Friday 26 July 2024

Adding to the miles.

A couple of pics from the walk today. As we head towards the end of the month I'm still trying to catch up on the miles. It will be another fail I think. 

I went to the pub last night, a friend asked me if I would like a drink. He was stood at the door as I was passing. I wasn't actually going to the pub but then I thought, what the heck. Half a cider is all I can manage. The landlord has a new dog, a young black lab. My friend was telling him I am the best dog walker in the village. I agreed that I like walking dogs. The landlord asked if I could walk his dog. I said, I might if I have time, I am very busy. He wanted to pay me. I said I don't want any money, I don't want a job. I might do it just to help out. 

I saw him again tonight as I was coming back from my walk. I said I have just done five miles, it would be too much for the dog. It's a young dog so shouldn't be walked too far and for too long. I will call in one day if I have an hour to spare, to see if the dog takes to me. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

It's personal

A letter arrived the other day from our Medical Practice. 
So, from April I will have my own personal doctor. Does that mean last April 2024, or is it to start next April 2025? Not sure. Is this a new initiative, an attempt at a massive overhaul of the declining standards of the NHS. A clean sweep. Everything that has gone wrong with health care in the past can be pushed aside and forgotten about. Let's hope that this is the turning point to a more personal approach to patient care, rather than communication with a robotic voice through a keyboard. 
I feel I ought to test this out to see if it works. Perhaps I should start to build a personal relationship with my named GP. My last experience with medical matters a few months back was not a big success. In fact it was a waste of time. After years of not seeing a doctor I am reluctant to try again. 
Friday morning and it's a sunny start to the day. Stay positive and have a good weekend. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona

Thursday 25 July 2024

Burying stuff

 Good morning. I was going to do a follow up post about the Bleeding Obvious post on Tuesday. I was going to reply to some of the negative bollocks, but now I can't be bothered. It has pulled in over 1100 views, these are mainly people who come back for a second, third, or fourth look. They want to see if their nasty comments has kept the negative vibes going. Well, like everything else in life, this time will pass. No point in living in the past, the best time to live is now. So bye bye bullies. Your efforts have only made my belief in myself stronger. 

I am trying to slim down my photographic library. Trying to delete photo's which I will never use again. But as I look at them there are some really nice pictures. Shame to chuck them. I don't have an external device to store them, no point in keeping stuff which is no longer relevant. Some relics of the past are best dead and buried. A bit like de cluttering my house, or my head, or my life. I don't carry baggage around with me. 

I've picked a few out to post here. Happy memories of places I have visited, some Derbyshire and Yorkshire. Where I live is all very flat, so I have to travel further afield to roam about in the hills. Oh how I wish I could step out of my door and be straight into the hills. 

My travel plans do not involve leaving these islands. My passport ran out a few years ago and I didn't renew it. I love my country and it grieves me to watch it fall apart. I will weep silently. 

I can't put names to these places. I just like the pictures. 

I love reflections in water.
Lifting bags of hardcore to stabilise the paths up to the top. The helicopter was out and back in a few minutes. 
This is my favourite. A path to heaven. 
Our green and pleasant land. Enjoy it now while it is still here. 
Spending time near water is so relaxing. 
Thank you for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona   🙋🙋🙋

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Happy yooootooober

Meet Si, a happy yoootoober who quit the rat race to travel and live in a van. Something positive after all that claptrap I have to put up with from negative bullies. Si makes me smile. He has a positive outlook on life, and he is proof that you can be happy if you make the changes and turn your back on all the negativity.  

If you are feeling down have a watch and feel his zest for life. He is a breath of fresh air. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona

Dead sheep.

 This came up on our faceitbook page this morning. Be vigilant, there are killers about. 

Bastards are at it again !!! Please be vigilant if anyone sees anything suspicious around livestock please let the farmer know. We got a message last night about ten and Stephen caught them in the act, police arrived and pursued but we don’t know if caught or not. Unfortunately one has already been brutally killed and tied up!!! We are dreading going back this morning in case we find anymore like this ! Stephen and I work bloody hard just for this to keep happening and for the barbaric way this has died ! If anyone saw anything last night please contact us !

Reminds me of the two dead sheep I found, or what was left of them, in a wood near here two years ago. I wonder who is doing it. 😠

Toodle pip.   ilona