didn't do enough research into it before they went ahead.

    2. It's well proven that the vaccines are not effective. Why do people still not see this?

    3. Thanks for posting ilona, I know you get a lot of negative comments but glad you stand your ground. I'm concerned for our future. I won't comply with any vaccine that is more dangerous than the actual virus.

    4. It is well proven that thousands of people have died in this country alone after having the jab. The authorities are covering it up but if you speak to people in the know you can get to the truth.

  3. I won’t be joining in with this madness either. I’ve never done a test and can’t understand why people still persist in doing them.

    1. A friend here in the village has had a sniffle and a cough for a few days. I saw her yesterday walking her dog. I kept my distance. She said it's ok I have tested negative.

  4. Hello from Bulgaria the least vaccinated country in the World,yes, we don't like testing nor free vaccins and we are doing fine.Dear Ilona, I like your blog and channel,Best wishes to you.

    1. Hello and thank you for your comment. Look after yourself and you will be fine.

    2. Hello Anonymous, Bulgaria has the lowest vaccination rate in the European Union,just 27 per cent of its total population has been fully vaccinated and that's good enough for me.

  5. I caught covid from a kid coughing in a crowded lift on holiday. Was ill for a week with a bad cold and cough.
    Had 3 vaccines and passed out unconscious after each one on day 3. Also episodes of uncontrollable shaking all over not related to a temperature
    So I think the vaxx is dangerous for me as I could die passing out if I hit my head or a car hits me in the road. I won't have any more as it doesn't suit everyone
    Sally from Devon

  6. My partner was diagnosed with bowel cancer six months after getting his first COVID jab!

  7. Had a bit of a tidy up. Thanks for the company. Bed time.

  8. Dorma here, I'm actually interested in knowing what happens when you have the covid jab, or have had covid. What happens to our bodies if we get it again and again? Are there any long term effects or does our antibodies or jab protect us? Or long term can a number of infections be a bad thing. A genuine question as I have had it 4 times now.

    1. You can find your answers by googling these doctors.
      Dr Peter McCollough
      Dr Aseem Malhotra
      Dr J Bhattacharya
      I think if anyone is catching covid multiple times it is safe to say the jab is not working.

    2. Dorma. Watch this video. Richard Vobes talks about a book of statistics published in 1889. Governments knew that the jab wouldn't work, yet they still push it relentlessly.

    3. Thankyou I have had a look at the 3 doctors. The first two are cardiologists and the third is an economic health professional. I suppose it's a bit too early to see the long term effects on my own body. The first time I had it, I felt so poorly and it lasted a good 2 weeks. The second time it was a sore throat and one day of feeling really tired. Then I was back to normal. The third time was absolutely awful, worse than the first time, I was being sick, couldn't keep any food down and felt very poorly. I had it again 2 weeks ago and it was similar to the second time. I only tested as I was visiting a care home and was surprised at the positive test. I had a headache and a bit of a sore throat. Have I only had it 4 times? Could I have had it with no symptoms? Is it a bad thing to keep catching it? Will there be long term damage or by catching it is it building my immunity? It will be interesting to watch what happens going forwards. I also read that dr J Bhattacharya has been banned from Twitter. I dont agree with that. We should all be able to express our opinions even if they aren't popular.


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